In the preface of this book Forty traditions on The Qur an , I feel it is relevant to have a brief discussion about The Qur an itself . However the most difficult task for the earthly mankind , the pens and frail statements of human being , is to talk a bout the divine word of "God" .
Truly what is The Qur an?
If we catalog all the Prophetic traditions we read about the word of "Allah" , we will have an expanded article to the extent of the vast ocean of traditions of the Messenger of God and the progeny of His messenger [peace be upon them] regarding the Qur an and the truth and different dimensions of it . Truly choosing one verse and forty traditions from such a deep and infinite treasure is rather difficult task .
The comments in the body of traditions about the divine revelation and The Qur an are so deep , stylish , agreeable and encompassing .
The followings are descriptions that have been carefully chosen from the body of traditions on the Qur an . According to the instructions of the guardians of religion , the Qur an is the word of God . It is the shining glory of God and glorious word of Allah . It is an indicator to the path of God and the law of God . It is a creative prescription and the sign of mercy of the Lord to the mankind .
The Qur an is a
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sign of magnificence and gloryy of Allah and his immortal miracle .
The Qur an is the savior , the book of lessons , instruction and explanation .
The Qur an is the book of guidance which shows us the right path .
The Qur an is the book of glad tidings and forecast , monotheism and sermon , notice and morality .
It is a kind of glory without any darkness and a kind of conveyance without obliquity and it is an endless treasure .
The Qur an is the book of science and precepts and the history and historical analysis .
It is the book of politics , government , reasoning , policy and thinking .
It is the book of peace and jehad , the book of origin and resurrection , the book of creed and belief .
It is the companion of mankind in the darkness of ignorance and guidance of human being in the misleading paths of life .
It is the book of scale , installment , justice , conviction , the right way and the straight path .
This book repeats the conditions of formers for future comers .
It promises salvation and deliverance , honor and pride to those who are righteousness and believers .
It is the book of invitation and growth , virtue and goodness , life and solitude .
The Qur an is the book of appearance and hidden , the book of this world and the next word .
The book of nature
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and beyond of nature : the book of mysterious and witness : the book of God and people .
It is the sample and pattern of good qualities and suitable deeds; it is a book which guides doing the right deeds and forbids the wrong deeds and it is the book of reputation .
It shows the path of paradise and prevents from the hell .
It is the most constant way to which God has invited .
It is the book of religion and eternal tradition of the Lord .
It is the book of morality and knowledge and jurisprudence and the law .
It is the book of eloquence and rhetoric and doctrine and government .
It is the book of human being and shows a path toward celestial kingdom .
It is companion of solitudes and panics of human being .
Yea tens other topics can be enumerated that every one of them describes the scripture (Holy Book) and the eternal miracle of the Great Prophet Mohammad , peace be up on him .
It is hoped that the divine blessing encompasses us and we be firmly settled on the path of felicity and integrity by way of reading , teaching , reflecting and putting into practice this heavenly book .
Mahmood Sharifi
Translated by :
Maryam Alizadeh
January 2009
The Qur an on the Qur an
This is a clear statement for men and guidance and an admonition to the righteous .
Al- e- Emran/138
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The Messenger of Allah (peace be up on him) said :
I left two things among you and you will not be devious as long as you clutch on them . One of them is the Qur an and the other is my clan .
"Jameolakhbar valasar ketabel Quran , volume1 , page 94" .
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The Messenger of Allah (peace be up on him) said :
The superiority of Qur an up over other speeches is similar to the superiority of God up on His creatures .
"Jameolakhbar valasar ketable Quran , volume1 , page 182" .
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The Messenger of Allah (peace be up on him) said :
Quran is the most paramount and the best of things , next to God . One who preserves the reverence of the Qur an has honored God and the one who fails to preserve the reverence of the Qur an has dishonored the Lord . Respect of God towards Qur an is similar to the respect of father to his children .
"Jame ol akhbar val aathaar , volume1 , page 420" .
