Title/Author:The truth of the existing Christianity./ by group of authors; translated by Sh. Bahar
Publisher:Qum: Ansariyan Publication 2000 = 1379.
title:The truth of christianity.
Another title:The truth of the existing Christianity
Subject: Chrisrianity- Defenses and reject
Added detail:Bahar. Sh-translator
Congressional ranking:BR162/2/h70492 1379
Dewey classification:230
National bibliography number:m 82-1611
In a world where veils of human ignorance are being removed one by one and day by day and a new realm of dazzling truth is emerging to mankind; in an epoch when the light of science guides us ever closer to intellectual solidarity, providing us with evidence of the Oneness of the Creator, thus revealing to us a world full of wonders; in a world where the dark days of colonialism have come to a destined end, leaving colonialists with an eternal stain of disgrace in human history and where the freedom-fighters and liberated people are not only no longer ready to submit themselves to colonialist exploitations, but also engaged in abolishing their plundering expeditions; in such a context, Church has belatedly begun to cherish the resumption of colonial activities. Offering the concept of the Trinity, it intends to lead people back into medieval obscurantism, so that once again the tragedy of the Spanish Inquisition may be repeated. In Andalusia (Spain), on one night thousands of innocent God-fearing Muslims were beheaded. Neither women nor children were spared and their sacred shrines were razed to the ground.
Now, after years of hypocrisy, the Church has started again to reveal its true nature to the Muslim World. Church authorities, which have hidden themselves behind the scenes, have devised ominous and destructive plans against Islam and Muslims.
According to the church, all of African and Asian nations to convert to Christianity! Every night, they dream of the departure of Islam from these countries to be replaced by his decadent concept of the Trinity. They see that it will not be long before the God-fearing people of the Asian and African countries will accept the son, mother and other relatives of God! They actually
imagine that God is the head of such a large family! But in reality, for more than twenty centuries, Christianity has failed to account for the Trinity sue, which is in fact an illusory and pagan belief and yet the cornerstone of St. Paul’s (not Jesus’) religion.
The Church still dreams of uprooting Islam and Muslims id consolidating in its place the perverted and deviant Christianity.
Some supporters of the Trinity concept draw the following triangle in order to prove their aims. They say: “Even though a triangle has three sides, it is still a union just as the Trinity a union”. Even a child can perceive the baseless ness of such claim, for a triangle is composed of three sides, each independent of the other. If each side were to become exactly like the others, a triangle would no longer exist; thus this “triangle Theory” is erroneous.
This entity is composed of three sides, known collectively as a “triangle”, and no sane person would consider it a real union.
In principle, to compare God, who is devoid of form, to a triangle (which has a definite structure) is wrong. Structure or composition is peculiar to creation and the pure essence of God can in no way be imagined in such terms. God; in this case, would only mean a mere creature, depending upon another power to control His existence.
At the same time, these Trinity supporters claim that just as water takes up various forms such as liquid, gas or solid state, it is not wrong to think that God also change forms, becoming Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They ignore the fact that water itself is made up of various composition, which in different situations and under certain conditions, take on different forms. This example is not compatible with the concept of God’s uniqueness. Moreover, the inevitable result of such a statement and similitude is that the sacred presence of God will also be affected through change or other courses of events.
The notion of the Trinity is so groundless that whenever one wishes to discuss the issue with a Christian, the only answer he receives is that this subject is one of the great secret of the Church! No one, they say, can understand the truth behind it, not even those greater than ourselves.
Indeed it is very strange that such an issue, which should be more commonly understood and clear-cut than everything else, has reached a point where the use of mathematical and geometrical shapes must be resorted. Even then, when no concrete conclusion is reached, the matter is laid to rest through the use of deceptively sophisticated reasoning.
