Allama al-Majlisi has mentioned this supplication with commentary in the book of supplications and in the book of ritual prayer of Bihar al-anwar . He says : "This is a famous supplication , but I have not found it in the authoritative works , except in the Misbah of Sayyid ibn Baqi . " He also says : "It is well-known that this supplication should be recited after the mandatory ritual prayer of the morning . But Sayyid ibn Baqi relates that it is recited after the Nafila of the morning . Either of these instructions may be followed . "
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah ,
O He who extended the morning's tongue in the speech of its dawning
dispatched the fragments of the dark night into the gloom of its stammering
made firm the structure of the turning spheres in the measure of its display and
beamed forth the brightness of the sun through the light of its blazing !
O He who demonstrates His Essence by His Essence transcends congeneity with His creatures and is exalted beyond conformity with His qualities !
O He who is near to the passing thoughts of opinions , far from the regards of eyes and knows what will be before it comes to be !
O He who has put me at ease in the cradle of His security and sanctuary awakened me to the favours and kindness that He has bestowed upon me and
held back from me the claws of evil with His hand and His
force !
Bless , O Allah , the guide to You in the darkest night , him who , of Your ropes , clings to the cord of the longest nobility him whose glory is evident at the summit of stout shoulders and
whose feet were entrenched in spite of slippery places in ancient time and [bless] his household , the good , the chosen , the pious .
And open for us , O Allah , the leaves of the morning's door with the keys of mercy and prosperity !
Clothe me , O Allah , with the most excellent robes of guidance and righteousness !
Plant , O Allah , through Your tremendousness , the springs of humility in the watering place of my heart !
Cause to flow , O Allah , because of Your awesomeness , tears of moaning from the corners of my eyes ! , and
Chastise , O Allah , the recklessness of my clumsiness with the reins of contentment !
My God ,
if mercy from You does not begin with fair success for me , then who can take me to You upon the evident path ?
If Your deliberateness should turn me over to the guide of hope and wishes , then who will annul my slips from the stumbles of caprice !
If Your help should forsake me in the battle with the soul and Satan , then Your forsaking will have entrusted me to where there is hardship and deprivation .
My God ,
dost Thou see that I have only come to You from the
direction of hopes or clung to the ends of Your cords when my sins have driven me from the house of union ?
So what an evil mount upon Which my soul has mounted-its caprice !
Woe upon it for being seduced by its own opinions and wishes ! And
destruction be upon it for its audacity toward its Master and Protector !
My God ,
I have knocked upon the door of Your mercy with the hand of my hope
fled to You seeking refuge from my excessive caprice and
fixed the fingers of my love to the ends of Your cords .
So pardon , O Allah , the slips and errors I have committed and
release me from the foot-tangling of my robe .
For Thou art my Master , my Protector , my Support and my Hope and
Thou art the object of my search and my desire in my ultimate end and stable abode .
My God ,
how couldst Thou drive away a poor beggar who seeks refuge in You from sins , fleeing ?
Or how couldst Thou disappoint one seeking guidance who repairs to Your threshold , running ?
Or how couldst Thou reject a thirsty man who comes to Your pools to drink ?
Never ! For Your pools are full in the hardship of drought ,
Your door is open for seeking and penetration and
Thou art the goal of requests and the object of hopes .
My God ,
these are the reins of my soul I have bound them with the ties of Your will .
These are the burdens of my sins I
have averted them with Your pardon and mercy .
And these are my caprices that lead astray I have entrusted them to the threshold of Your gentleness and kindliness .
So , make
this morning of mine , O Allah , descend upon me with the radiance of guidance , and with safety in religion and this world !
And [make] my evening a shield against the deception of enemies and a protection against the destructive blows of caprice !
Verily , Thou art able over what Thou wilt !
Thou givest the kingdom to whom Thou wilt , and
Thou seizest the kingdom from whom Thou wilt;
Thou exaltest whom Thou wilt , and
Thou abasest whom Thou wilt;
in Your hand is the good , '
Thou art powerful over all things .
Thou makest the night to enter into the day , and
Thou makest the day to enter into the night;
Thou bringest forth the living from the dead , and
Thou bringest forth the dead from the living; and
Thou providest whomsoever Thou wilt reckoning !
There is no god but Thou !
Glory be to You , O Allah , and Thine is the praise !
Who knows Your measure without fearing You !
Who knows what Thou art without awe of You !
Through Your power Thou hast joined disparate things ,
through Your gentleness Thou hast cleaved apart the daybreak and through Your generosity Thou hast illumined the dark shrouds of night .
Thou hast made waters , sweet and salt , flow forth from hard shining stones , sent dawn out of rain-clouds water cascading and
appointed the sun and
moon a blazing lamp for the creatures ,
without experiencing in that which Thou originated either weariness or effort .
So , O He who is alone in might and subsistence , and dominates His slaves with death and annihilation ,
Bless Muhammad and his household , the god fearing , answer my supplication , hear my call , destroy my enemies and actualize through Your bounty my hope and desire .
O best of those who is called to remove affliction and object of hope in difficulty and ease !
I have stated my need , so do not reject me , O my master , despairing of Your exalted gifts
O All-generous ! O All-generous ! O All-generous !
By Your mercy , O Most Merciful of the merciful ! and
Allah bless the best of His creatures , Muhammad , and his household !
Then he should prostrate himself and say :
My God , my heart is veiled ,
my soul is deficient ,
my intelligence is defeated
my caprice is triumphant ,
my obedience is little ,
my disobedience is much and
my tongue acknowledges sins
So what am I to do ?
O He who covers defects !
O He who knows the unseen things !
O He who removes troubles !
Forgive my sins , all of them ,
by the sacredness of Muhammad and the household of Muhammad !
O All-forgiver ! O All-forgiver ! O All-forgiver !
By Your mercy , O Most Merciful of the merciful !
he author of Mafatih al-jinan says : "This is one of the famous supplications . 'Allma Miajlisi says that it is the
best of all supplications . It is that of Khidr Amir al-Muminin All taught it to Kumayl , who was one of his select disciples . It is recited during nights of the middle of Sha'ban and every Thursday evening . It is useful for protecting against the evil of enemies , for opening the gate of one's daily bread , and for forgiveness of sins .
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah , I ask You
by Your mercy , which embraces all things;
by Your strength ,
through which Thou dominatest all things ,
toward which all things are humble and
before which all things are lowly;
by Your invincibility through which Thou overwhelmest all things ,
by Your might , which nothing can resist;
by Your tremendousness , which has filled all things;
by Your force , which towers over all things;
by Your face , which subsists after the annihilation of all things ,
by Your Names , which have filled the foundations of all things;
by Your knowledge , which encompasses all things; and
by the light of Your face , through which all things are illumined !
O Light ! O All-holy !
O First of those who are first and
O Last of those who are last !
O Allah , forgive me those sins which tear apart safeguards !
O Allah , forgive me those sins which draw down adversities !
O Allah , forgive me those sins which alter blessings !
O Allah forgive me those sins which hold back supplication !
O Allah forgive me those sins which cut down the
hopes !
O Allah , forgive me those sins which draw down tribulation !
O Allah , forgive me every sin I have committed and every mistake I have made !
O Allah , verily I seek nearness to You through remembrance of You ,
I seek intercession from You with Yourself , and
I ask You through Your munificence to bring me near to Your proximity ,
to provide me with gratitude toward You and
to inspire me with Your remembrance .
O Allah , verily I ask You with the asking of a submissive , abased and lowly man to show me forbearance , to have mercy on me and to make me satisfied and content with Your appointment and [make me] humble in every state .
O Allah , I ask You with the asking of one whose indigence is extreme ,
who has stated to You in difficulties his need and whose desire for what is with You has become great .
O Allah ,
Your force is tremendous , Your place is lofty ,
Your deception is hidden , Your command is manifest ,
Your domination is overwhelming , Your power is unhindered and escape from Your governance is impossible .
O Allah , I find no forgiver of my sins , no concealer of my ugly acts , no transformer of any of my ugly acts into good acts but You .
There is no god but Thou !
Glory be to You , and Thine is the praise !
I have wronged myself ,
I have been audacious in my ignorance and
I have depended upon Your ancient
remembrance of me and Your favour toward me .
O Allah ! O my Protector !
How many ugly things Thou hast concealed !
How many burdensome tribulations Thou hast abolished !
How many stumbles Thou hast prevented !
How many ordeals Thou hast repelled ! And
how much beautiful praise , for which I was unworthy , Thou hast spread abroad !
O Allah ,
my tribulation is tremendous ,
my bad state is excessive ,
my acts are inadequate ,
my fetters have tied me down ,
my far-fetched hopes have held me back from my gain and
this world with its delusions , my own soul with its offences and my delay have deceived me .
O my Master ! So I ask You by Your might
not to let my evil works and acts veil my supplication from You ,
not to disgrace me through the hidden things Thou knowest of my secrets and not to hasten me to punishment for what I have done in private : my evil acts in secrecy , my misdeeds , my continuous negligence , my ignorance , my manifold passions and my forgetfulness .
And by Your might , O Allah ,
be kind to me in all states and
(be) gracious to me in all affairs !
My God and my Lord ! Have I any but You from whom to ask removal of my affliction and regard for my affairs !
My God and my Protector ! Thou put into effect through me a decree in which I followed the caprice of my own soul and did not remain wary of adorning my
enemy . So he deluded me through my soul's caprice and therein destiny favoured him
So , in what was put into effect through me in that situation , I transgressed some of Your statutes and disobeyed some of Your commands .
So thine is the argument against me in all of that and I have no argument in what Your destiny put into effect through me therein nor in what Your decree and Your tribulation imposed upon me .
Now I have come to You , My God , after my shortcoming and my immoderation toward myself , proffering my excuse , regretful , broken , apologizing , asking forgiveness , repenting , acknowledging , submissive , confessing .
I find no place to flee from what occurred through me , nor any place of escape to which I may turn in my affairs , other than Your acceptance of my excuse and Your entering me into the compass of Your mercy .
O Allah , so accept my excuse ,
have mercy upon the severity of my affliction
and release me from the tightness of my fetters ,
My Lord , have mercy upon
the weakness of my body ,
the thinness of my skin and
the frailty of my bones .
O Thou who gave rise to my creation , to the remembrance of me , to the nurture of me , to goodness toward me and to nourishment on me , bestow upon me for the sake of Your having given rise [to me] with generosity and Your previous goodness to me !
Allah , my Master and my Lord !
Canst Thou see Yourself tormenting me with Your fire after I have professed Your Unity and after the knowledge of You my heart has embraced , the remembrance of You my tongue has constantly mentioned and the love of You to which my mind has clung ? After the sincerity of my confession and my supplication , humble before Your lordship ?
Far be it from You ! Thou art more generous than that Thou shouldst
squander him whom Thou hast nurtured ,
banish him whom Thou hast brought nigh ,
drive away him whom Thou hast given an abode
or submit to tribulation him whom Thou hast spared and shown mercy .
Would that I knew , my Master , My God and my Protector ,
whether Thou wilt give the Fire dominion over faces fallen down prostrate before Your Tremendousness ,
tongues voicing sincerely the profession of Your Unity and giving thanks to You in praise , hearts acknowledging Your Divinity through verification , minds encompassing knowledge of You until they have become humble and bodily members speeding to the places of Your worship in obedience and beckoning for Your forgiveness in submission .
No such opinion is held of You ! Nor has such been reported - thanks to Your bounty - concerning You ,
O All-generous ! My Lord , and
Thou knowest my weakness before a little of this world's tribulations and punishments , and before those ordeals which befall its inhabitants ,
even though it is a tribulation and ordeal whose stay is short
, whose subsistence is but little and , whose period is but fleeting .
So how can I endure the tribulations of the next world and the great ordeals that occur within it ?
For it is a tribulation whose period is long , whose station endures and whose sufferers are given no respite , since it only occurs as a result of Your wrath , Your vengeance and Your anger , and these cannot be withstood by the heavens and the earth .
O Master , so what about me ? !
For I am Your weak , lowly , base , wretched and miserable slave .
My God ! My Lord ! My Master ! My Protector !
For which things would I complain to You , and
for which of them would I lament and weep ?
For the pain and severity of chastisement ?
Or for the length and period of tribulation ?
o if Thou takest me to the punishments with Your enemies ,
gatherest me with the people of Your tribulation and
separatest me from Your friends and saints ,
then suppose , My God , my Master , my Protector and my Lord that I am able to endure Your chastisement . How can I endure separation from You ?
And suppose that I am able to endure the heat of Your fire , how can I endure not gazing upon Your generosity ?
Or how can I dwell in the Fire while my hope is Your pardon ?
So by Your might , my Master and my protector , I swear sincerely
, if Thou leavest me with speech ,
I will lament to You from the midst of the Fire's inhabitants with lamentation of the hopeful;
I will cry to You with the cry of those crying for help;
I will weep to You with the weeping of the bereft;
And I will call to You , Where art Thou , O Sponsor of the believers ,
O Goal of the hopes of Your knowers ,
O Aid of those who seek assistance ,
O Friend of the hearts of the sincere and
O Allah of all the world's inhabitants !
Canst Thou see Yourself - Glory be to You My God , and Thine is the praised - hearing within the Fire the voice of a slave surrendered to You ,
imprisoned there because of his violations ,
tasting the favour of its torment because of his disobedience ,
and confined within its levels because of his sin and crime ,
while he laments to You with the lament of one hopeful for Your mercy ,
calls to You with the tongue of those who profess Your Unity and entreats You by Your lordship !
My Protector , so how should he remain in the chastisement , while he has hope for Your previous clemency ?
Or how should the Fire cause him pain while he expects Your bounty and mercy ?
Or how should its flames burn him , while Thou hearest his voice and seest his place ?
Or how should its groaning encompass him , while Thou knowest his weakness ?
Or how should he be convulsed among its levels ,
while Thou knowest his sincerity ?
Or how should its keepers torture him while he calls out to You , O Lord ?
Or how should he have hope of Your bounty in freeing him from it , while Thou abandonest him within it ?
Far be it from You ! That is not what is expected of You ,
nor what is well-known of Your bounty ,
nor it is similar to the goodness and kindness Thou hast shown to those who profess Your Unity .
So I declare with certainty that were it not for what
Thou hast decreed concerning the chastisement of Your deniers and what
Thou hast foreordained concerning the everlasting home of those who stubbornly resist ,
Thou wouldst make the Fire , all of it , coolness and safety , and no one would have a place of rest or abode within it .
But Thou - holy are Your Names - hast sworn that
Thou wilt fill it with the unbelievers , both Jinn and men , and that
Thou wilt place those who stubbornly resist therein forever .