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Imam Redha (peace be up on him) has narrated
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from his father Imam Kazem (peace be up on him) that he said :
A man asked Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) what is the reason the sparkle and novelty of the Qur an is not decreased regardless of so much times it is read and published?
Imam Sadeq (peace be up on him) replied :
It is because the Lord has not sent down the Qur an for a specific time or a group of people . Therefore this book will be new and fresh for every nation and in every age till the day of judgment .
"Jameolakhbar valasar , ketabelQuran , volume1 , page 169" .
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The Honorable Messenger of Islam (peace be up on him) said :
Take care of the Qur an and make it as your leader and guide . It is the word of the Lord of the creatures . It comes from Him and returns unto Him . So believe in its allegorical verses and take counsel from its proverbs .
"kanzul ummal , volume 1 , page 515 , tradition no . 3300" .
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Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said :
The history of the past generations , news about the future generations and the plan of your life are in Quran .
"Baharol anvar , volume
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92 , page 32 . "
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The Honorable Prophet (peace be up on him) said :
I advise you to take care about Qur an because it is a useful cure and a blessed healer . It is also the guardian of one who hold it fast and the saviour of one who follows it .
"Jame ul akhbar va alaathar , volume 1 , page 432 . "
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Imam Hassan al Mojtaba (peace be upon him) said :
In this Qur an there is bright lights (of guidance) and healing for hearts .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 164 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said :
O people ! If whatever said by me to you is according to the Qur an , know that it is my speech and if it is against the concepts of the Qur an , it is not my speech .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 395 . "
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The Holy Prophet of God (peace be upon him) said :
The bearers of Qur an and and those who keep the nights awake (by prayers) are nobles of my nation .
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Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 177 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
The bearer of Qur an is standard bearer of Islam . One who respects him has revered Allah . And the one , who insults him , will deserve Allah s curse .
"Kanzolamal , volume 1 , page 515 , number of tradition 2294 . "
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The Prophet (peace be upon him) said :
The bearers of Qur an have the highest position after the Prophets and divine Messengers of God . Therefore do not belittle their rights as they have an esteem position with God .
"Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 180 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said :
The men of Quran are the teachers of the word of God who wear the light of God . The one who loves them , loves God and the one who dislike them shows enmity to God .
"Kanzolamal , volume 1 , page 523 , number of tradition 2345 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said
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O , you the society of readers of Quran !
Be fearful of God for what He has placed on your shoulders from Qur an . I and you are accountable for our responsibilities . I am responsible for prophecy of mission and you will be asked what you have been given from the Book of God and my tradition .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 379 . "
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The Holy Messenger (peace be upon him) said :
Learn Qur an . Learn wonderful things in Qur an , its obligatory duties and the limits imposed therein . As Qur an has been sent down based on five precepts :
There are namely Lawful , unlawful , clear and ambiguous verses and proverbs . Practice the lawful . Keep away from unlawful . Act according to clear verses and be cautious of the ambiguous ones . And learn lessons from its proverbs .
" Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 186 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said :
One who learns the Qur an and doesn't act according to that and prefers love of this world and its ornament to Qur an , deserves the resentment of God and he will be in the rank of the Jews and Christians
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threw the Book God behind their back .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 221 . "
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Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) narrated from his fathers that they said :
There are two kinds of people that if they are reformed my nation will be reformed . And in the event they get corrupted , my nation will be corrupted , they are :
The readers of Qur , an and the rulers .
" Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 178 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
One who reads Qur an and doesn't act accordingly , the Lord will resurrect him as blind .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , 9 , 4 . "
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The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said :
One who reads the Qur an and after that consume unlawful things or prefers the glamour and adornment of this world , will deserve the divine wrath unless he repents . And if he dies without repentance , Qur an will witness against him on the day of judgment and shall never leave him until he is punished .
"Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 180 . "
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The Holy Messenger (peace be upon him) said :
The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur an and teaches it .
" Baharolanvar , volume 2 , page 186 . "
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Imam sadeq (peace be upon him) said :
If someone learns one letter from Qur an , God writes ten virtues , forgives his ten sins and promotes him ten ranks .