Is God such an entity that is divisible and at the same time a changeable material phenomenon, and yet is to be worshipped blindly? What kind of faith is it that its most basic and most essential issues are incapable of being explained? It has failed to clarify how the three gods are incorporated and yet have managed to preserve their divisibility as well as their unity. Is it correct to believe in these unfounded and fictitious claims just because they have been written in the Four Gospels, or should one take these statements as a valid proof to the invalidity of the existing Gospels? For a true book of revelation would never make such assertions. By making such assertions concerning the Trinity issue, Christianity has in fact shown its true self. This faith has been founded
upon misunderstanding and ignorance and continues to undergo alterations and subversions in the hands of ignorant persons.
One should feel deep regret that these people, misguided to such an extent in mind and religion, should tell Muslims to renounce the truth substantiated even by science! They expect Muslims to blindly follow them, urging people to conceive of partners for God, divide Him into parts and fill their hearts with love of the Son of God! How can a Muslim who believes that every living being echoes the words “God is but One and there is no partner unto Him” possibly accept this?
They promulgate their false notions by various means now in the form of publications including leaflets, again in the form of fictitious books full of myths and superstitions, and recently through radio broadcasts once a week in the guise of educational and moral programs.
Let us applaud you benefactors of humanity who have closed your eyes to your voluminous dark record in Africa, shed crocodile tears for these ignorant people and act under a religious mask in order to perform your ominous colonialist designs.
We know that these “gifts” are brought to Muslim countries by “democratic” and “freedom-seeking” western governments, for it is only the Muslim countries that are filled with sins and sinners who await the grace and mercy of their Lord, Jesus Christ!
We have had enough of your ignorance! Come to your senses, O Muslim brothers! Stop imagining that the dazzling technological progress of Europe has been due to the religion of Trinity. Rather, as long as people followed these childish ideas, they always were in the dark abyss of ignorance. But as soon as they tore away from the intricate web woven by the Church and relied instead upon the light of Islamic knowledge, they were able to take big steps towards the benefit of mankind.
This is indeed a fact, which has been proved throughout history. Nevertheless, there is much to discuss regarding the notion of the Trinity and, God willing, in the following chapters, we shall help reveal many of the countless hidden existing truths.
We boldly request of Church officials and of the Vatican in particular, that if they are sincerely seeking the truth, they should prepare themselves for a scientific debate to be held in a calm, brotherly atmosphere.
In this way, the Truth will uncover itself to all.
The silence of the magnificent court chamber was broken by the voice of the priest who began to read the verdict articulately His stately black robe with its long sleeves and the glint of his spectacles had so much attracted the audience that one would have thought that after Jesus, he was the second, undisputed “Son of God”. The old man, who stood complaisantly before the court panel, suddenly paled upon hearing the verdict. He turned immediately to face a statue of Jesus, which occupied a corner of the chamber, and kneeling before the statue, he begged to be forgiven of his sins.
His crime was so grave that nothing but gallows could atone for it. He had maintained that the earth rotated round the sun, thus denying the decision of the churchmen whom held that the earth was in a fixed position. Perhaps you have already recognized this man who was accused of heresy. He was none other than Galileo.(1)
The holy fathers stifled every voice of truth, which opposed the myths of the Holy Bible. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake in the main square of Campo de Fiori on February 19, 1600 AD, because of his denial of such concepts as the Incarnation and the Trinity. As the flames and a thick cloud of smoke billowed and faded into the sky, the Pope’s minions sang religious hymns.(2)
Is it not disgraceful that Church officials should have committed such unforgivable crimes against knowledge and science? Yet they continue to hold their heads high before the progressive and culture-loving generations of the world, expressing their sympathies to humanity!
In a world where the gates to true knowledge are already open to man, where mankind becomes inebriated at the fountain of science enabling it to explore new and exciting realms of knowledge, is it not ridiculous that the Church still refuses to abandon its myths and illusions? Throughout history, hundreds of scientists and great thinkers of the world have revolted against the delusions of the Gospels. But the Christian clerics have remained unmoved and continue to impose these misconceptions one way or another on people.