And Thou - majestic is Your eulogy - said at the beginning and wernt gracious through kindness as a favour ,
(hat ? Is he who has been believer like unto him who has been ungodly ? They are not equal)
My God and my Master ! So I ask You by the power Thou hast apportioned and the decision which Thou hast determined and imposed and through which Thou hast overcome him toward whom it has been put into effect , that
Thou forgivest
me in this night and at this hour
every offence I have committed ,
every sin I have performed ,
every ugly thing I have concealed
every folly I have enacted - whether I have hidden or announced it , whether I have concealed it or manifested it - and
every evil act which Thou hast commanded the Noble Writers to record , those whom Thou hast appointed to watch over what appears from me and whom Thou hast made , along with my bodily members , witness against me . And Thou wast Yourself the Watcher over me from behind them , and the Witness of what is hidden from them but through Your mercy Thou concealed it and through Your bounty Thou veiled it .
(nd I ask You)that Thou bestowest upon me an abundant share of every
good Thou sendest down , kindness Thou conferrest ,
goodness Thou unfoldest , provision Thou spreadest out ,
sin Thou forgivest or error Thou coverest .
My Lord ! My Lord ! My Lord !
My God ! My Master ! My Protector ! Owner of my bondage !
O He in whose hand is my forelock !
O He who knows my effliction and my misery !
O He who is aware of my poverty and indigence !
My Lord ! My Lord ! My Lord !
I ask You by Your Truth , Your Holiness and the greatest of Your Attributes and Names , that Thou makest
my times in the night and the day inhabited by Your remembrance , and joined to Your service and
my works acceptable to You
, so that my works and my litanies may all be a single litany , and my occupation with Your service everlasting .
My Master ! O He upon whom I depend !
O He to whom I complain about my states !
My Lord ! My Lord ! My Lord !
Strengthen my bodily members in Your service ,
fortify my ribs in determination and
bestow upon me earnestness in my fear of You and continuity in my being joined to Your service , so that I may
move easily toward You in the battlefields of the foremost ,
hurry to You among the prominent ,
desire fervently Your proximity among the fervently desirous ,
move nearer to You with the nearness of the sincere
fear You with the fear of those who have certitude
and gather with the believers in Your vicinity .
O Allah ,
whoever desires evil for me - desire [it] for him ! And
whoever deceives me-deceive him !
And make me one of the most excellent of Your slaves in Portion from You ,
the nearest of them in station to You and
the most elected of them in proximity to You .
For that cannot be attained except by Your bounty .
Grant generously to me through Your munificence ,
incline toward me with Your splendour
and protect me with Your mercy !
Make my tongue remember You without ceasing and
my heart enthralled by Your love !
Be gracious to me by answering me favourably ,
nullify my slips and
forgive my lapses !
For Thou hast decreed Your worship for Your servants ,
commanded them to supplicate You and
assured them that they would be
answered .
So toward You , my Lord , I have turned my face; and
toward You , my Lord , I have extended my hand .
So by Your might , comply with my supplication , and
make me attain my desires !
Do not , if it pleases You , sever my hopes ,
and spare me the evil of my enemies from among the jinn and men !
O He , whose pleasure is quickly achieved !
Forgive him who owns nothing but supplication ,
for Thou dost what Thou wilt .
O He whose Name is a remedy ,
whose remembrance is a cure , and
whose obedience is wealth !
Have mercy upon him whose capital is hope and
whose weapon is tears !
O Ample in blessings !
O Repeller of adversities !
O Light of those who are lonely in the darkness !
O Knower who was never taught !
Bless Muhammad and Muhammad's household !
And do with me what is worthy of You !
And Allah bless His messenger and the holy Imams of his household and give them abundant peace !
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
Allah ! I beseech You through Your Name , the most great , the most majestic , the most magnificent , and the most noble .
If Thou art requested therewith to open the closed doors of the sky these will open with Your mercy .
If Thou art requested thereby to remove the narrowness of the doors of the heaven , they will be opened wide .
If Thou art requested thereby to make easy the difficulty
, it will be easy .
If Thou art requested thereby to restore the dead to life , they will rise from their graves .
If Thou art requested thereby to remove misery and adversity , they will be removed .
I beseech You through the Majesty of Your person ,
the Most Generous and the Most Honoured One ,
before Whom everybody bows down in submission and
all necks bend down in reverence , and through fear of Whom
all voices become humbled
and all hearts tremble;
and I beseech You through Your Might , which
prevents the sky from falling on the earth except with Your permission , and
which controls all the heavens and the earth so closely that they cannot move away from their positions; and
I beseech You through Your Will , which the whole world obeys , and
through Your Word , by which Thou hath created the heaven and the earth , and
through Your Wisdom , with which Thou hath created wonderful , and with which
Thou created Darkness and made it Night , and
made night the time of quiet and rest;
and with which Thou created Light and made it Day , and
made day the time of movement and observation;
and with which Thou hath created the Sun , and made the sun of light , And with which Thou hath created the Moon , and made the moon of light;
and with which Thou hath created heavenly bodies , and made them fixed stars and planets , and lamps for guidance at night , and as a means of decoration , and missiles
for driving away the devils , and
hath created for them east and west , and hath
created for them the places of ascendancy and orbits , and
created for them a firmament and spheres , and
fixed for them stages in the heaven - and how beautiful the stages - and
shaped the stars - and how beautiful the shapes - and
made them stable through Your Name; and Your Wisdom
Thou designed a system for them- and what a good system , and
controlled the heavenly bodies through the king of the night and the king of day , and through hours , making them a means for the reckoning of years and counting ,
making appearance of heavenly bodies regular and universal .
And I beseech You , O Allah , through Your Glory ,
with which Thou addressed Your slave and Your Messenger , Moses son of 'Imran peace be on him , while he was in the company of angels -
which address even the favourite cherubin could not ever hear ,
above the clouds of light ,
above the box of evidence ,
within the pillar of fire on Mount Sinai , and
on Mount Hurith in the Holy Vale in the sacred tract of land to the right of Taurus Mountain-through a tree;
and again addressed him on the soil of Egypt , after showing nine clear signs and
on the day Thou split the sea for the Children of Israel , and
caused springs to flow from a stone , thereby displaying wonders of Your might in a deep sea; and
on the day when Thou solidified
the water of the sea in the midst of the storm , and caused the Children of Israel to pass by it , and fulfilled Your excellent promises made to them because of their calmly endurance , and made them the master of the East and the West in the earth , wherein there are blessings for all the worlds; and
Thou drowned Pharaoh and his armies and boats in the water .
And [I beseech You] through Your name , which is the most great , the most majestic , and the most holy; and
through Your glory , with which
Thou revealed light to Moses , Your addressee , peace be on him , on Mount Sinai; and earlier
radiated the light for Abraham , Your sincere friend peace be on him , in the mosque of al-Khayf; and
for Isaac , Your chosen Prophet , peace be on him , in Bi-ri Shiya' , and
for Your Prophet Jacob , peace be on him , in Bayt IIL; and
through Your Glory , with which Thou fulfilled Your promise to Abraham , peace be on him; and
through Your Oath in favour of Isaac; and
through Your witnessing favouring Jacob; and
through the fulfillments of Your promise to the faithful : and
through Your Names , with which Thou accepted the prayers of supplications; and
through Your Glory , which appeared to Moses , son of Imran , in Qubbat al-Rumman; and
through Your Signs , which appeared on the soil of Egypt
with great might and victory ,
with powerful signs and
with the display of full command
great power; and
with the affair of the perfect word;
and with Your words with which Thou doth a favor for the people of the skies and the earth and the people of here and the hereafter; and
through Your Mercy with which Thou bestowth upon all Your creatures; and
through Your Power with which Thou dominateth the worlds;
and [l beseech You] through Your Light , through fear of which Mount Sinai collapsed ,
through Your Knowledge , and Your Greatness and Majesty , and Your Unique Magnificence and Your honour , and
[through] Your might , which the earth could not bear , and ,
for which the heavens and earth bent down , and
the great depths restrained themselves , and
the seas and rivers became stable ,
and to which the mountains made submission , and
due to which the earth became firm on its shoulders ,
and to which all creatures submitted ,
and due to which the winds breathed , and
the flaming fires were extinguished in their places .
And I beseech You through Your might , through which Thou hath been known to be All-powerful for ever and ever , and for which Thou hath been praised in the heavens and the earth;
and I beseech You through Your word , the Word of Truth , which became a blessing for our father Adam and his generation;
and I beseech You through Your word , by which Thou overcame everything;
and I beseech You through the light of Your Face , which , when it flashed on Mount Sinai crushed it to pieces , whereby
Moses fainted and fell down ,
and through Your Glory , which appeared on Mount Sinai , and through which Thou addressed Your slave and Your Messenger , Moses , son of ' Imran ,
and through Your appearance in Sa'ir and
on Mount Faran near Rabawat , which are clean and holy places , when troops of heavenly angels were in rows ,
and with the sumissiveness of the angels praising You ,
and with Your blessings with which Thou honoured Abraham , Your sincere friend , peace be upon him , among the followers of Muhammad , Your blessings be upon him and his Progeny , and
Thou honoured Isaac , Your chosen prophet , among the followers of Jesus , peace be on them both , and
honoured Jacob , Your favoured slave , by including him among the followers Of Moses , peace be on them both , and
honoured Your intimate friend Muhammad , may the blessings of Allah be upon him and his Progeny , and peace be upon his offspring and seed , and his people .
O Allah ! Just as we believe in the truth and justice of these manifestations of Your glory , without having been present at the time , and without having been eyewitnesses .
So we beseech You to send Your blessings upon Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad , and honour Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad , and have mercy on Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad , with the blessings , honour , and mercy Thou sent and bestowed
on and meted out to Abraham and the posterity of Abraham .
Surely Thou art Praiseworthy , Glorious ,
the Doer of what Thou willeth .
Thou art Powerful over all things .
O Allah ! For the sake of this prayer , and
for the sake of these Names which no one can interpret , the inner meaning of which no one other than Yourself knows ,
send Your blessings upon Muhammad and the Progeny of Muhammad;
and give me the good of here and the hereafter; and
do to me what suits You and
do not do to me what I deserve
and exact vengeance from� ,
and forgive my sins past and future , and forgive my parents and all faithful men and women ,
and increase Your lawful sustenance for me ,
and save me from the help of wicked men , wicked neighbours , wicked rulers , wicked companions , and evil days and hours ,
and exact vengeance for me on everyone who hatches secret plots against me , and on everyone who oppresses me and seeks to do injustice to me or my wife or my children or my brothers or my neighbours or my relations among faithful men and women .
Verily Thou art able to do whatever Thou wileth ,
and Thou knowest everything .
Amen . O Lord of the worlds .
O Allah ! For the sake of this prayer , grant wealth and affluence to indigent faithful men and women , and recovery and sound health to the sick faithful men and women , and bliss and clemency to the living
faithful men and women , and remit the sins of , and have mercy on , the deceased faithful men and women , and arrange the return home of all faithful travellers with safety and gain .
Through Your mercy , O Most Merciful of all the merciful .
May Allah's blessings and peace in abundant measure be upon our master Muhammad , the last of the prophets , and his Progeny , the purified .
In the name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah , verily I ask You by Your Name ,
In the name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Possessor of majesty and splendour !
O Living ! O Self-subsistent !
O Living ! There is no god but Thou !
O He whom none knows what He is , nor how He is , nor where He is , nor in what respect He is , but He !
O Possessor of the dominion and the kingdom !
O Possessor of might and invincibility !
O King ! O All-holy ! O All-peaceable !
O All-faithful ! O All-preserver !
O All-mighty ! O All compeller ! O All-sublime !
O Creator ! O Maker ! O Shaper !
O Benefiter ! O Director !
O Severe ! O Originator !
O Returner ! O Destroyer !
O All-loving ! O All-praiseworthy ! O All-worshipful !
O Far ! O Near !
O Responder ! O Watcher ! O Reckoner !
O Innovator ! O Exalter !
O Inaccessible ! O All-hearing !
O All-knowing ! O All-clement ! O All-generous !
O All-wise ! O Eternal
O All-high ! O All-tremendous !
O All-commiserating ! O All-gracious !
O Condemner ! O Recourse !
O All-majestic ! O All-beautiful !
O Guardian ! O Surety !
O Annuller ! O Obtainer !
O All-noble ! O Leader !
O Guide ! O All-Apparent !
O First ! O Last !
O Outward ! O Inward !
O All-steadfast ! O Everlasting !
O Knower ! O Decider !
O Judge ! O Just !
O Separator ! O Joiner !
O Pure ! O Purifier !
O All-powerful ! O All-able !
O All-great ! O All-sublime !
O One ! O Unique ! O Everlasting Refuge !
O He who begets not and was not begotten , and
equal to whom is none , and
who has no consort .
With Him is no vizier ,
nor has He taken any adviser ,
nor needs He any assistant ,
nor with Him is any god but He -
there is no god but Thou ,
so exalted art Thou above what the evildoers say , a great exaltation !
O All-high ! O All-lofty ! O All-towering !
O All-opener ! O All-diffuser ! O All-restful !
O Bestower of relief ! O Helper ! O Victorious !
O Comprehender ! O Destroyer ! O Avenger !
O Upraiser ! O Inheritor !
O Seeker ! O Vanquisher !
O He from whom no fugitive can escape !
O All-relenting ! O All-forbearing ! O All-bestower !
O Originator of all means !
O Opener of all doors !
O He who answers wherever He is called upon !
O All-Pure ! O All-thankful !
O Exempter ! O Forgiver !
O Light of light !
O Director of all affairs
O All-subtle ! O All-aware !
O Protector ! O Illuminator !
O All-seeing ! O All-aiding ! O All-great !
O Alone ! O Solitary !
O Eternity without end ! O Support ! O Everlasting Refuge !
O All-sufficient ! O All-healing !
O All-fulfilling ! O All-relieving !
O All-kindly ! O All-gracious !
O All-benevolent ! O All-bountiful !
O All-beneficent ! O All-solitary !
O He who is exalted and dominates !
O He who is master and exercises power !
O He who is inward and aware !
O he who is worshipped and thankful !
O He who is disobeyed and forgives !
O He who is not encompassed by thoughts ,
nor perceived by vision , and
from whom no trace remains hidden !
O Provider of mankind !
O Determiner of every lot !
O Lofty of placer !
O Firm in supports !
O Transformer of Time !
O Accepter of sacrifices !
O Possessor of graciousness and benevolence !
O Possessor of might and force !
O All-compassionate ! O All-merciful !
O He who is every day upon some labour !
O He who is not distracted from one labour by another !
O Tremendous in rank !
O He who is in every place !
O He who hears all sounds !
O He who answers all supplications !
O He who fulfils all entreaties !
O He who provides all needs !
O He who sends down blessings !
O He who has mercy upon tears !
O He who annuls slips !
O He who removes troubles !
O He who sponsors good things !
O He who exalts in rank !
O He who bestows requests !
O He who gives
life to the dead !
O He who gathers all scattered things !
O He who is aware of all intentions !
O He who brings back what has passed away !
O He for whom sounds are never indistinct !
O He who never becomes annoyed at requests
nor covered by shadows !
O Light of the earth and the heavens !
O Ample in blessings !
O Repeller of adversities !
O Maker of the breaths of life !
O He who gathers together the nations !
O Healer of illnesses !
O Creator of light and darkness !
O Possessor of munificence and generosity !
O He upon whose Throne no foot treads !
O Most Munificent of the most munificent !