He said : I don't say for each verse but for each letter such as " " or " " or similar ones .
"Jameolakhbar , volume 1 , page 213"
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The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said :
If you are seeking prosperous life , death of martyrs , salvation in the day of resurrection , shadow on the hottest day of judgment and guidance on the day of deviation , Learn Qur an as it is the word of the Merciful God , protection from satan and add weight to your virtues on the Meezan .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 210 . "
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His Holiness Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said :
Learn the Qur an as
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it is the most glorious speech . And be ponder over it as it is the spring of hearts . Seek cure from its light as it is a healing to the hearts . Recite it beautifully as it is the most useful of narrations .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 211 . "
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Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) said :
It is better for a believer , either learn the Qur an or be in the way of learning it before his death .
" Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 189 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
The Most superior worship of my nation is surface reading of Qur an .
"Kanzul aamaal , volume 1 , page 511 , number of tradition 2265 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
O Salman ! I advice you to read Qur an , because reading Quran is atonement of the sins , a shield against the fire and it is a protector from tribulation .
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 308 . "
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Imam sadeq (peace be upon him)
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said :
Quran , is the treaty of God to his servants and thus it is proper that a Muslim looks at his treaty every day and reads fifty verses from it . s
"Jamelakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 335 . "
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Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) said :
When a believer reads the Qur an in his youth , it will be blended with his flesh and blood . And the Lord will place him with righteous and upright . Qur an will defend him on the day of resurrection .
"Baharol anvar , volume 92 , page 187 . "
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Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said :
There is a spring for every thing and the spring of Qur an is the auspicious month of Ramadhan .
" Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 213 . "
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The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said :
One who reads one verse from Qur an in the month of Ramadhan , his remuneration is like one who covers the whole of this book in other months .
"Jameolakhbar val-aathar , volume 1 , page 329"
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he Messenger of God (peace be upon him) said :
The angles enter the home where the Qur an is recited . The devils will run away from therein . Members of therein will enjoy ease . Blessing and abundance will be added to such home . Evils of that home will be decreased . And the home where Qur an is not recited in , will be the place of Satan . Angles will disperse from there . Members of that home will face difficulties . And its evils will be increased and the blessings will be diminished .
"Jameolakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 320"
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Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said :
A home in which there is a Muslim reading Qur an , the inhabitants of the heaven see him as the people of this world see shining stars in the sky .
"Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 200"
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Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said :
One who listens to a letter from the Book of God without reading it , the Lord will write a virtue , erase a sin and promotes him a rank .
"Baharolanvar , volume 92 , page 201"
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Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said :
When you come to
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a verse which is the remembrance of the heaven , ask the heaven from God and when you come to a verse which is the remembrance of the fire , seek refuge in God from that .
"Baharolanvar , volume 2 , page 216"
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
Read Qur an with Arabic tune and sound .
"Jameolakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 248"
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
The number of ranks in the paradise equal to the number of verses of Qur an . As the men of the Qur an enter heaven , they are told to read from the Qur an and go up . Thus the highest rank belongs to the Memorizer of the Qur an .
" Baharolanvar , volume 2 , page 22"
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
One who reads Qur an looking at it , God writes two thousand rewards for him and the one who recites it from memory , one thousand rewards will be written for him .
"Jameolakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 326"
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The Messenger of
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God (peace be upon him) said :
When some one completes reading the Qur an , one thousand angles send blessings upon him .
"Jameolakhbar valasar , volume 1 , page 339"
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The Messenger of God (peace be up on him) said :
If reader of the Qur an reads it erroneously or by a tune other than Arabic tune , the angles will write it in the same way as it (Qur an) has been revealed .
"Kanzolamal volume 1 , page 513 , number of tradition 2284"
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The Holy Messenger (peace be upon him) said :
Beware ! One who learns Qur an and purposely forgets it , he will visit the Lord with fastened feet and hands on the resurrection day and the Lord will set a snake over him for each verse he has forgotten and it will accompany him till hell unless he is pardoned by God .
"Bahar , volume 92 , page 187"