If one wishes to become familiar with present Christian doctrines, he should carefully study the following four sections, for each section alone is sufficient to refute the present-day Gospels and Christianity. Thousands of people have until now written letters to the Church, requesting its response to the following four issues. However, no perfect response has yet been given, and it is much deplorable that the Christian missionaries are unable to cope with questions dealing with simple logic and reasoning posed by the uninformed youth.
The scope of the efforts of the holy fathers has progressed to the point where they have distributed Bibles, free of charges, in all countries and particularly among Muslim people and the young generation.
Here we are not concerned with how the holy fathers and Christian evangelists have been allowed to carry out their activities so freely. Nor are we concerned with how much was allocated to them by certain Western colonialist governments, or what authorities support their freedom of action.
These are subjects, which require lengthy discussion and will not be dealt with here. Here we shall merely examine several points concerning the Christian Holy scriptures. It is hoped that the holy fathers abstain from distributing the Bible among Muslims, so that we may not be forced to expose their true nature as well as their books.
The Bible comprises the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament includes the Torah (Hebrew for Law) and books of the prophets. The New Testament which opens with the words “The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ”, consists of 27 Sections: 4 Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and 21 epistles attributed to Paul the Apostle and others. With the “Acts of the Apostles” and “The Revelation of St. John” (Apocalypse), the New Testament contains a total of 27 parts.
Spinoza, the famous Jewish philosopher, has written extensively on the Old Testament. A summary of some of his observations is as follows:
Everyone presumes that it was Moses who wrote the first five books of the Torah. The Pharisees(1) place much emphasis on this presumption and consider anyone who opposes this belief a heretic. It was for this very reason that Ibn Azra(2), who was to some extent free thinker and the first to discover this error, never dared to talk about the subject openly. “But”, Spinoza writes; “I have no fear of explaining this particular issue.” He then relates some of the evidences given by Ibn Azra along with some of his own observations, which conclude that the original writer of the five books of Torah lived several centuries after the time of Moses. He also investigates the remaining books of the Old Testament and refuses to accept that they are actually written by those whose names are attributed to them. Noting their inconsistencies, errors and contradictions, he considers them unjustifiable. Commentators of the Holy Scriptures, he says, have tried very hard to justify these obvious contradictions,
but are unaware that through such efforts, they have actually ridiculed the authors of the Old Testament.(1)
The Gospels and books, which have been attributed to Jesus and his disciples, are neither credible nor historically reliable, nor complete. Owing to historical events, additions and misapplications in the texts, the New Testament has not remained free from alteration. Also, the style and the phraseology of the New Testament clearly differ from those of the prophets.
Spinoza wrote that he believed that Paul’s profound and lengthy arguments in his “Epistle to the Romans” were not founded upon divine revelation, but were merely based on the normal power of reasoning. Also, the style of the disciples and their way of using words evident in the books clearly argues against their coming from divine revelation or the Grace of God. Rather, they contain the personal logic and opinions of their writers.(2)
Moreover, there are various versions of the Gospels and other scriptures, which have been rejected by the Church. Basically, it is not certain whether these versions are the same as those traditionally accepted by the Church as “divine revelations.”
Encyclopedia Britannica lists the names of tens of such Gospels and epistles.(3)
The writer of Exhumes has listed the scriptures that the ancient Christians attributed to Christ himself, his disciples, or other followers:
7 epistles to Jesus
8 epistles to Mary
11 “ “ Peter the Apostle
9 “ “ John
2 “ “ Andrew
2 “ “ Matthew
2 “ “ Philip the Apostle,
1 epistle to Bartholomen the Apostle.
5 epistles to Thomas the Apostle.