O Most Generous of the most generous !
O Most Hearing of the hearers !
O Most Seeing of the viewers !
O Protector of those who seek protection !
O Sanctuary of the fearful !
O Asylum of the refugees !
O Sponsor of the believers !
O Helper of those who seek aid !
O Goal of the seekers !
O Companion of every stranger
O Intimate of everyone alone !
O Refuge of every outcast !
O Shelter of every wanderer !
O Custodian of everyone astray !
O He who is merciful to old men !
O He who provides for small infants !
O He who sets broken bones !
O He who releases every prisoner !
O He who enriches the miserable pauper !
O He who safeguards the fearful seeker of protection !
O He who governs and determines !
O He for whom the difficult is simple and easy !
O He who never needs an explanation !
O He who
is powerful over everything ! '
O He who is aware of everything !
O He who sees everything !
O Sender of the winds !
O Cleaver of the dawn !
O Dispatcher of the spirits !
O He who possesses munificence and forbearance !
O He in whose hand is every key !
O He who hears every sound !
O He who takes precedence over everything that passes away !
O He who gives life to every soul after death !
O my Provision in my hardship !
O my Maintainer in my exile !
O my Intimate in my lonesomeness !
O my Sponsor in my blessings !
O my Cave when the ways make me weary , when relatives deliver me up and when every companion forsakes me !
O Backing of him who has no backing !
O Support of him who has no support !
O Store of him who has no store !
O Sanctuary of him who has no sanctuary !
O Cave of him who has no cave !
O Treasure of him who has no treasure !
O Pillar of him who has no pillar !
O Help of him who has no help !
O Neighbour of him who has no neighbour !
O my Adjacent Neighbour !
O my Sturdy Pillar !
O My God in truth !
O Lord of the Ancient House !
O All-affectionate ! O Friend !
Deliver me from the chains of strictures ,
turn away from me every care , grief and distress ,
protect me from the evil of that which I cannot bear ,
and help me in that which I am able to bear !
O He
who returned Joseph to Jacob !
O He who removed the affliction of Job !
O He who forgave the sin of David !
O He who caused Jesus son of Mary to ascend and delivered him from the hands of the Jews !
O He who answered Jonah's call in the darkness !
O He who chose Moses by spoken words !
O He who forgave Adam his slip and
raised Idris to a high place through his mercy !
O He who saved Noah from drowning !
O He who destroyed Ad , the ancient , and Thamud , and did not spare them , and the people of Noah before certainly they were most unjust and more rebellious and al-Mutafikah , He also overthrew
O He who destroyed the people of Lot and crushed the people of Shu 'ayb !
O He who took Abraham for A friend !
O You who took Moses for an object of-His words , and
took Muhammad-Allah bless him and all his household for a beloved !
O He who gave Loqman wisdom , and
bestowed upon Solomon a kingdom such as may not befit anyone after him !
O He who gave Dhul-Qarnayn victory over the tyrannical kings !
O He who gave Khidr Life
And returned the sun to Joshua , son of Nun , after its setting !
O He who strengthened the heart of Moses' mother , and
guarded the virginity of Mary , daughter of Imran !
O He who fortified John , son of Zachariah , against sins and
calmed the anger of Moses !
O he who gave Zachariah the good news
of John !
O He who ransomed Ismael from the sacrifice with a mighty Sacrifice .
O He who accepted the sacrifice of Abel and placed a curse upon Cain !
O He who routed the parties for Muhammad - Allah bless him and his household !
Bless Muhammad , the household of Muhammad , all the messengers , Your angels brought nigh and all those who obey You !
And I ask You with every asking with which any of those that have pleased You has asked You such that Thou hast decreed for him compliance .
O Allah ! O Allah ! O Allah !
O All-merciful ! O All-merciful ! O All-merciful !
O All-compassionate ! O All-compassionate ! O All-compassionate !
O Possessor of majesty and splendour ! By Him !
I ask You by every Name , with which Thou hast named Yourself or which Thou hast sent down in one of Your scriptures or kept for Yourself in the knowledge of the Unseen with You
by the junctures of might for Your Throne ,
by the utmost limit of mercy from Your Book ,
by the fact that , though all the trees in the earth were pens and by the fact that , though all the tress were pens and the sea - seven seas after it to replenish it , yet the words of Allah not be spent . Allah is All-mighty , All-wise .
And I ask You by the Names most beautiful that Thou hast described in Your book for Thou said ,
"To Allah belong the Names most beautiful
, so call Him by them ! " And Thou said :
"Call upon Me and I will answer you" And Thou said :
"I comply , With the call of the caller when he calls Me . " And Thou said ,
"O my people who have been prodigal against yourselves do not despair of Allah's mercy Surely Allah forgives all sins . Surely , He is the All-forgiving , the All-compassionate"
And I ask You , My God , and
I call You , my Lord ,
I have hope in You , my Master ,
and desire for You to comply with me , my Protector , just as Thou hast promised me -
for I have called You just as Thou hast commanded me .
So do with me what is worthy of You , O All-generous !
Praise belongs to Allah , the Lord of all the world's inhabitants !
And Allah bless Muhammad and all his household !
Then mention your need and it will be granted , Allah willing . It is reported that you must recite this supplication only in a state of ritual purity .
This supplication is recommended for the removal of all troubles and worries , and it is recommended that it be performed with ablution . It is narrated that it was taught to the first Imam , 'Ali , peace be upon him , by the Prophet , may Allah bless him and his Progeny .
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
All praise is due to Allah .
There is no
god but He ,
the Living , the Just , the Manifest .
He is the Administrator without any minister and without consultation with any of his slaves .
He is the First , who cannot be described .
He is Eternal and will live forever , [even] after the annihilation of all creatures .
He is the greatest Cherisher and Sustainer and
the Light of the earths and heavens and their Creator and Maker out of nothing . He created both of them and separated them - a proper separation
The heavens became stable in obedience to His commandment
and the earths became fixed on the surface of the water with their pegs .
Then our Lord the All-Merciful , subdued the high heavens and ruled from the Throne .
Everything that is in heaven and in the earth , and in between them and what is below the earth belongs to Him .
So , I bear witness that verily Thou art Allah .
There is none to elevate what Thou hath lowered , and
none to lower what Thou hath elevated and
no one to exalt him whom Thou leaves in disgrace and
no one to bring into disgrace him whom Thou exalts and
no one to prevent him upon whom Thou bestoweth Your favour and
no one to bestow anything which Thou hath withheld .
Thou art Allah , there is no god but You ,
Who existed when there was neither the stable sky ,
nor the broad earth ,
nor the brilliant sun ,
nor the dark night ,
nor the bright day
nor the vast and stormy sea ,
nor any sublime and
stable mountain
nor any revolving planet ,
nor the luminous moon ,
nor any blowing wind ,
nor any raining cloud ,
nor flashing lightning ,
nor any praising thunder ,
nor any breathing soul ,
nor any flying bird ,
nor any blazing fire ,
nor any flowing water .
Thou existed before the existence of everything and
Thou created everything , and
controlled everything , and
originated everything .
Thou enriched some and reduced others to poverty ,
caused some to die and brought others to life , and
made some people glad and others weep .
Verily Thou ruleth from the Throne .
Thou art of vast blessing , O Allah . Thou art Great and Supreme .
Thou art Allah and there is no god other than You .
Thou art the Creator and Supporter .
Your Decree is everpowering and
Your Knowledge is operative .
Your strategy is wonderful;
Your promise is true;
Your word is right;
Your command is just;
Your utterance is right guidance;
Your Revelation is light;
Your mercy is vast and abundant;
Your forgiveness is superb;
Your grace is excessive;
Your gift is most respectable
Your cord is strong;
Your might is ever ready;
Your protege is powerful;
Your wrath is severe; and
Your stratagem is entrapping
O Lord ! With You are lodged all complaints .
Thou art present in all gatherings , and art
the witness of all secrets , and
the ultimate goal of all supplications ,
the expeller of all sorrows ,
the affluence of every needy person ,
the stronghold for every refugee ,
security for everyone who is terror-stricken ,
a shield for the weak
a treasure for the indigent ,
the destroyer of griefs ,
the helper of the virtuous .
Such is Allah , our Lord . There is
no god but He .
Thou satisfieth such of Your slaves as trust unto You .
Thou art the protector of him who is firmly attached to You and humiliates himself before You ,
a shield for him who seeks refuge with You ,
the help of him who looks up to You for help ,
the forgiver of sins for him who begs Your pardon ,
the Compeller of the tyrants ,
the Most Grand of the grand ,
the Most Great of the great ,
the Master of masters ,
the Lord of lords ,
the Succour of the grieved ,
the Helper of those crying for help ,
the Responder to the call of the distressed ,
the best of all listeners ,
the best of all observers ,
the best of all judges ,
the quickest of all reckoners ,
the most merciful of all the merciful
the best of all forgivers ,
the satisfier of the needs of the faithful ,
and the hearer of the appeals of the virtuous .
Thou art Allah , there is no god but You .
Thou art the Cherisher and Suntainer of all the worlds
Thou art the Creator and I am a creature ,
Thou art the Master and I am a servant ,
Thou art the Lord and I am a slave ,
Thou art the Provider while I am provided with sustenance ,
Thou art the Giver while I am a beggar ,
Thou art the Generous while I am a miser ,
Thou art the Mighty while I am weak ,
Thou art the Noble while I am humble ,
Thou art the Independent while I am needy ,
Thou art the
Master while I am slave ,
Thou art the Forgiver of sins while I am sinful ,
Thou art the Omniscient while I am ignorant ,
Thou art the forbearing while I am hasty ,
Thou art the All-Merciful and I have been treated with mercy ,
Thou art the Provider of safety but I am involved in suffering .
Thou art the Responder and I am the distressed .
And I bear witness that verily
Thou art Allah; there is no god but You
Thou bestoweth favours upon Your slaves even without their asking .
And I bear witness that verily Thou art Allah ,
the One , the Peerless , the Unique , the Independent , the Single , and
verily to You we must return .
May the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad and his family , the holy and pure .
O Lord , forgive my sins and
keep my faults concealed and
extend to me Your special mercy and bounteous sustenance .
O the All-merciful !
All praise is due to Allah , the Cherisher and Sustainer of all the worlds
And for us Allah is the Sufficiency and the excellent Protector .
There is neither might nor power but with Allah , the Great , the Exalted .
This supplication strengthens one's faith . It should be recited as many times as possible by a dying believer , especially when the hour of death draws near . If it is impossible for the dying person to recite it himself , someone should recite it for him or her so that they can listen to it .
In the Name
of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
Allah testifies that indeed there is no god but He . The angels and possessors of wisdom justly declare that
there is no god but He , the Almighty , the All-Wise .
Verily the religion of Allah is Islam . And
I , a feeble servant , sinful , guilty , insignificant , needy , destitute , am a
witness of my Benefactor , My Creator , my Sustainer , and my liberal Patron , just as He Himself testifies and as do the Angels and the possessors of wisdom , His servants , that verily
There is no Allah but He ,
possessor of bounties and favours , generosity and blessings ,
Almighty , Ever-Lasting , Knowing , Eternal ,
Ever-Living , One , Ever-Exisetent , Without beginning or end ,
Hearing , Seeing ,
Willing , Discriminating ,
Aware , Independent .
Worthy is He of all these attributes , yet His is the very highest degree of His attributes :
He was All-Powerful prior to the existence of might and power .
He was All-Knowing before the origination of knowledge and reason .
He does not cease to be Absolutely Sovereign if there is no kingdom or possession .
He remains Glorious under all circumstances .
His Being is before all precedence in the pre-eternity of sempiternity .
His Remaining will be after all endings without any extinction or disappearance .
He is self-Sufficient at the beginning and at the end ,
Independent in what concealed and what is apparent .
There is no injustice in His Judgement ,
no unfairness in His Management ,
no oppression
in His Administration ,
no escaping His Sovereignty ,
no running away from His Firm Grip ,
no avoiding to His punishment .
His mercy overtakes His Wrath .
He allows no one to be absent when summoned by Him , but
makes allowance on account of illness or genuine difficulties .
He leaves the door open for the weak and the noble to fall into line ,
gives the capacity to observe [His] commandments , and
makes easy the means and ways of abstaining from forbidden conduct .
He does not make obedience a burden , but according to one's real capacity .
He is Unique and Single in His Glory , Most Distinct in His Generosity , and Glorious in His Dignity and
Glory , Most magnificent are His gifts , and His favours are surely countless . He
sent down prophets to elaborate His Justice ,
appointed legatees to make known His Power and Generosity , and
put us among the community of the Chief of Prophets ,
the closest friend of Allah , the outstandingly pure ,
the exceptionally blameless ,
Muhammad , may Allah bless him and his descendants and granted them peace .
We believed in him and in what he called us to , and
(We believed) in the Holy Qur'an which He revealed to him , and
in his legatee , 'Ali , appointed by him on the day of Ghadir , and distinguished by calling him by name .
I testify that the pious Imams and the righteous successors , after the chosen Messenger are :
'Ali , the subduer of infidels , after him , his eldest son
al-Hasan ibn 'Ali , thereafter
the grandson of him with whom Allah was pleased , his brother , al-Husayn ,
the Slave of Allah (al-Abid) Ali , then
the Plentiful (al-Baqir) , Muhammad then ,
the Truthful (as-Sadiq) , Ja'far , then ,
the Sagacious (al-Kazim) , Musa , then
the Devoted (al-Rida) , Ali , then
the Pious (al-Taqi) , Muhammad , then
the Pure (al-Naqi) , 'Ali , then
the Gatherer (al-'Askari) , al-Hasan , then
the evident argument , the awaited saviour , the expected Mahdi :
whose living energy preserves the world ,
whose sanction conserves the means of livelihood ,
whose existence makes firm and strong the heavens and the earth .
Through him Allah will fill the earth with equity and justice , when it is overrun with tyranny and oppression .
I bear witness that their words are decisive arguments ,
to follow their example is obligatory ,
to obey them is compulsory ,
to love them is necessary and pre-ordained ,
to take after them is sure salvation ,
to oppose them is certain destruction .
They are the chiefs of the people of paradise ,
effective helpers on the Day of Judgement ,
the best guides for the mankind ,
surely the best approved successors .
I testify that
death is certain ,
interrogation by Munkar and Nakir in the grave is certain ,
the raising of the dead is certain ,
the decrees are certain ,
the Sirat is certain ,
the balance is certain ,
the account is certain ,
the Book is true ,
Paradise is real ,
Hell is real , and
certainly there is no doubt in the hour of resurrection .
Verily , Allah shall raise the
dead from their graves .
O Allah , l hope to receive Your favour ,
Your Generosity and Your Mercy I hope for to attain paradise ,
for my conduct gives me no right to obtain Your Favour as I have not been obedient ,
except that I believe in Your Oneness and Your Justice .
I depend upon Your favours and Your generosity .
Accommodate me for the sake of my Prophet and his Progeny , the beloved friends .
Thou art the Most Generous , and
the Most Merciful .
Allah , bless the best creature , Muhammad , and his pious and pure Progeny and give them abundant peace !