3 “ “ Jacob the Apostle,
3 “ “ Mathias
3 “ “ Mark
2 “ “ Barnabas
1 epistle to Theodos
15 epistles to Paul
Having mentioned the features of these 74 epistles, the writer poses this question: How can one know if the Divine Scriptures are the same scriptures accepted by the Protestants?(1)
On the whole, the book, which at present is accepted by the Christians as a sacred work is a baseless fabrication.
Evidence pointing to the fabrication of this book is abundant. The following examples would be mentioned:
1-There are contradictions between the Old Testament and the New Testament or among their epistles, a sample of which, apart from the one talked about previously, is given in the fifteenth chapter of this book.
2-The superstitions and ambiguities existing throughout the Holy Bible, such as attributing wine drinking to prophets, Jacob’s wrestling with God, etc.
3-Holy Bible’s shortcomings and imperfection from the viewpoint of divine teachings, etc., When we read it carefully, we find in its various chapters that God walks; God shows repentance; God’s knowledge is limited, finite and so on.
4-Historical and non-historical discrepancies, an example of which you has already read in the second chapter of this book.
Certainly, evidences such as these convince any sane person that the Christian’s present holy books have no foundation and cannot be divine.
It is for these reasons that at the end of his argument, Felicien Chalet concludes:
“At any rate, these are man’s creation and so it is impossible to consider them the Words of God.”(2)
“Two sects succumbed to their wrong deeds concerning Jesus: The first were Jews who turned against him until they made a false accusation against him. The second were Christians who glorified him as a deity”(1) (The Holy Prophet of Islam)
Jesus is God! “And [Saul] said, who art thou, O Lord? And Lord answered, I am Jesus...” (Acts 9:5)
Jesus is the begotten Son of God! “But when the time was ripe, God sent forth his son, born of a woman…” (Galatians 4:4)
“At once after His baptism, Jesus came up from the water, and beheld, the heavens were opened and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. And a voice from heaven said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:16-17)
“Then was Jesus led by the spirit into the desert to be tempted by Devil. After fasting forty days and nights, he was hungry. The Tempter [Devil] approached him and said: “If thou be the Son of God, command these stones to turn into bread…”
The Devil then conducted him to the holy city... saying to him, “If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down... Jesus said unto him, “Furthermore, it is written: Thou shalt not test the Lord thy God.” (Matt. 4:1-7)
Next the Devil took him to a very high mountain and showed to him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, saying to him: All these will I give thee, if thou wilt kneel and worship me. Then Jesus said to him: Be gone, Satan! For it is written: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve.” (Matt. 4:8-10)
In 325 AD, a council was formed by the Byzantine Emperor in the city of Nicaea near Constantinople to settle the argument between Ahrius and Alexander.
The Council was inaugurated by raising this issue, and finally the ideas of Ahrius and his followers were rejected. They were condemned, being accused of their realism and unorthodoxy, and were exiled by the Emperor’s command. The majority decision was submitted before the Council and was signed by all members thereof in form of a letter of faith.
“We believe in God, the Father, the Almighty, in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, Son of the Father, the only offspring who is from the essence of Father, God from God, light from light, true God who is born from true God and not created by Him, having the same essence with the Father through Whom all that abide in the heavens and earth come into being. It is for us human beings to be redeemed that He descended from heaven, incarnated in human image. He toiled and on the third day he ascended to the heavens and would come to judge the living and the dead... Curse be upon those who say that he did not exist, or that he had not existed before he came into existence or that he was made out of nothing. Curse be upon those who profess that He is of another essence and temperament or that He was created as the Son of God and liable to change.”
The concord was later extended and what the Christians today call Nicene Creed is the same thing.(1) From what has been quoted from the Bible and the above - mentioned concord, it becomes evident that Christianity has been plagued with two superstitious and false concepts.
1-it has presented God as a composite and compound being; otherwise, it would have been impossible that one part should be detached from Him and become His son.
It goes without saying that God is indivisible and free from any composition or compound natures, for as the theological scholars and philosophers have stated, a composite would require components and an outside agent putting them together, and such a thing would be, generally speaking, inconsistent with an omnipotent God, whose omnipotence has set Him above all creatures.
2-Jesus, who often wandered about hungry and thirsty, Who was affected by hardships and difficulties, who asked for help from the true One God and who was a restricted and finite creature, has been considered to be God and, as a result, infinite. The fallacy of such a concept is most obvious, for to consider Christ God is tantamount to saying that the limited is unlimited or the finite is infinite.
Lately, some Christian writers have written: “What Christians believe is that God is able to make Himself appear in the image of man.”(2)
These writers ignore the fact that such a statement is on the whole inconsistent with the infinity of God. Furthermore, it also implies that God, too, like all other beings, is changeable and liable to transformation.
More ridiculously, they write: “Just as it is possible to take a bucketful of water from the Pacific Ocean and call it the water of ocean, there is also nothing wrong in saying that in this world Jesus was filled as much as possible with the Spirit of God.”(3) It is obvious that God is not composite and it is wrong to compare His entity with an ocean. He is not divisible and thus a part of Him
could not fill the vessel that was Christ. All these are mere superstitions that have come to afflict the Christian writers.
“Say: He, Allah, is the single one. Allah is He whom all depends. He begets not, nor is He begotten; and none is like Him.”(Holy Qur’an 105: 1 - 4)
Therefore, any form of polytheism, idolatry, birth incarnation and corpularity has been rejected in Islam and the Lord is stripped of any of these embellishments.
“And Jews say: Ezna is the Son of Allah. And Christians say: Messiah is the Son of Allah. These are the words of their mouths, which correspond with each other. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before...” (Holy Qur’an 9:30).
Some contemporary investigators have compared the Old and New Testaments with beliefs of the Buddhists and others. The similarity is such that there would remain no doubt for a knowledgeable person that the superstitious beliefs observed in Christianity have been adopted from others.
“They indeed disbelieve who say: Surely, Allah - He is the Messiah, Son of Mary. Say: Who then could control anything against Allah, when He wished to destroy Messiah, Son of Mary, and his mother and all those on the earth?” (Holy Qur’an 5:17)
“Praise be to Allah! Who revealed the Book to His servant, and allowed not therein any crookedness, rightly directing, to give warning of severe punishment from Him and to give good news to the believers who do good that theirs is a good reward, staying in it for ever. And to warn those who say:
Allah has taken to himself a son. They have no knowledge of it, nor had their fathers. Grievous is the word that comes out of their mouths. They speak nothing but a lie. Then maybe you will kill yourself with grief, sorrowing after them, if they believe not in this announcement.” (Holy Qur’an 18:1-6).
The Holy Qur’an tells the prophet of Islam: “And say:
Praise is to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and who has not a partner in the kingdom...”
These are examples characteristic to the teachings found in the Gospels and officially accepted Christianity. We leave it to you to judge for yourselves these two kinds of teachings.
A youth, who had been participating for some time in the Christian Church religious services at the invitation of the Church, once said: “I am still in the dark about what was Jesus Christ. Was he God, Son of God, the Good Shepherd or the Lamb of God?”(1)
“It is Funny”, he added, “that in a world where living manifestations of science have dazzled the eyes and where human beings are curious to understand and know everything just as it is, the Christian fathers and
missionaries are calling people towards believing in superstitions and fairy tales. They ask unguided people to give Jesus a place in their hearts! For Jesus suffered to redeem people of their sins and was nothing but God himself who appeared in the image of man and later died on the Cross so as to as to as to absolve our sins! Nevertheless, had he been God Himself, could he not have absolved our sins or guided us without taking a human form?”
He said: “It is ridiculous that the scientists, who often undertake years of exhaustive investigation concerning a certain scientific issue in order to understand and accept something logically, are told by the Holy Fathers to accept that the earth is fixed, because the Holy Bible says so. They are told to come to believe in a God who is but One and at the same time Three! However, I personally have never met a Christian who could understand the Trinity or explain its meaning.”