There is no authority and no might except with Allah , the High , the Great .
All praise is for Allah , the Lord of the worlds .
O Allah , the most Merciful of the Merciful ,
I pray for true belief , and for steady and permanent faith .
Thou art the best responder to requests - We have been commanded to honour entrusted deposits ,
so render my account at the time of death , when Munkar and Nakir question me
for the sake of Muhammad and his pure and pious Progeny ,
through Your mercy , O the most Merciful of the merciful .
O Allah , I seek refuge with You from the counterweight in reckoning upon death .
Jawshan means "chain armour"; in some hadith it is mentioned that it is a protection for a person : from safety on leaving home , from sickness , or on death . It is in a
hundred sections , each of which contains ten of the names of Allah .
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name : O Allah ,
O Most Merciful , O Most Compassionate ,
O Most Generous , O Self-Subsisting ,
O Greatest , O Eternal ,
O All-Knowing , O Forbearing , O Wise .
O Master of Masters ,
O Acceptor of prayers ,
O Elavator of rank ,
O Guardian of good deeds ,
O Forgiver of evil deeds ,
O Granter of requests ,
O Acceptor of repentance ,
O Hearer of voices ,
O Knower of attributes ,
O Repeller of calamities .
O Best of forgivers ,
O Best of deciders ,
O Best of helpers ,
O Best of rulers ,
O Best of providers ,
O Best of inheritors
O Best of praisers ,
O Best of rememberers ,
O Best of Dischargers ,
O Best of benefactors .
O He , to Whom is all glory and virtue ,
O He , to Whom is all might and perfection ,
O He , to Whom is all dominion and sublimity ,
O He , Who is great above all ,
O He , Who creates heavy clouds ,
O He , Who is the most powerful ,
O He , Who is quick to reckon ,
O He , Who metes out the severest punishment ,
O He , with Whom is the excellent reward ,
O He , with Whom is the Original Book .
O Allah , Verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Charitable One , O Benefactor ,
O Judge , O Proof ,
O Sovereign
, O Approver ,
O Forgiver , O Elevated One , O Helper ,
O Holder of blessings and manifestation .
O He before Whose greatness everything bows ,
O He before Whose power everything submits ,
O He before Whose might overshadows everything ,
O He before Whose awesomeness everthing is humbled ,
O He before Whose fearsomeness everything yields ,
O He before Whose terribleness mountains shake ,
O He before Whose command the heavens are raised ,
O He through Whose permission in the earths are secured ,
O He Whose glory the thunder proclaims ,
O He Who is never cruel to his subjects .
O Forgiver of sins ,
O Dispeller of tribulations ,
O Aim of hopes ,
O Giver of abundant gifts ,
O Bestower of bounties ,
O Provider of creatures ,
O Judge of destinies ,
O Hearer of complaints ,
O Resurrector of creatures ,
O Freer of captives .
O He , to Whom is due all praise and adoration ,
O He , Who holds all pride and eminence ,
O He , Who holds all honour and rank ,
O He , Who makes promises and honours them ,
O He , Who pardons and is content ,
O He , Who holds all abundance and provides ,
O He , Who holds decision and judgement ,
O He , Who is glorious and eternal ,
O He , Who is liberal and munificent ,
O He , Who holds all blessings and bounties ,
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Preventer of misfortune , O Repeller of calamities .
O Elevator of rank , O Fashioner ,
O Benefiter O Hearer
O Aggregator , O Intercessor ,
O Magnanimous , O Increaser .
O Fashioner of every fashioned thing ,
O Creator of every created thing ,
O Provider for every needy thing ,
O Sovereign over all subjects ,
O Dispeller of every hardship ,
O Comforter of every griever ,
O Merciful to every sufferer ,
O Helper of everything forsaken ,
O Concealer of every blemished thing ,
O Shelter for every exile .
O Provider in my hardship ,
O Source of Hope in my misfortune ,
O Companion in my isolation ,
O Fellow Traveller in my journey ,
O Friend in my ease ,
O Rescuer from my trials ,
O Guide in my errancy ,
O Resource in my neediness ,
O Shelter in my helplessness ,
O Deliverer from my fears .
O Knower of the unseen ,
O Forgiver of sins ,
O Concealer of defects ,
O Expeller of pain ,
O Transformer of the hearts
O Physician of the hearts ,
O Illuminator of the hearts ,
O Intimate of the hearts ,
O Dispeller of anxiety ,
O Liberator from grief .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Glorious , O Virtuous ,
O Protector , O Patron ,
O Guide , O Guarantor ,
O Bestower of Wealth , O Bestower of blessings ,
O Bestower of strength , O Acceptor of repentance .
O Guide of the waylaid ,
O Rescuer of those who appeal ,
O Helper of those who call ,
O Aider of those who call ,
O Shelter of the fearful ,
O Succourer of the faithful ,
O Merciful to the indigent ,
O Refuge for the disobedient ,
O Forgiver of the sinner ,
O Responder to
the supplicant
O Master of liberality and beneficence ,
O Most gracious and obliging ,
O Master of peace and security ,
O Most holy and above all defects ,
O Master of wisdom and manifestation ,
O Master of mercy and satisfaction ,
O Master of argument and proof ,
O Master of gradeur and sovereignty ,
O Master of kindness and succour ,
O Master of pardon and forgiveness .
O He , Who is the Lord over all things ,
O He , Who is the Allah of all things ,
O He , Who is the Creator of all things ,
O He . Who is the Fashioner of all things ,
O He , Who is the Preceder of all things ,
O He , Who is the Succeeder of all things ,
O He , Who is above all things ,
O He , Who knows all things ,
O He , Who is Powerful over all things ,
O He , Who is the Sustainer and Extinguisher of all things ,
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Securer of safety , O Protector ,
O Bestower of being , O Bestower of knowledge ,
O Manifestor , O Facilitator ,
O Provider of place , O Adorner ,
O Proclaimer , O Distributor .
O Everlasting in His Kingdom ,
O Eternal in His sovereignty ,
O Greatest in His grandeur ,
O Most Merciful to His servants ,
O Knower of everything ,
O Forbearing to he who disobeys Him ,
O Magnanimous to he places his hope in Him ,
O He Who is Wise over what He has fashioned ,
O He Who
is Subtle in his Wisdom ,
O He Who is Eternal in His Kindness .
O He , from Whom no hope is entertained save by His Grace ,
O He , from Whom nothing is begged save His Pardon ,
O He , of Whom nothing is seen save His Goodness ,
O He , from Whom nothing is feared save His Justice ,
O He , Whose sovereignty alone of eternal ,
O He , Who alone has true majesty ,
O He , Whose blessings extend to all ,
O He , Whose Wrath is surpassed by His Mercy ,
O He , Whose knowledge encompasses everything ,
O He , Who is without equal ,
O Remover of anxiety ,
O Expeller of sorrow ,
O Forgiver of sins ,
O Acceptor of repentance ,
O Creator of creatures ,
O Truthful in promises ,
O Fulfiller of promises ,
O Knower of secrets ,
O Splitter of seed ,
O Provider for creatures .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O High , O Perfect
O Independent , O Rich ,
O Kind , O AgrI-YAble
O Purifier , O Eternal ,
O Mighty , O Friend .
O He , Who reveals virtue ,
O He , Who conceals vice ,
O He Who does not call to severe account for sins ,
O He , Who does not disclose the disgrace of his servants ,
O He , Who is the best forgiver ,
O He , Who overlooks errancy ,
O He , Whose forgiveness extends over all .
O He , Whose Hands are stretched forth in mercy ,
O He , Who knows all secrets ,
He , to Whom all complaints are directed .
O Master of countless blessings ,
O Master of limitless mercy ,
O Master surpassing all obligation ,
O Master of perfect wisdom ,
O Master of infinite might ,
O Master of the decisive argument ,
O Master of the manifest miracle ,
O Master of perpetual prestige ,
O Master of great strength ,
O Master of unsurpassable glory
O Originator of the heavens ,
O Maker of darkness ,
O Merciful to those who weep ,
O He Who oversees slips and errors ,
O Concealer of defects ,
O Reviver of the dead ,
O Revealer of signs ,
O Increaser of virtue ,
O Who rubs out vices ,
O He Who calls to account .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Fashioner , O Preordainer ,
O Planner , O Purifier ,
O Illuminator , O Facilitator ,
O Giver of glad tidings , O Warner ,
O Giver of precedence , O Postponer .
O Lord of the Sanctuary ,
O Lord of the holy month ,
O Lord of the Holy City ,
O Lord of the Rukun and the Maqam ,
O Lord of the Mashair of Mecca ,
O Lord of the Holy Mosque in Mecca ,
O Lord of what is lawful and what is proscribed ,
O Lord of light and darkness ,
O Lord of salutation and peace ,
O Lord of strength among creatures .
O Highest of all authorities ,
O Most Just of all the just ,
O Most Trustworthy of all the trustworthy ,
O Purest of the pure ,
O Best of creators ,
O Quickest Reckoner ,
O Best of listeners ,
O Most vigilant
of invigilators ,
O Best of intercessors ,
O Most honourable of all .
O Supporter of the unsupported ,
O Helper of the helpless ,
O Protector of the unprotected ,
O Shield for the defenseless ,
O Hearer of the unheard appeal ,
O Pride of those without pride ,
O Honour of the honourless ,
O Giver of Aid to the unaided ,
O Friend of the forsaken ,
O Shelter of the shelterless .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Protector , O Persistent ,
O Eternal , O Merciful ,
O Accorder of peace ,
O Omniscient , O Distributor ,
O Preventor , O Opener .
O Protector of he who seeks His protection ,
O Merciful to he who requests His mercy ,
O Forgiver of the implore His forgiveness ,
O Helper of he who asks for His help ,
O Protector of he who seeks His protection ,
O Magnanimous to he who seeks His magnanimity ,
O Guide for he who seeks His guidance ,
O Giver of Aid to he who seeks His aid ,
O Helper of he who appeals to Him ,
O Rescuer of he who appeals to Him ,
O Powerful Who is never overpowered ,
O Benign Who is invisible ,
O Self-Subsistent Who never sleeps ,
O Eternal Who never perishes ,
O Ever-living Who never dies ,
O Monarch Whose rule is endless ,
O Eternal Who is imperishable ,
O Omniscient Who never forgets ,
O Independent Who needs no sustenance ,
O Mighty Who never weakens .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Unique , O One ,
O Present , O Praiser ,
Exalted , O Guide ,
O Resurrector , O Heir ,
O Harmful to the unjust O Beneficial to the just .
O Grandest of all the grand ,
O Most Magnanimous of all the magnanimous ,
O Most Merciful of all the merciful ,
O Most Knowledgeable of all knowers ,
O Most Wise of all the wise ,
O Most Ancient of all the ancient ,
O Most Great of all the great ,
O Most Benign of all the benign ,
O Most Magnificent of all the magnificent ,
O Most Mighty of all the mighty .
O Most Magnanimous in overlooking sins ,
O Greatest Benefactor ,
O Most Bounteous in goodness ,
O Eternal in grace ,
O Eternal in subtlety ,
O Creator of subtlety ,
O Remover of pain ,
O Healer of injury ,
O Master of dominion ,
O True Judge .
O He Who fulfils His promise ,
O He Who is Strong in His fulfillment ,
O He Who is great in His might ,
O He Who is near everyone in spite of His greatness ,
O He Who is benign in His weariness ,
O He Who is noble in His benignity ,
O He Who is powerful in His nobility ,
O He Who is great in His power ,
O He Who is exalted in His greatness ,
O He Who is praiseworthy in his exaltation .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Sufficient , O Restorer of health ,
O Faithful , O Forgiver
O Guide , O Summoner ,
O Judge , O AgrI-YAble ,
O High , O Eternal
O He before Whom everything bows ,
O He before Whom
everything is humbled ,
O He for Whom everything exists ,
O He to Whom everything owes its existence ,
O He to Whom everything returns ,
O He of Whom everything is afraid ,
O One to Whom everything owes its stability ,
O He towards Whom everything retreats ,
O He Whom everything glorifies with praise ,
O He besides Whom everything is perishable .
O He-there is no retreat but towards Him ,
O He-there is no place of protection except with Him ,
O He - there is no right path except that which leads to Him ,
O He-there is no shelter against Him but with Him ,
O He-there is no inclination towards anyone except Him ,
O He-there is no strength and vigour but from Him ,
O He-none is invoked for help but He .
O He-trust is not reposed in anyone but He ,
O He-hope is not entertained from anyone except from He ,
O He-none is worshipped except He
O Best of those who are feared ,
O Best of those who are liked ,
O Best of those who are sought ,
O Best of those who are entreated ,
O Best of those who are longed for ,
O Best of those who are remembered ,
O Best of those to whom thanks are offered ,
O Best of those who are loved ,
O Best of those who are called on ,
O Best of those who are held in affection .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O Forgiver , O Concealer [of defects]
O Mighty , O Supreme , O Creator ,
O Shatterer , O
Joiner ,
O Rememberer , O Seeing , O Helper .
O He Who created and perfected ,
O He Who made everything to measure and guided ,
O He Who removes misfortunes ,
O He Who overhears secrets ,
O He Who rescues the drowning ,
O He Who saves the distressed ,
O He Who restores the sick to health ,
O He who makes [His slaves] laugh and weep ,
O He Who causes to dies and calls to life ,
O He Who has created pairs of male and female .
O He Whose course is on land and in water ,
O He Whose signs are in the universe ,
O He in Whose signs are undeniable proofs ,
O He Whose; might is exhibited in causing death ,
O He Whose lesson is in graves ,
O He Whose kingdom will be on the Day of Judgement ,
O He in Whose reckoning of deeds is His dread ,
O He in Whose balance is His order ,
O He Whose paradise is the place of His good reward ,
O He Whose hell is the place of chastisement .
O He-the frightened flee to Him ,
O He-sinners take shelter with Him ,
O He-the repentant return to Him ,
O He-the pious incline towards Him ,
O He-the confounded seek shelter in Him ,
O He-the desirous have affliction for Him ,
O He-lovers are proud of Him ,
O He-transgressors have agreed for His forgiveness ,
O He-those who are sure in faith receive consolation from Him ,
O He-those who trust Him rely on Him .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
Friend , O physician ,
O Near , O Supervisor ,
O Reckoner to account , O Awful ,
O Rewarder , O Acceptor ,
O Aware , O All-Seeing .
O Nearest of all ,
O Friendliest of all the friends ,
O Possessor Of greater insight than all others ,
O Most Aware of all
O Noblest of all the nobles ,
O Most Exalted of all the exalted ,
O Mightiest of all mighty ,
O Most Independent of all ,
O Most Generous of all ,
O Kindest of all those who are kind
O Dominant who is not overpowered ,
O Designer who is not made .
O Creator who is not created ,
O Master and not the slave ,
O All-Dominant who is not dominated ,
O Exalter and the Exalted ,
O Protector who needs no protection ,
O Helper who needs no help ,
O Witness who is not absent ,
O Near who is not distant .