“Since the issue of the Trinity consisting of God being composed of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is the basis of the present Christian faith, I have tried hard to understand it, but whoever I have asked about it, has replied: It is a secret you would not come to grasp unless you will have become a Christian. How preposterous!”
“Each great Holy Father has compiled a book or a treatise as he has pleased and included it among the Scriptures and Gospels which constitute the so-called “Holy Bible”. These Holy Scriptures are not few, but many. A number of letters are also considered Holy whose authors are essentially unknown!”
“Among Christ’s disciples, only Barnabas had spoken the truth and had therefore become the target of attacks by other Christians, for he had refused to become a tool of the profit-minded Holy Fathers and openly said: “Those who give you the prophecy that Christ is the Son of God, have been deceived and Paul is among them, too.”(1)
“The Gospel of Barnabas had in effect come to be rejected and hated by “highly venerated” Popes and missionaries, since it had opposed the beliefs of others and promised the arrival of the Prophet of Islam. Hence the poor Christians are forbidden by papal edict from reading the Gospel of Barnabas and most of them are basically ignorant of its existence.”
This youth then talked at length about the colonialist role played by Holy Fathers in African and Asian countries and, referring once again to the content of the Gospels and Christ, “the Son of God”, he said: “What sort of God is this that, by the claim of the Gospels written several centuries ago, was born from Mary, the wife of Joseph, the carpenter; who after eating, drinking, praying, fasting and sometimes drinking wine, was finally caught, killed and buried by scoundrel people”; who remained in the grave for three days before rising from it to the heavens and being honored to sit on the right-hand side of the first God,
i.e. his Father; and who would one day return to earth to pass judgment. Truly he is a strange God who failed to deal with his Jewish servants who finally buried him, albeit he came out of the grave three days later and rose to the Heavens.”
“I have closely studied the Bible and burst into laughter. If you have a Bible with you, open it to Genesis, Chapter 32, Section 24, and read it to the end. See how the Lord God wrestles with Jacob, but fails to overpower him and finally since the day-break is drawing near and people have already started to move around, the Lord takes hold of Jacob’s thigh and says: “Let your hand go of me, for the day breaketh and he [Jacob] says: I will not. Let thee go, unless thou blessest me.”
This is an example of what the Christian God did.
The youth then went on: “Well, this was about God. Now let’s observe what these books have said about other prophets of God. In Genesis (19: 30-38) one reads that Lot drank wine, slept with his two daughters and impregnated them.”
In II Samuel the following shameful account is given about David the Prophet:
“And it came to pass m an evening that David arose from his bed and walked upon the roof of the King’s house; and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.”
“And David sent messengers who took her; and she came unto him, and he lay with her, for she was purified from her uncleanliness and she returned unto her house. And the woman conceived and told David and said: I am with a child.
“And David sent to Joab, saying: Send me Uriah the Hittite. And Joab sent Uriah to David.”
And when Uriah was come into him, David demanded of him how Joab did, and how the people did and were prospered.
“David said to Uriah: Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet. And Uriah departed out of the King’s house, and there followed him a mess of meat from the king.”
“But Uriah slept at the door of the King’s house with all the servants of his lord, and went not down unto his house.” (II Samuel 11: 2-10)
“And it came to pass m the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it by the hand of Uriah.”
“And he wrote in the letter saying: Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die.” (II Samuel 11:14-15)
Joab who commanded David’s army did as he was told and as a result, “there fell some of the people of the servants of David, and Uriah the Hittite died also” (II Samuel 11:17)
“And when the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she
mourned for her husband.”
“And when the mourning was past, David sent and fetched her to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son, but the thing that David had done, displeased the Lord.” (II Samuel 11: 26-27).
Is it not ridiculous that the holy fathers print and distribute such Gospels and books, and even have them translated into a thousand languages?
The youth continued: “I cannot see why the holy fathers had come to make a genealogy for Jesus Christ. For God and the Son of God do not need such a thing in the first place? Secondly, the Holy Bible says that Jesus descends from no one, only that his mother is Mary.
But having no work to do as usual, the holy fathers have pompously furnished two genealogies for him, one mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel and the other in Luke’s. If Jesus had no father, then why is there a need for a genealogy? Why do they relate him to Joseph the Carpenter? Joseph did not lay with Mary. Just as we read in the beginning of Gospel of Luke, the womb of Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit, whereas Mary was a virgin!
“Maybe the holy fathers wanted to connect Jesus to David, Solomon and Jacob through these genealogies, but the problem remains in the very fact that had Jesus been from their life-line, he would also have been bound to be a descendant of David, and since David had committed adultery, he must be subject to damnation by the law of Torah!”
This young man had many other things to say which cannot be described in detail within the limited space of this chapter.
Christian scholars believe that Jesus Christ has not left behind any divine book; rather, it was his disciples who, some time after his death, decided to do this job. At last they wrote treatises concerning the deeds and words of Christ.
But unfortunately from the very beginning these writings became for a period of 100 years subject to alterations, omissions and additions by the blood-thirsty Roman emperors, who had no other aim but destroy the very foundations of Christianity and encourage superstition and idolatry.
During the long period, the policy of the emperors left a deep impression on the foundations of real Christianity:
Religious leaders were either killed or detained; religious books were burned; heretics infiltrated into seminaries beginning to spread false teachings in the Church of that time; religious societies were disbanded; cloisters and convents were destroyed and razed to the ground. Through their activities during that long 300-year period, the emperors had in effect ruined the basic foundations of Christianity, inflicting irreparable damages upon it. As a result, considering these events, no one can trustfully be optimistic towards the Bible including the Gospels.
To make our point more clear, we shall presently offer the case histories of some these emperors;
After he came to power in 98 AD, his policy dictated him to remove Christianity in a systematic program. He fabricated and instituted some regulations concerning Christianity. These laws were in force for a long time. The judge generally tried to encourage Christians to deny Jesus Christ and worship non-Christian gods. Had Christians remained faithful to their belief, they would be killed.
The situation reached a point when in 155 A.D Polycarpe, who was one of the most famous founding members of the Church, was burnt at the stake in the city of Izmir.(1)
He decided to exterminate Christianity by inflicting cruelty and violence. To this end, he killed many Christians in Africa and in many other provinces of the Empire. Tempest, plague, famine, foreign invasion and other calamities, which came to afflict the people during the reign of this emperor, instigated them more and more against Christians.
Each day a group of Christians were arrested. As a result, the best people of
the churches of Lyon and Vienna and other church founders were arrested.
Metellus, son of Attalos, who was in fact a great champion in the theological affairs and reinforcing aspects of the Church, was subjected to torture and persecution and finally died a tragic death.(1)
According to Miller, the Christian scholar, the measures taken by Decius to destroy the Christian Church was more effective than those carried out by previous Roman Emperors. Since he launched his cruel and aggressive campaign quite unexpectedly, many Christians
who were caught by surprise, generally disowned their faith.(2)
After he succeeded Decius as the emperor, he threatened to kill all the archbishops who did not agree with him. He beheaded the archbishop of Carthage, Cyprian. During the second year of his rule, he ordered that all priests to be killed, Christian nobles to be dispossessed of their properties and positions and be killed if they persisted in their faith.(3)
When he came to throne, paganism had been revived. Pagan writers had roused the general public against the Christians. Galerius who had nearly come to succeed the emperor, encouraged Deuclocian to issue an order to remove any trace of the Church. To this effect, all cloisters were destroyed, Christian books were set afire, and all those Christians who did not offer sacrificial tokens to the emperor were either tortured or killed.