O Light of lights ,
O Illuminator of light ,
O Creator of light
O Planner of light ,
O Estimator of light ,
O Light of all lights ,
O Light that precedes in existence every light ,
O Light that will survive all lights ,
O Light that is above every light ,
O Light like of which there is no light .
O He Whose gift is noble ,
O He Whose action is subtle ,
O He Whose kindness is persistent ,
O He Whose beneficence is eternal ,
O He Whose word is right ,
O He Whose promise is true ,
O He Whose forgiveness is a grace ,
O He Whose chastisement is justice ,
O He Whose remembrance is sweet ,
O He Whose
grace is universal .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O Facilitator , O Separator ,
O Alterer , O Humiliator of the proud ,
O Degrader , O Benefactor ,
O Munificent , O Giver of respite ,
O Virtuous ,
O He Who sees but is not seen ,
O He Who creates and is not created ,
O He Who guides and is not guided ,
O He Who receives to life and is not brought to life ,
O He Who questions and is not questioned ,
O He Who feeds and does not eat ,
O He Who gives protection and is in no need of protection ,
O He Who judges and against Whom no judgement is passed ,
O He Who commands but is not commanded :
O He Who begets not , nor is He begotten , and
there is none like unto Him .
O Best reckoner ,
O Best physician ,
O Best guardian ,
O Best near one ,
O Best responser ,
O Best friend ,
O Best surety ,
O Best protector ,
O Best master ,
O Best helper .
O Joy of saints ,
O Desire of friends .
O Friend of seekers ,
O Friend of penitents ,
O Provider of sustenance to the poor ,
O Hope of sinners ,
O Coolness of worshippers' eyes ,
O Remover Of sufferers' pain ,
O Dispeller of the sorrows of the sorrowful ,
O Allah of the first and the last generation .
Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O our Lord , O our Allah ,
O our Chief , O our Master ,
O our Helper , O our
Protector ,
O our Guide , O our Aider ,
O our Friend , O our Physician .
O Lord of the prophets and the virtuous ,
O Lord of the righteous and chosen one ,
O Lord of paradise and hell ,
O Lord of the small and the great ,
O Lord of grains and fruits ,
O Lord of canals and trees ,
O Lord of forest and desert ,
O Lord of lands and seas ,
O Lord of night and day ,
O Lord of the manifest and the hidden .
O He , Whose command operates in everything ,
O He , Whose knowledge encompasses everything ,
O He , Whose control extends to everything ,
O He , Whose bounties cannot be counted by His slaves ,
O He , Whom His creatures cannot adequately thank ,
O He , Whose grandeur cannot be comprehended by the intellect ,
O He , Whose reality cannot be acquired by the imagination ,
O He , Whose garb is majesty and greatness ,
O He , Whose judgement cannot be reversed by His slave ,
O He , Whose alone is the kingdom and no one else'
O He , Whose alone is the gift and none else's ,
O He , for Whom are noblest examples ,
O He , for Whom are high attributes ,
O He , Who is the Master of the beginning and the end ,
O He , Who is the Master of the abode of paradise ,
O He , for Whom are great signs ,
O He , for Whom are beautiful names ,
O He , for Whom is order and
judgement ,
O He , Who rules over the atmosphere and the expanse ,
O He , Whose is the Lordship of the highest heaven and the earth ,
O He , Who is the Master of the high heavens .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O Pardoner , O Forgiver ,
O Patient , O Greatest appreciator (of good) ,
O Kind , O Sympathetic ,
O Besought , O Friend ,
O Most Glorified , O Most Holy .
O He , Whose greatness is in the heavens ,
O He , Whose signs are on the earth ,
O He , Whose proofs are manifest in everything ,
O He , Whose wonders are in the seas ,
O He , Whose treasures are in the mountains ,
O He , Who originated Creation which then returns to Him ,
O He , towards Whom is the return of every matter ,
O , Whose Kindness is evident in everything ,
O He , Who makes best everything which He has created ,
O He , Whose authority is wielded over all creatures .
O Friend of he who has no friend ,
O Physician of he who has no physician ,
O Responder to he who has no responder ,
O Affectionate One to he whom none hold in affection ,
O Friend of he who has no friend ,
O Helper of he who has no help ,
O Guide of he who has no guide ,
O Associate of the forlorn ,
O Merciful One towards he on whom no one has mercy ,
O Companion of he who has no companion
O Sufficer for those who seek sufficiency ,
O Guide for those who seek guidance ,
O Protector for those who seek protection ,
O Granter for concession to those who seek concession ,
O Healer for those who seek cure ,
O Just One for those who seek justice ,
O Bestower of wealth for those who seek wealth ,
O Fulfiller of promises for those who seek fulfillment ,
O Granter of strength for those who seek strength ,
O Aider of those who seek aid .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O Creator , O Provider of sustenance ,
O Creator of speech , O Truthful ,
O Splitter , O Separator ,
O Breaker , O Combiner ,
O Foremost , O Most High .
O He , Who changes night and day ,
O He , Who has created darkness and light ,
O He , Who has bestowed shade and heat ,
O He , Who has brought into subjection the sun and the moon ,
O He , Who has ordained virtue and vice ,
O He , Who has created death and life ,
O He , Who has made the body and the soul ,
O He , Who has neither taken a wife nor begotten any child ,
O He , Who has no partner in His sovereignty ,
O He , Who has no friend among the disgraced .
O He , Who knows the desire of the desirous ,
O He , Who knows the conscience of the silent ,
O He , who hears the cries of the weak ,
O He , Who sees
the lamentation of the frightened ,
O He , Who satisfies the needs of the petitioner ,
O He , Who accepts the excuse of the repentant ,
O He , Who does not correct the actions of the mischievous ,
O He , Who does waste the good reward of the virtuous ,
O He , Who is not absent from the mind of the saint ,
O Most Generous of all .
O Eternal Living ,
O Hearer of prayers ,
O Liberal Bestower
O Forgiver of sins ,
O Creator of the sky ,
O Best tester of trials ,
O Most Praiseworthy ,
O Eternally Great ,
O Greatest fulfiller of promises ,
O Best Recompenser .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O Best forgiver , O Best concealer of defects ,
O Most dominant , O Supreme ,
O Most patient , O Most virtuous ,
O Most exalted , O Best opener ,
O Blower of winds , O Bestower of Happiness .
O He , Who created me and perfected me ,
O He , Who provided me with sustenance and nurtured me ,
O He , Who provided food for me and quenched my thirst ,
O He , Who brought me near Him and brought me most nigh ,
O He , Who protected me and kept me in safety ,
O He , Who saved and guarded me ,
O He , Who honoured me and enriched me ,
O He , Who helped and guided me ,
O He , Who befriended me and sheltered me ,
O He , Who causes me to die and revivifies me .
He , Who maintains truth by His words ,
O He , Who accepts repentance from His slaves ,
O He , Who stands between man and his heart ,
O He , without Whose permission intercession has no benefit ,
O He , Who knows well who is astray from His path ,
O He , Whose order no one can reverse ,
O He , Whose judgement no one can revoke ,
O He , Whose order is obeyed by everything ,
O He , in Whose Right Hand the heavens shall be rolled up ,
O He , Who sends forth the winds bearing good tiding before His mercy .
O He , Who has made earth a cradle ,
O He , Who has made the mountains pegs ,
O He , Who has made the sun a lamp ,
O He , Who has made the moon a light ,
O He , Who has made the night a covering ,
O He , Who has made the day for seeking livelihood ,
O He , Who has made sleep a rest ,
O He , Who has made the sky a vault ,
O He , Who has created things in pairs ,
O He , Who has made hell an ambush , barking for sinners .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O All-hearer , O Mediator ,
O Sublime , O Invincible ,
O Swift , O Originator ,
O Great , O Omnipotent ,
O Knowing , O Supporter .
O Everliving , preceding every living being ,
O Everliving , succeeding every living being ,
O Everliving ,
like unto Whom there is none ,
O Everliving , Who has no living partner ,
O Everliving , Who is not dependent on any living being ,
O Everliving , Who causes every living being to die ,
O Everliving , Who provides sustenance to every living being ,
O Everliving , Who has not inherited life from any living being ,
O Everliving , Who quickens the dead ,
O Everliving , O Self-Subsistent , Slumber seizeth Him not , nor sleep .
O He , Whose remembrance is not forgotten ,
O He , Whose light is not extinguished
O He , Whose bounties are countless ,
O He , Whose grandeur is perpetual ,
O He , Whose praise does not admit of alteration ,
O He , Whose glory is not framed ,
O He , Whose perfection cannot be comprehended ,
O He , Whose order is not rejected ,
O He , Whose attributes do not change ,
O He , Whose attributes do not alter ,
O Lord of all the worlds ,
O Master of the Day of Judgement ,
O Ultimate Goal of the seeker ,
O Refuge of the seeker of shelter ,
O Overtaker of the fugitive ,
O He Who loves the patient ,
O He , Who loves the repentant ,
O He , Who loves the pure ,
O He , Who loves the virtuous
O He , Who knows best the guided ,
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Affectionate , O Companion ,
O Protector , O Encompasser ,
O Provider of sustenance , O Aider of seekers of aid ,
O Honourer ,
O Humiliator ,
O Creator , O He Who causes to return .
O He , Who is single and without opposite ,
O He , Who is Unique , O He , Who is Peerless ,
O He , Who is Independent and without any defect ,
O He , Who is without changing state ,
O He , Who judges without injustice ,
O He , Who is the Lord Cherisher ,
O He , Who is Mighty without disgrace ,
O He , Who is Independent without any need ,
O He , Who is the King without any censure ,
O He , Whose attributes are matchless .
O He , Whose remembrance is an honour for those who remember Him ,
O He , Whose gratitude is success for the grateful ,
O He , Whose praise is the pride of the praiser ,
O He , Whose obedience is the salvation of the obedient
O He , Whose door is open to the seeker ,
O He , the path leading to Whom is clear for the repentant ,
O He , Whose signs are proofs for the observers ,
O He , Whose Book is advice to the pious ,
O He , Whose provision , is love the obedient and disobedient alike ,
O He , Whose mercy is close to the virtuous .
O He , Whose name is glorious ,
O He , Whose honour is exalted ,
O He-there is no deity except Him ,
O He-great is His praise ,
O He , Whose names are sacred ,
O He , Whose existence is eternal ,
O He , Whose glory
is His ornament ,
O He , Whose greatness is His covering ,
O He , Whose favours are countless ,
O He , Whose bounties cannot be enumerated .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Helper , O Trustworthy ,
O Manifest , O Powerful ,
O Firm , O True Guide ,
O Praiseworthy , O Glorious ,
O Strong , O Witness
O Lord of the Glorious Throne ,
O He , Whose words are right .
O Master of great deeds ,
O He , Whose punishment is severe
O Master of promise and threat ,
O He , Who is guardian and the most praised one ,
O He , Who is the mighty doer of whatever He wills ,
O He , Who is near and not far ,
O He , Who is Witness to everything ,
O He , Who is not the least cruel to his slaves ,
O He , Who has no partner and no adviser ,
O He , Who has no equal and no match ,
O Creator of the sun and the bright moon ,
O Enricher of the poverty stricken ,
O Provider of sustenance to small children ,
O Merciful to the very aged ones ,
O Joiner of broken bones ,
O Protector of the frightened shelter seekers ,
O He , Who is All-Aware and All-Seeing of his slaves ,
O He , Who is Powerful over everything .
O Master of generosity and the Bestower of the bounties ,
O Gracious and Magnanimous ,
O Creator of the Tablet and the Pen ,
O Creator of ants and men ,
O Inflictor of punishment
and retaliator ,
O Inspirer of Arabs and non-Arabs ,
O Expeller of pain and grief ,
O He , Who knows the secrets and the mysteries ,
O Lord of the Kaba and the Sacred Precinct ,
O He , Who has created everything out of nothingness ,
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Doer , O Creator
O Acceptor , O Perfect ,
O Gracious , O Separator
O Just , O Dominant ,
O Seeker , O Generous
O He , Who graciously bestows His bounties on us ,
O He , Who honours us with His charity ,
O He , Who rewards us out of His beneficing ,
O He , Who makes us respectable with His might ,
O He , Who predestines with His wisdom ,
O He , Who judges with His planning ,
O He , Who decrees with His knowledge ,
O He , Who is forbearing with His forbearance ,
O He , Who is near us in spite of His exaltation ,
O He , Who is exalted despite His nearness .
O He , Who creates whatever He wishes ,
O He , Who does whatever He wishes ,
O He , Who guides whomever He wishes ,
O He , Who leaves astray whomever He wishes ,
O He , Who punishes whomever He wishes ,
O He , Who forgives whomever He wishes ,
O He , Who honors whomever He wishes ,
O He , Who dishonors whomever He wishes ,
O He , Who fashions in the womb as He wishes ,
O He , Who chooses for His mercy whoever He
wishes .
O He , Who has neither wife nor child ,
O He , Who creates everything in a fixed measure ,
O He , Who has no partner in His rule ,
O He , Who appointed angels as messengers ,
O He , Who made constellations in the heaven ,
O He , Who made the earth a place of abode ,
O He , Who created man from water ,
O He , Who fixed a period for everything ,
O He , Whose knowledge encompasses everything ,
O He , Who knows the number and quantity of everything .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O First , O Last ,
O Manifest , O Hidden ,
O Virtuous , O Right ,
O He , O Unique ,
O Independent , O Eternal
O Best recognized of all the recognized ,
O Best of all to be worshipped ,
O Greatest of those to whom thanks are due ,
O Most remembered of all who are remembered ,
O Most praiseworthy of all those who are praised ,
O Eternal Existent who is sought ,
O Highest of those who are praised ,
O Greatest of the purposes which are striven for ,
O Most liberal giver who is requested ,
O Noblest Friend who is known .
O Friend of those who weep ,
O Refuge of those who trust in Him ,
O Guide of the misguided ,
O Master of the faithful ,
O Friend of worshippers ,
O Shelter of the sorrowful ,
O Redeemer of the truthful ,
O Mightiest of all ,
O Omnipotent .
O Allah of the entire Creation ,
O He ,
Who is high and dominant ,
O He , Who is masterful and powerful ,
O He , Who is hidden and aware ,
O He , Who is worshipped and who appreciates ,
O He , Who is disobeyed and yet forgives ,
O He , Whom thought cannot encompass ,
O He , Whom eyes cannot see ,
O He , from Whom nothing is concealed ,
O Provider of Sustenance to mankind ,
O He , Who ordained all destinies .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Protector , O Maker ,
O Creator , O High , O Grantor O Relief ,
O Revealer , O Victorious ,
O Disclosers , O Guarantor ,
O Commander , O Prohibiter .
O He , besides Whom no one knows the secrets ,
O He , besides Whom no one drives away calamities ,
O He , besides Whom no one creates ,
O He , besides Whom no one forgives sins ,
O He , besides Whom no one perfects the bounties ,
O He , besides Whom no one transforms hearts ,
O He , besides Whom no one manages affairs ,
O He , besides Whom no one holds the reins ,
O He , besides Whom no one increases sustenance ,
O He , besides Whom no one quickens the dead .
O Helper of the weak ,
O Companion of the strangers ,
O Helper of [His] friends ,
O Overpowerer of the enemies ,
O Elevator of the sky ,
O Genial to the chosen ones ,
O Friend of the pious ,
O Treasure of the indigent ,
O Lord of the rich ,
Most benign of all .
O He Who is self-sufficient from everything ,
O He Who is established over everything ,
O He , nothing is like unto Him ,
O He , nothing extends His kingdom ,
O He from Whom nothing is hidden ,
O He , nothing decreases His treasure ,
O He , nothing is like unto Him ,
O He , Whose Knowledge encompasses everything ,
O He , Who is All-Aware ,
O He , Whose mercy extends to everything .
O Allah , verily I beseech You in Your name :
O Generous , O Provider ,
O Bestower of bounties , O Bestower of gifts ,
O Enricher , O Giver of Shelter
O Destroyer , O Quickener ,
O Satisfier , O Who grants salvation ,
O First and the Last ,
O Lord of everything and its Master ,
O Lord Cherisher of everything and its Fashioner
O Creator of everything and its Maker ,
O Controller of everything and its Extender ,
O Origin of everything and its Return ,
O Originator of everything and its estimator ,
O Creator of everything and its destroyer ,
O Quickener of everything and Maker of its death ,
O Author of everything and its inheritor .
O Best Rememberer and Remembered ,
O Best Appreciator and Appreciated ,
O Best Praiser and Praised ,
O Best Witness and Witnessed ,
O Best Inviter and Invited ,
O Best Responser and Responded ,
O Best Comforter and Counselor ,
O Best Friend and Companion ,
O Most Desired and Sought ,
O Most Affectionate and Loved .
O Allah , the Answerer to him who calls Him ,
O Friend of him who obeys Him
O He , Who is close to him who loves Him ,
O Protector of one who seeks protection ,
O Allah Who is Generous to him who is hopeful of Him ,
O Allah , Who is Forbearing to one who disobeys Him ,
O Allah , Who is Merciful in spite of His Grandeur ,
O Allah , Who is Great in His Wisdom ,
O Allah , Who is Eternal in his Benevolence ,
O Allah , Who is Aware of one who seeks Him .
O Allah , verily I entreat You in Your name :
O Primal Cause , O Creator of desire ,
O Changer , O Inflictor , O Organizer ,
O Awful , O Saver , O Reminder ,
O Subjector , O Displacer .
O He Whose Knowledge is eternal ,
O He Whose Promise is true ,
O He Whose Benignity is manifest ,
O He Whose Command is overruling ,
O He Whose Book is clear and final ,
O He Whose Judgement is inevitable ,
O He Whose Qur'an is glorious ,
O He Whose Rule is eternal ,
O He Whose Favour is common to all ,
O He Whose Throne is great .
O He-listening to one individual does not prevent Him from listening to others simultaneously ,
O He-doing one thing does not prevent Him from doing other things simultaneously ,
O He-the speech of one person does not make Him needless of the simultaneous speech of others ,
O He-one request does not make Him forgetful of other requests ,
O He-the sight of one thing does not prevent him from seeing other things simultaneously ,
He-the plaintive cries of those who weep and lament do not bother Him ,
O He Who is the ultimate Aim of the efforts of saints ,
O He Who is the Goal of gnostics ,
O He Who is the Goal of seekers ,
O He from Whom not a single particle in the worlds is hidden .
O Forbearing Who does not make haste ,
O Generous Who is never a miser ,
O True Who never breaks the promise
O Munificent Who never regrets ,
O Dominant Who is never overpowered ,
O Great Who is indescribable
O Just Who is never oppressive ,
O Bounteous Who is never rapacious ,
O Great Who does not become small ,
O Protector Who does not neglect .
This dua is narrated on the authority of the seventh Imam Musa al-Kazim , peace be upon him , and it is said that it is a very effective supplication , having all the merits of al-Jawshan al-Kabir .
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
My God , many an enemy
drew up the sword of hostility against me
honed the dagger's edge ,
sharpened the arrows' points ,
made ready deadly poisons ,
levelled his bow at me , and ,
keeping an eye on me ,
harboured evil thoughts to force me to swallow , against my will , the deadly bitter poison .
Thou came to know that I am too weak to bear hardships and
too exhausted to withstand misfortunes , and
(Thou) took notice of my shortcoming that I cannot confront the enemy who had planned to attack me , and perceived
my isolation amid the multitude of gathering enemies , sitting in ditches , ready to pounce upon me , while I gave no thought to sitting in ambush and retaliating .
So with Your might , Thou came to stand by me , and Your help made me strong and disappointed him in spite of the larger number [of his forces] , by rendering his weapons unserviceable . And
Thou gave me the upper hand over him by catching him in the very trap he laid for me , and
threw him into the abyss he dug for me and
gave no hand to his grudging deed , and
did not allow him assuage the fury of his anger .
Biting his thumb , he turned back on his heels , and his comrades , ashamed , dispersed in haste .
My God , many a disobedient tyrant has tried treacherously to oppress me ,
has laid traps to catch me ,
was continuously spying on me ,
and , like a beast of prey who lies in wait for his prey , has tried to surprise me ,
whereas in public he received me with open arms and a welcoming smile on his face , as if innocent .
So when Thou took notice of his clandestine trickery and foul play and the fact that in spite of professing the same faith he was devising schemes to injure me , then
Thou contemptuously caught hold of him and threw him down headlong ,
(Thou) completely destroying him; after which he found himself in the ditch he had dug
for me ,
smeared with the dust below his feet-poverty and a disease overtook him .
Thus Thou rewarded him in kind
by making the stones and arrows he hurled at me rebound upon him and
by putting his own rope around his neck .
Shame and disappointment came upon him-he suffered disgrace and dishonour , his pride and arrogance gave way to humility ,
his power turned into helplessness , and finally , at the last moment when he was sure to overwhelm me , he fell into his own trap and was caught and bound with the rope made for me in the days of his authority .
In fact it was me who would have suffered likewise if Thou , O my Lord , had not come to my rescue with Your mercy .
My God , many an envier , sick in his throat with grudges and
choked up with anger ,
has cast a slur on me in an attempt to hurt me his loose talk and to brand me unfairly with his own defects ,
slyly frowned upon me ,
exposed my integrity to his insinuating remarks , and
wrongly put the burden of his sins on my shoulders .
Therefore , I called upon You , O my Lord , expecting to receive Your help , believing in Your prompt response ,
confident of Your immediate action to disperse the affliction , a fact of which I have always been aware , and
knowing full well that whoever comes under Your merciful protection is never betrayed , and whoever turns to You for help
is never turned out .
So Thou preserved me in safety from the harm of his threats , and through Your All-Prevailing Power put an end to his evil schemes .
My God , many a dark cloud bearing sorrow and misery has been dispersed by You;
Your blessings have dropped from the heavens like gentle rain , and
Your favours have flowed like abounding rivers;
Thou hast dried up the source of misfortune ,
bestowed extra benefits ,
made available reliable protection ,
kept away violent calamities , and
set forth events [in my favour] , in strict compliance with Your commands , never going wayward , and moving on the appointed course , never overstepping .
My Cod , many a hopeful expectation I achieved which Thou realized , and
Thou blocked the inroad of poverty into my life ,
neutralized the severity of mortal calamities , and
removed many a hardship .
Thou art not accountable for what Thou does , whereas others are .
Thou give out everything but never run short of anything .
Thou bestow whenever beseeched , and
many a time takes the initiative .
Your benefaction never falls short of expectations .
It is not for You , O Lord , to be less than rewarding , obliging , benevolent , and beneficent .
Although Thou went on bestowing benefits , favours , and bounties , I failed to observe Your prohibitions , took liberties , and unmindful of Your warnings , gave in to my adversary and did not oppose Your enemy .
My God and my helper , I was guilty of not being thankful for
Your beneficence , because of which I could not prevent myself making mistakes .
My God , here stands Your humble servant ,
who knows and testifies that Thou art one , and
makes admission of falling short of discharging his duty towards You , and gives evidence of Your countless blessings and excellent kindness and abundant good .
So My God , my Master , mercifully give me what I want through Your mercy so that I may aspire for Your mercy , and through it reach the height where Your approval is available and where there is Freedom from Your displeasure ,
in the name of Your Might and overswaying Power , and
for the sake of Your Prophet , Muhammad , may the blessings of Allah be upon him and upon his family .
My God , many a living being
suffers the constant agony of death day in , day out , and hears the rattling sound passing through his gasping throat . What he stands face to face , makes his heart tremble with fear , and a cold feverish shivering runs through the body ,
but I am kept free from this terrible experience .
My God , many a living being is ailing , day in , day out , suffering pain on the threshold of death , restless and crying in anguish ,
finding no relief .
Neither food nor drinks pass easily down his throat , both are tasteless .
But I am safe and sound living a peaceful and easy life ,
on account of Your kind attention and
care .
My God , many a living being is constantly in fear , terrified , sleepless , forsaken , alone , timid , fugitive , exiled , petrified , caught in distress , running away in frustration , and in the wide world there is no place to rest for a while , neither can devise or find a way out , or escape ,
but I am safe , secure , satisfied and comfortable
My God and Master , many a living being
is oppressed and kept prisoner , day after day ,
under the harsh control of ruthless enemies and infidels ,
separated from his family and children ,
cut off from his friends and home ,
imagining how death will come , and how torture will beset him ,
but I am safe from all this .
My God , many a living being is constantly
in the midst of fierce wars and is challenged in the battle-field .
Surrounded by the armed enemy on all sides ,
shaking feverishly inside his armour ,
trying desperately to use artifices and schemes to get out of a tight situation , yet finding none is finally
reduced to pieces with cuts and wounds , falling down on the ground in the pool of his own blood , struggling in vain under the pounding hooves and boots to lay hands on water , or to have a glimpse of those dear to him , but I am safe from all this .
My God , many a living being ,
day in , day out , drifts over the perilous seas
, in the midst of terrifying hurricanes and surging waves , sure of death by drowning , yet is unable to attain safety .
There are others who are hit by lightning , or buried alive under destroyed buildings , or consumed by fire , or thrown into deep waters , or suffocated , or drowned , or emaciated or stoned to death .
But I am safe from all this .
My God , many a living being
journeys in foreign lands , far away from kith and kin ,
wandering in frustration , alone ,
lost among the beasts and reptiles ,
unable to find a way out ,
enduring the torture of extreme cold , heat , and thirst , stripped of clothing , in addition to many other hardships which I have been spared .
My God , Master and Lord
, many a living being
is poor , needy , exposed , unemployed , trembling , striving , afraid , starving , thirsty , and
looking for someone who may lend a hand , or expecting that one of Your more devoted and close servants will come to his rescue ,
subdued by the heavy load of hard labour , tired from burdensome servitude , short of provisions , encumbered with taxes ,
surrounded by terrible calamities , and cannot turn to anyone but You to driving away disasters ,
but I have men who obey me , enjoy a pleasant life , I am privileged and honoured , and I am safe from his misfortunes .
My God and Master ,
many a living being
, day in , day out ,
wanders in exile , dismayed , bewildered , hungry , and scared , cut off from civilization , lost in deserts and jungles ,
burnt by the scorching sun and withered away by extreme cold , deprived of comforts , lifeless , reduced to abject humiliation , and
looks at reality in frustration , having no control over gain or loss ,
but I am free from all this on account of Your Generosity and Kindness
have mercy on me , through Your mercy , O Most Merciful .
My God , and my Master ,
many a living being is constantly
disabled , sick ailing , bedridden by chronic disease , writhing with pain under the bed-sheets ,
knowing not what the taste of food or drinks is , and
looks at reality in frustration , having no control over gain or loss ,
but I am free from all this , on account of Your Generosity and Kindness .
My Lord , my Master ,
many a living being , day in , day out ,
lies on his deathbed , in the clutches of the angel of death; and in the hour of death , among his friends ,
looks out , right and left , silently directing his attention upon his comrades , colleagues , and dear ones ,
not able to talk to and prevented from conversing , and
looks at reality in frustration having no control over gain or loss ,
but I am free from all this on account of Your Generosity and Kindness .
My God , my Lord
and my Master ,
many a living being , day after day
is kept a prisoner in narrow gloomy corners , crying , groaning , humiliated , chained , insulted , harshly treated , pushed around ,
not knowing what is lying in wait or what punishment will be inflicted to set an example; deprived of comforts , short of provisions , he
looks at reality in frustration , having no control over gain or loss ,
but I am free from all this , on account of Your Generosity and Kindness .
My God , my Lord and my Master ,
many a living being is permanently
bound to the unalterable destine of death which surrounds him on all sides;
set apart from friends , colleagues , near and dear ones ,
he is a petty and meek slave in the hands of non-believing enemies , who hold him by the leash and keep him in chains ,
locked up in dark and damp underground holes from : where he cannot see the bright and beautiful world , and he
looks at reality in frustration , having no control over gain or loss;
but I am free from all this on account of Your Generosity and Kindness ,
My God , my Lord and my Master ,
many a living being , day in , day out ,
runs after mundane interests , until greed of worldly gains lands him in trouble , and
(He is like one who) jumps into a boat and it breaking into many pieces , and from the cruel waves of the sea
looks at reality in
frustration , having no control over gain or loss .
And I am free from all this on account of Your Generosity and Your Kindness .
My God , My Lord and my Master ,
many a living being is permanently
bound to the unchangeable destiny of death , and is surrounded by ill luck; in-ideas and enemies , with spears , swords and arrows , come suddenly upon him and throw him to the ground which sucks up his blood , and beasts and birds of prey devour his flesh;
but I am free from all this on account of Your Generosity and Kindness , though I do not deserve Your favorous .
And in the name of Your Authority and Majesty , O Generous One ,
I beg repeatedly for what is with You , and [I] turn to You and
I humbly beseech You with outstretched hands , hands which have sinned
So I take refuge with You only , O my Lord , because otherwise whose protection may I seek ! Unto whom may I turn for shelter !
Therefore , I come under Your protection , and I devote myself entirely to You , and to no one else .
Wilt Thou turn me out ? Thou art my last resort . I rely upon You and
(I) beseech You in Your name which
set up the heavens ,
made the earth stable and
steady elevated the mountains ,
overshadowed the night , and
illuminated the day .
Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad; and
satisfy all my wants , and
forgive all my major and minor sins ,
give me sufficient livelihood so that I may win distinction in this world and the next ,
O Most Merciful .
My Master ,
I seek Your help; bless Muhammad and his family , and give me Your patronage .
I turn to You; so keep me fully satisfied with [Your] recompense , so that I may serve You and beseech You , instead of going to others; and
give me honourable sufficiency in place of dishonourable poverty , and
substitute the weakness of disobedience with the strength of obedience .
Thou has given me preference over many a creature , and bestowed upon me favours and benefits , although I did not deserve them .
My God , praise be to You for all this ,
bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad , and
let me be like those who worship You and let me be like those who thank You for [Your] bounties and remember You for Your favours .
The lowly and meek turns his face towards the Highest and the Mightiest .
The withered mortal forehead prostrates before the Everlasting , the Ever-living .
The impoverished forehead prostrates before the Richest and the Greatest .
Prostrate before the Lord of the worlds , my face , ears , eyes , flesh , blood , skin , and bones , and all that which is mine on this earth .
My God give me Your indulgence in return for my ignorance ,
in return for my poverty Your Plenty ,
in return for my helplessness Your Power and Authority ,
in return for my weakness Your Strength ,
in return
for my fear Your Amnesty ,
in return for my offenses and errors Your Forgiveness and Mercy , O Beneficent O Merciful .
O My God ,
with Your help I will drive away misfortunes towards and
take refuge with You from his mischief . So keep me safe from him as Thou kept safe Your pious prophets and close friends among Your creatures from the clutches of the disobedient Pharaohs; and I seek Your shelter from the evil of all created things ,
through Your Mercy , O Most Merciful .
Verily Thou art able to do all things , and
for us Allah is sufficient [He] is the best protector .
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah , I beseech You , and turn towards You ,
through Your Prophet , the Prophet of Mercy , Muhammad , may Allah Bless him and his Progeny , and grant them peace .
O Abul-Qasim , O Messenger of Allah
O guide of mercy , O intercessor of the community ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu l-Hasan , O Commander of the Faithful ,
O 'Ali , son of Abu Talib ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you
our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgment over us .
O Fatima Zahra , O daughter of Muhammad ,
O Joy to the eye of the Prophet ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu Muhammad ,
O Hasan , son of 'Ali , O elected one
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu 'Abd Allah ,
O Husayn , son of 'Ali , O Martyr
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu Muhammad , O 'All , son of al-Husayn ,
O Zayn al-Abidin , O Prostrator before Allah
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah
, we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu Ja' far ,
O Muhammad , son of 'Ali , O most knowledgeable one ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu 'Abd Allah ,
O Ja' far , son of Muhammad , O truthful one ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu Ibrahim ,
O Musa , son of Ja'far , O tranquil one ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu al-Hasan ,
O 'Ali , son of Musa , O devoted one ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu Ja'far ,
O Muhammad , son of 'Ali , O generous Taqi' and pious one ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu l-Hasan , O Ali , son of Muhammad ,
O guide (Hadi) and pure one (Naqi) ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O Abu Muhammad , O Hasan , son of 'Ali ,
O wise one and warrior ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
O our chief , O our master ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand
by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O inheritor of al-Hasan , O successor , O upright one , O Proof ,
O awaited upriser , O Mahdi ,
O descendant of the Messenger of Allah ,
O decisive argument of Allah over mankind ,
We turn towards thee , seek thy intercession and advocacy before Allah , we put before you our open need ,
O intimate of Allah , Stand by us when Allah sits in judgement over us .
O our Chief , O our Master ,
Now mention your desires and wants , and beseech Allah to fulfil , and then recite the following :
O my chiefs , O my masters ,
I turn to Allah through you , O my Imams , my supporters on the days of my destitution .
I seek your advocacy before Allah ,
I request you to speak in my favour before Allah ,
obtain pardon for me from Allah , and deliver me from my sins ,
through my love of you and nearness to you , obtain deliverance [for me] from Allah
O my chiefs , O close friends of Allah ,
may Allah bless all of them ,
and curse the enemies of Allah who have oppressed them and will oppress them
So be it , O Lord of the worlds .
In the Name of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
cause my faith to reach the most perfect faith ,
make my certainty the most excellent certainty ,
and take my intention to the best of intentions ,
and my works to the best of works !
O Allah ,
complete my intention through Your gentleness ,
rectify my certainty through what is with You , and
set right what is corrupt in me through Your power !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
spare me the concerns which distract me ,
employ me in that about which Thou will ask me tomorrow , and
let me pass my days in that for which Thou hast created me !
Free me from need , and expand Your provision toward me , and
tempt me not with ingratitude !
Exalt me and afflict me not with pride !
Make me worship You and corrupt not my worship with self-admiration !
Let good flow out from my hands upon the people and efface it not by my making them feel obliged !
Give me the highest moral traits and
preserve me from vainglory !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
raise me not a single degree before the people without lowering me its like in myself and
bring about no outward exaltation for me without an inward abasement in myself to the same measure !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and Muhammad's Household ,
give me to enjoy a sound guidance which I seek not to replace ,
a path of truth from which I swerve not , and
an intention of right conduct in which I have no doubts !
Let me live as long as my life is a free gift in being You , but if my life should become a pasture for Satan , seize me to Yourself
before Your hatred overtakes me or Your wrath against be becomes firm !
O Allah ,
deposit in me no quality for which I will be faulted , unless Thou settest it right ,
no flaw for which I will be blamed , unless Thou makest it beautiful , and
no deficient noble trait , unless Thou completest it !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and Muhammad's Household ,
and replace for me the animosity of the people of hatred with love ,
the envy of the people of insolence with affection ,
the suspicion of the people of righteousness with trust ,
the enmity of those close with friendship ,
the disrespect of womb relatives with devotion ,
the abandonment of relatives with help ,
the attachment of flatterers with love set right ,
the rejection of fellows with generous friendliness , and ,
the bitterness of the fear of wrongdoers with the sweetness of security !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
appoint for me a hand against him who wrongs me ,
a tongue against him who disputes with me , and ,
a victory over him who stubbornly resists me !
Give me guile against him who schemes against me ,
power over him who oppresses me ,
refutation of him who reviles me , and
safety from him who threatens me !
Grant me success to obey him who points me straight and
follow him who guides me right !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household
and point me straight to
resist him who is dishonest toward me without counsel ,
repay him who separates from me with gentle devotion ,
reward him who
deprives me with free giving ,
recompense him who cuts me off with joining ,
oppose him who slanders me with excellent mention ,
give thanks for good , and
shut my eyes to evil !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
adorn me with the adornment of the righteous , and
clothe me in the ornaments of the godfearing , through :
spreading justice ,
restraining rage ,
quenching the flame of hate ,
bringing together the people of separation ,
correcting discord ,
spreading about good behavior ,
covering faults ,
mildness of temper ,
lowering the wing ,
beauty of conduct ,
gravity of bearing ,
agreeableness in comportment ,
precedence in reaching excellence ,
preferring bounteousness ,
refraining from condemnation ,
bestowing bounty on the undeserving ,
speaking the truth , though it be painful ,
making little of the good in my words and deeds , though it be much , and
making much of the evil in my words and deeds , though it be little !
Perfect this for me through
lasting obedience ,
holding fast to the community , and
rejecting the people of innovation and those who act in accordance with original opinions .
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
appoint for me Your widest provision in my old age and
Your strongest strength when I am exhausted , and
try me not with laziness in worship of You ,
blindness toward Your path ,
undertaking what opposes love for You ,
joining with him who has separated himself from You , and
separating from him who has joined himself to You !
O Allah , make me leap to You in times of distress ,
ask from You in
needs , and
plead to You in misery !
Tempt me not to seek help from other than You when I am distressed ,
to humble myself in asking from someone else when I am poor ,
or to plead with someone less than You when I fear ,
for then I would deserve Your abandonment , Your withholding , and Your turning away ,
O Most Merciful of the merciful !
O Allah , make the wishing , the doubt , and the envy which Satan throws into my heart a remembrance of Your mightiness , a reflection upon Your power , and a devising against Your enemy !
Make everything he causes to pass over my tongue - the indecent or ugly words , the maligning of good repute , the false witness , the speaking ill of an absent man of faith , or the reviling of one present , and all things similar -
a speech in praise of You ,
a pursual of eulogizing You ,
an excursion in magnifying You ,
a thanksgiving for Your favour ,
an acknowledgment of Your beneficence , and
an enumeration of Your kindness !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
let me not be wronged , while Thou canst repel from me ,
let me not do wrong , while Thou art powerful over holding me back ,
let me not be misguided , while Thou art able to guide me ,
let me not be poor , while with You is my plenty ,
let me not be insolent , while from You comes my wealth !
O Allah
I come to Your forgiveness ,
I go straight to Your pardon ,
I yearn for Your forbearance , and
I trust in Your bounty ,
but there is nothing with me to make me warrant but Your forgiveness ,
nothing in my works to make me merit but Your pardon , and
nothing on my behalf after I judge my soul but Your bounty ,
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household and
O Allah , bestow Your bounty upon me !
make my speech be guidance ,
inspire me with reverential fear ,
give me success in that which is most pure , and
employ me in what is most pleasing to You !
O Allah , let me tread the most exemplary path and
make me live and die in Your creed !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
give me to enjoy moderation ,
make me into one of the people of right behavior ,
the proofs of right conduct , and
the servants of righteousness , and
provide me with triumph at the place of Return and
safety from the Ambush !
O Allah ,
take to Yourself from my soul what will purify it and
leave for my soul that of my soul that will set it right ,
for my soul will perish unless Thou preservest it !
O Allah ,
Thou art my stores when I sorrow ,
Thou art my recourse when I am deprived ,
from You I seek aid when troubled
and with You is a substitute for everything gone by ,
a correction for everything corrupted ,
a change from everything Thou is approvest .
So show kindness to me with well-being
before affliction ,
wealth before asking ,
right conduct before misguidance;
suffice me against the burden of shame toward the servants ,
give me security on the Day of Return , and
grant me excellent right guidance !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
repel from me through Your gentleness ,
feed me through Your favour ,
set me right through Your generosity ,
heal me through Your benefaction ,
shade me in Your shelter ,
wrap me in Your good pleasure , and
give me success to reach the most guided of affairs when affairs confuse me ,
the purest of works when works seem similar ,
and the most pleasing to You of creeds when creeds conflict !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
crown me with sufficiency ,
place in me excellent guardianship
give me to guide correctly ,
tempt me not with plenty ,
grant me excellent ease ,
make not my life toil and trouble , and
refuse not my supplication in rejection ,
for I make none rival to You and
I supplicate none with You as equal !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
hold me back from prodigality ,
fortify my provision against ruin ,
increase my possessions through blessing them , and
set me upon the path of guidance through piety in what I spend !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
spare me the burden of earning , and
provide for me without reckoning ,
lest I be distracted from Your worship through seeking and
carry the load of earning's ill results !
O Allah ,
bestow upon me what I seek through Your power and
grant me sanctuary from what
I fear through Your might !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
save my face through ease , and
demean not my dignity through neediness ,
lest I seek provision from those whom Thou hast provided and
ask for bestowal from the worst of Your creatures !
Then I would be tried by praising him who gave to me and
afflicted with blaming him who held back from me ,
While Thou - not they - art patron of giving and holding back
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household and
provide me with soundness in worship ,
detachment in renunciation ,
knowledge put into action , and
abstinence in measure !
O Allah , seal my term with Your pardon ,
verify my expectation in hoping for thy mercy ,
smooth my paths to reach Your good pleasure , and
make my works good in all my states !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
Incite me to remember You in times of heedlessness ,
employ me in Your obedience in days of disregard ,
open a smooth road for me to Your love , and
complete for me thereby the good of this world and the next !
O Allah , and bless Muhammad and his Household the best Thou hast blessed any of Your creatures before him and wilt bless any of them after him , and
give to us in this world good , and in the next world good , and
protect me through Your mercy from the chastisement of the Fire !
Thou art powerful over everything , and that is easy for You !
In the Name
of Allah , the All-merciful , the All-compassionate
O Allah ,
O He whom the depiction of the describers fails to describe !
O He beyond whom passes not the hope of the hopers !
O He with whom is not lost the wage of the good-doers !
O He who is the ultimate object of the fear of the worshipers !
O He who is the utmost limit of the dread of the godfearing !
This is the station of him whom sins have passed from hand to hand .
Offenses' reins have led him on , and
Satan has gained mastery over him .
He fell short of what Thou hast commanded through neglect and he pursued what Thou hast prohibited in delusion , like one ignorant of Your power over him , or one who denies the bounty of Your beneficence toward him , until , when the eye of guidance was opened for him and the clouds of blindness were dispelled ,
he reckoned that through which he had wronged himself and
reflected upon that in which he had opposed his Lord .
He saw his vast disobedience as vast and
his great opposition as great .
So he turned to You , hoping in You and
ashamed before You ,
and he directed his beseeching toward You , having trust in You .
He repaired to You in his longing with certitude and
he went straight to You in fear with sincerity .
His longing was devoid of every object of longing but You , and
his fright departed from every object of fear but You .
So , he stood before
You pleading ,
his eyes turned toward the ground in humbleness ,
his head bowed before Your might in lowliness;
he revealed to You in meekness those secrets of his which Thou knowest better than he;
he numbered for You in humility those sins of his which Thou countest better than he;
he sought help from You
before the dreadful into which he has fallen in Your knowledge ,
and the ugly which has disgraced him in Your judgment : the sins
whose pleasures have turned their backs and gone
and whose evil consequences have stayed and stuck fast .
He will not deny Your justice , My God , if Thou punishest him ,
nor will he consider Your pardon great if Thou pardonest him and hast mercy upon him ,
for Thou art the Generous Lord for whom the forgiveness of great sins is nothing great !
O Allah , so here I am :
I have come to You obeying Your command for Thou hast commanded supplication and
asking the fulfillment of Your promise , for Thou hast promised to respond . Thou hast said :
"Supplicate Me and I will respond to you . "
O Allah , so bless Muhammad and his Household
meet me with Your forgiveness just as I have met You with my confession ,
lift me up from the fatal infirmities of sins just as I have let myself down before You , and
cover me with Your covering just as Thou hast shown no haste to take vengeance on me !
O Allah , make firm my intention to obey You ,
strengthen my insight in worshiping
You ,
give me the success of works which will wash away the defilement of offenses ,
and take me when Thou takest me in the creed of Your prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace) .
O Allah , I repent to You in this my station from
my sins , great and small ,
my evil deeds , inward and outward ,
my lapses , past and recent ,
with the repentance of one who does not tell himself that he might disobey or
secretly think that he might return to an offense .
Thou hast said , My God , in the firm text of Your Book , that
Thou acceptest repentance from Your servants ,
pardonest evil deeds , and
lovest the repenters ,
so accept my repentance as Thou hast promised ,
pardon my evil deeds as thou hast guaranteed , and
make obligatory toward me Your love as Thou hast stipulated !
To You , my Lord , belongs
my stipulation that I will not return to what is disliked by You ,
my guarantee that I will not go back to what Thou blamest , and
my covenant that I will stay away from acts of disobedience to You .
O Allah , Thou knowest better what I have done ,
so forgive me what Thou knowest and
turn me through Your power to what Thou lovest !
O Allah , counted against me are claims that stay in my memory and claims that I have forgotten , while all of them remain in Your eye that does not sleep and Your knowledge that does not forget !
So , compensate their owners
, lighten their load upon me , lift up their weight from me , and preserve me from approaching their like !
O Allah , but I can not be faithful to my repentance without Your preservation ,
nor can I refrain from offenses without Your strength .
So strengthen me with a sufficient strength and
attend to me with a defending preservation !
O Allah , if any servant repents to You , while in Your knowledge of the Unseen he will break his repentance and return to his sin and offense ,
I seek refuge in You lest I be like that !
So make this my repentance , a repentance after which I will need no repentance , and a repentance which will obligate the erasing of what has gone by and safety in what remains !
O Allah , I ask pardon from You for my ignorance , and
I ask You to disregard my evil acts !
So join me to the shelter of Your mercy through graciousness and
cover me with the covering of Your well-being through bounteousness !
O Allah , I repent to You from everything opposed to Your will or far from Your love
- the thoughts of my heart ,
the glances of my eye ,
the tales of my tongue with
a repentance through which each bodily part will by itself stay safe from ill consequences with You and remain secure from Your painful penalties feared by transgressors !
O Allah , so have mercy on my being alone before You ,
the pounding of my heart in dread of You ,
trembling of my limbs in awe of You !
My sins , My God , have stood me in the station of degradation in Your courtyard .
If I remain silent , none will speak for me;
if I seek an intercessor , I am not worthy for intercession .
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household ,
make Your generosity intercede for my offenses ,
follow up my evil deeds with Your pardon ,
repay me not with the punishment that is my proper repayment ,
spread over me Your graciousness ,
wrap me in Your covering , and
do with me what is done by a mighty man , when a lowly slave pleads to him and
he shows him mercy , or a rich man when a poor slave submits himself and he raises him to wealth !
O Allah , I have no protector against You , so let Your might be my protector !
I have no intercessor with You , so let Your bounty be my intercessor !
My offenses have set me quaking , so let Your pardon give me security !
Not all that I have said rises up from my ignorance of my evil footsteps or forgetfulness of my blameworthy acts in the past ,
but in order that Your heaven and those within it and
Your earth and those upon it
may hear the remorse which I have professed to You and the repentance through which I have sought asylum with You .
Then perhaps one of them , through Your mercy , may show mercy upon my evil situation or be seized
by tenderness for my evil state .
There may come from him for my sake a supplication to which Thou givest ear more than to my supplication or an intercession surer with You than my intercession through which I may be delivered from Your wrath and attain to Your good pleasure !
O Allah , if remorse is a repentance toward You , then I am the most remorseful of the remorseful !
If refraining from disobedience is a turning back to You , then I am the first of those who turn back !
If praying for forgiveness alleviates sins , surely I am one of those who pray for Your forgiveness !
O Allah , as Thou hast commanded repentance and guaranteed acceptance ,
as Thou hast urged supplication , and promised to respond ,
so also bless Muhammad and his Household ,
accept my repentance , and return me not to the returning place of disappointment in Your mercy
Surely , Thou art Ever-turning toward the sinners , All-compassionate toward the offenders who turn back !
O Allah , bless Muhammad and his Household just as Thou hast guided us by him !
Bless Muhammad and his Household just as Thou hast rescued us through him !
Bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing that will intercede for us on the Day of Resurrection , the day of neediness toward You !
Thou art powerful over everything , and that is easy for You !
Peace be on Adam , the Choice of Allah !
Peace be on Noah , the Prophet of Allah ,
be on Ibraheem , the Friend of Allah ,
Peace be on Mosa who spoke to Allah ,
Peace be on Isa , the Spirit of Allah ,
Peace be on you , O Messenger of Allah ,
Peace be on you , O the best of the Mankind
Peace be on you , O Choice of Allah !
Peace be on you , O Mohammed bin Abdullah , the last of the Prophets !
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Abi Talib , Commander of the faithful and the Successor of the Messenger of Allah ,
Peace be on you , O Fatimah , the Leader of the women of the worlds ,
Peace be on you , O the grandsons of the Prophet of Mercy , and the leaders of the youth of Paradise
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Husain , the leader of worshippers , O Coolness of investigating eyes ,
Peace be on you , O Mohammed bin Ali , O the explorer of the knowledge
Peace be on you , O Jafar bin Mohammed , the truthful the benign , the trustworthy ,
Peace be on you , O Mosa bin Jafar , the pure , the purified ,
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Mosa , the pleased , the gratified ,
Peace be on you , O Mohammed bin Ali , the pious one
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Mohammed , the pure , the advising guardian , and the trustworthy
Peace be on Hasan bin Ali
Peace be on the successor after him
O Allah ,
bless your light , the successor and vicegerent of Your Messenger and Your decisive argument over mankind
Peace be on you , O daughter of the Messenger of Allah !
Peace be on you , O , daughter of Fatimah and Khadeejah !
Peace be on you , O , daughter of the Commander of the faithful !
Peace be on you , O , daughter of Hasan and Husain !
Peace be on you , O , daughter of the vicegerent of Allah !
Peace be on you , O , sister of the vicegerent of Allah !
Peace be on you , O , Aunt of the vicegerent of Allah !
Peace be on you , O , daughter of Mosa bin Jafar ! May Allah confer His Mercy and blessing on you !
Peace be on you .
May Allah grant us your companionship on the day of Judgment and
guide us to follow your footsteps and
lead us to your grandfather's fountain and
quench our thirst out of it , with Mohammed's own cup in Ali's hand ,
Allah bless you All .
I ask Allah to grant us , through you , happiness , ease and
your companionship , together with your grandfather on the day of Judgment and
not to deprive us from understanding you .
Indeed , He is Protector and Powerful on everything .
O Allah , I seek Your nearness through
my love for you , my enmity for your enemies and
my surrender to Allah willingly , not arrogantly
my acceptance , with unshaken faith , what He communicated to Mohammed
seeking in that Your Face ! Your
satisfaction , and the next world , O Master !
Stand by us when Allah sits in judgment over us , O intimate of Allah ,
O Allah , I ask You to make my ending happy , and not to take away what you have given me
There is neither might nor power but with Allah , the Great , the Exalted .
So by Your generosity , might Mercy and bounteousness , comply with our supplication ,
Allah , bless Mohammed , and his pious and pure Progeny and give them abundant peace ! O the most Merciful of the Merciful ,
Peace be on Adam , the Choice of Allah !
Peace be on Noah , the Prophet of Allah ,
Peace be on Ibraheem , the Friend of Allah ,
Peace be on Mosa who spoke to Allah ,
Peace be on Isa , the Spirit of Allah ,
Peace be on you , O Messenger of Allah ,
Peace be on you , O the best of the Mankind
Peace be on you , O Choice of Allah !
Peace be on you , O Mohammed , O the last of the Prophets !
Peace be on you , O Commander of the faithful , Ali bin Abi Talib , O Successor of the Messenger of Allah ,
Peace be on you , O Fatimah , the Leader of the women of the worlds ,
Peace be on you , O the grandsons of the Prophet of Mercy , and the leaders of the youth of Paradise
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Husain ,
the leader of worshippers , O Coolness of investigating eyes ,
Peace be on you , O Mohammed bin Ali , O treasure of knowledge ,
Peace be on you , O Jafar bin Mohammed , the truthful the benign , the trustworthy ,
Peace be on you , O Mosa bin Jafar , the pure , the purified ,
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Mosa , the pleased , the gratified ,
Peace be on you , O Mohammed bin Ali , O pious one
Peace be on you , O Ali bin Mohammed , the pure , the advising guardian , and the trustworthy
Peace be on Hasan bin Ali
Peace be on the successor after him
O Allah , bless Your light , and the supporter and successor of Your Messenger and the decisive argument of Allah over mankind
Peace be on you , O Syyed O virtuous , O pure ,
Peace be on you , O the son of the pure and the virtuous
Peace be on you , O the son of the chosen
Peace be on the Messenger of Allah and his offspring . May Allah confer His Mercy and blessing on you !
Peace be on the virtuous , obedient slave of Allah , the Lord of the worlds , His Messenger and the Commander of the faithful !
Peace be on you , O Abul Qasim , the grandson of the chosen .
Peace be on whose Ziarat is equivalent to the Ziarat of the Leader of the martyrs of the world .
Peace be on you ,
May Allah grant
us your companionship on the day of Judgment and
guide us to follow your footsteps to
lead us to your grandfather's fountain and
quench our thirst out of it , with Mohammed's own cup in Ali's hand ,
Allah Bless you All
I ask Allah to grant us , through you , happiness , ease
to grant us your companionship on the day of Judgment , Allah Bless You All , and
to make us know you well
Indeed , He is Protector and Powerful on everything .
I seek Allah's nearness through my love for you and
through my enmity for your enemies
my surrender to Allah willingly , not unwillingly ,
my acceptance , with unshaken faith , what He communicated to Mohammed
seeking in that Your Face ! Your satisfaction , and the next world , O Master !
O my leader and the son of my leader
stand by us when Allah sits in judgment over us ,
O intimate of Allah ,
O Allah , I ask You to make me have a happy ending , and not to deprive me from what you have given me
There is neither might nor power but with Allah , the Great , the Exalted .
So by Your generosity , might Mercy and bounteousness , comply with our supplication ,
O Allah , bless Mohammed , and his pious and pure Progeny and give them abundant peace !
O the Most Merciful of the Merciful ,
In the name of Allah , the All-Merciful , the All-Compassionate
Fatimatuz-Zahra , the daughter of the Prophet , peace be on them , is to have thus
related (an event) : -
My father , the Prophet of Allah , came to my house one day and said to me : "Peace be on you , Fatimah"
I replied : "And upon you be peace"
Then he said : "I feel weakness in my body"
I said : " Allah protects you from weakness , father"
He said : "Fatimah , please bring the Yemeni cloak and cover me with it"
So , I brought the Yemeni cloak and covered him with it .
Then , I looked at him and saw that his face was shining like a full moon with its glory and splendor .
After a while , my son Hasan came in and said : "Peace be on you , mother"
I replied : "And upon you peace , O light of my eyes , and the delight of my heart"
He then said : " Mother ! I smell a fragrance so sweet and so pure as that of my grandfather , the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "Yes . Your grandfather is lying underneath the cloak"
Hasan went near the cloak and said : "Peace be on you , my grandfather , the Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you ? "
He replied : "And upon you peace , my son and the master of my fountain (Kauthar) , you are given the permission to enter"
So , Hasan entered the cloak with him .
After a while , my son Husain came in and said : "Peace be on you , mother"
I replied : "And
upon you peace , O light of my eyes , and the delight of my heart"
He then said : "Mother ! I smell a sweet fragrance like that of my grandfather , the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "Yes . Your grandfather and your brother are lying underneath the cloak"
Husain stepped towards the cloak and said : "Peace be on you , my grandfather , the chosen of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you ? "
He replied : "And upon you peace , my son and the interceder of my followers , you are given the permission to enter"
So , Husain entered the cloak with them .
After a while , Abul Hasan , Ali bin Abi Talib came in and said : "Peace be on you , O daughter of the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "And upon you peace , O father of Hasan , and the Commander of the faithful"
He then said : "Fatimah ! I smell a sweet fragrance like that of my bother , (my cousin) , the Prophet of Allah"
I replied : "Yes . He is underneath the cloak with your two sons"
So , Ali went near the cloak and said : "Peace be on you , Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you ? "
He replied : "And upon you peace , my brother , my legatee , my successor , and my standard bearer , you are given the permission to enter"
So , Ali entered the cloak with them .
Then I stepped forward
and said : "Peace be on you , my father , O Prophet of Allah; May I enter the cloak with you ? "
He replied : "And upon you peace , my daughter , O part of my self; you are given the permission to enter"
So , I entered the cloak with them .
Getting together underneath the cloak , my father , the Prophet of Allah , held the two ends of the cloak and raised his right hand towards the heavens and prayed :
"O Allah , these are the people of my Household (Ahlul-Bayt) . They are my confidants and my supporters .
Their flesh is my flesh and their blood is my blood .
Whoever hurts them , hurts me too .
Whoever displeases them , displeased me too .
I am at war with those at war with them .
I am at peace with those at peace with them .
I am the enemy of their enemies and
I am the friend of their friends .
They are from me and I am from them .
O Allah ! Bestow Your Blessings , Benevolence , Forgiveness and Your pleasure upon me and upon them . And remove impurity from them and keep them thoroughly pure"
Then the Lord , Almighty Allah said :
"O My angles ! O Residents of My Heavens , verily , I have not created the erected Sky , the stretched earth , the illuminated moon , the bright sun , the rotating planets , the flowing seas and the sailing ships , but for the love of
these Five lying underneath the cloak"
Gabreil , the trusted angle , asked : "Who are under the cloak ? "
The Almighty answered : "They are the Household of the Prophet and the assets of Prophethood . They are : Fatimah , his daughter , her husband and her two sons"
Gabreil said : " O Lord , May I fly to earth to be the sixth of them ?
Allah replied : " Yes . You are given the permission"
Gabreil , the trusted , landed near them and said : "Peace be on you , O Prophet of Allah . The All-Highest conveys His peace on you and His greetings and says :
"By My Honor and Glory , "O My angles ! O Residents of My Heavens , verily , I have not created the erected Sky , the stretched earth , the illuminated moon , the bright sun , the rotating planets , the flowing seas and the sailing ships , but for your sake and love"
God has given me permission to enter the cloak with you . May I join you , O Prophet of Allah ? "
The Prophet replied : "And peace be on you , O trusted bearer of Allah's Revelations ! , you are granted the permission"
So , Gabreil entered the cloak with us and said to my father : "Allah sends His Revelations to you
" Verily Allah's desire is to remove blemish from you , O People of Household (Ahlul-Bayt) and purify you with a perfect purification"
Then Ali said to my
father : " O Prophet of Allah , tell me , what significance has Allah given for getting together underneath this cloak ? "
The Prophet replied : "By Him who rightfully appointed me a Prophet and chose me a Messenger for the salvation of the mankind ,
whenever and wherever an assembly of our followers and friends mention this event ,
Allah will bestow on them His Blessings and Mercy;
angles will encircle them asking Allah the remission of their sins until the assembly disperse
So Ali said : " Verily , by the Lord of Kabba ! , we and our followers are the winners"
Then my father replied : "By Him who rightfully appointed me a Prophet and chose me a Messenger for the salvation of the mankind ,
whenever and wherever an assembly of our followers and friends mention this event ,
there shall remain none grieved but Allah will remove his grief ,
there shall remain none distressed but Allah will dispel his distress ,
there shall remain none wish-seeker but Allah will grant his wish .
Ali happily said : " Verily , by the Lord of Kabba ! , we and our followers are the winners and the blessed , in this world and the next"
Praise be to You , there is no god but You ,
The Granter of all Succour ,
Protect us from the Fire , O Lord .
So praise be to You , O Lord , in [Your] invulnerable Omnipotence and prudent Forbearance .
Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad , and
let me be among those who
thank You for Your bounties and remember You for Your favours .
There is no Allah save You , O Lord , in [Your] invulnerable Omnipotence , and prudent Forbearance .
Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad , and
let me be among those who worship You and let me be among those who thank You for Your bounties and remember You for Your favours , and
have mercy on me , through Your mercy , O Most Merciful .
If you have no intention of revenge this phrase should be omitted , but if you have a particular enemy in mind you should mention him or her here .
Generally supposed to be a name for the villages of the people of Lot .
Mention here the name of your enemy with his father's name .
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