Although this oppression did not last l9ng on the Western part of the Empire, it continued for nine years in the Eastern Empire, and was the severest persecution and harassment that the Christians had so far suffered from.(4)
Considering these disasters, how could one believe that the New Testament had not been destroyed or subject to alterations during those epochs?
Following all these crimes and aggressions committed against the very basis of Christianity, in 312 AD, Constantine became the Emperor of Rome. He put an end to the Roman persecution and oppression, but through his constant
interference into religious affairs, adoption of the title of the head of the Church, and establishment of the Oecumenical Council of Nicea, he dealt a mortal blow at the already injured Christianity.(1)
Apart from being a wicked man and committing a number of abhorrent and disgraceful acts, he did not totally sever ties with polytheism and even forced Christians to conform to him in both thought and practice. He did not pay any attention to objections and criticism of archbishops who had gathered in Oecumenical Council of Nicea from all parts of the Roman Empire (an item of their criticism has likely been the problem of the New Testament textual confusions). Instead of studying them, he ordered to burn their notes of criticism.(2)
Did the rule and supervision of such a wicked man, whose faith was a matter of doubt, help to settle the problems of Christianity or had otherwise landed more credence to the arguments and evidence pointing to the lack of credit of what has remained?
In order to achieve his political objective, Constantine would force the Christians into a compulsory unity and prevent them from expressing their thoughts and opinions.
He was emphatic on whatever he had in mind. Thus it is unclear what he had done to the New Testament including the Gospels.
Did this wicked man of dubious faith, who had no goal other than furthering his own ambitions, instituted the heresies and alterations of the Roman polytheists or destroyed them? There is no room for doubt that as far as his relation with polytheism was concerned, he could not have kept Christianity unsoiled by them. At any rate, all current versions of the New Testament available to Christians belong to the early or middle fourth century (325-350 AD) and there is no trace of the complete manuscripts belonging to the pre-Constantine era. Nor is it clear what has occurred to them through various upheavals and political games.(3)
Considering this situation, could the veracity of the Gospels and tenets of Christianity be trusted and should what is known currently as the Holy Bible be recognized as the original works of the Disciples or should their veracity and authenticity be doubted by any fair-minded person? A living witness to the fact that whatever is known today as the New Testament is not trustworthy and authentic is that portions of the discovered manuscripts belonging to the early days of Christianity are wholly different from some of present Gospels.
Dr. John Alder, the famous American missionary in Iran, has written in his book called “Archaeology of the Holy Scripture”: “In the ruins of Exir Hincus, two papyrus scrolls have been discovered consisting of words attributed to Jesus
Christ, but most of them differ from what we read in the New Testament.”
The discovery of the scrolls containing Gospels’ old text clearly demonstrates that the present Gospels are altered and have taken the present forms later in the hands of the Popes and a number of holy fathers.
In short, it must be said that the New Testament that has been constantly at the mercy of events and mysterious manipulations is in no way reliable and trustworthy and could not be considered the work of the Disciples of Jesus.
There may be few people who could imagine that there are sentences in the Holy Scripture of the Christians that is the New Testament, which clearly and expressly prophesy the advent of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (P.B.U.H).(1) Although the holy fathers had made their best to either omit or revise the sentences dealing with the prophet of Islam, yet in the pages of the present Gospels one can come across sentences whose implicit meanings clearly attest to the coming of the great prophet of Islam.
Here are but few examples of such prophecies:
The Gospel of John says: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.” (John 14:16)
“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send to you from the Father, even the spirit of truth, which proceeded from the Father, he shall testify for me.” (John 15:26)
“Nevertheless I tell you the Truth. It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” (John 16:7)
Should it be said that by the Comforter it is meant the Holy Spirit’ one must say that there are evidences contrary to this notion, some of which are briefly outlined here.
The sections quoted above give the prophecy of the advent of an individual after Christ and state that his coming depends on the departure of Jesus. His great spiritual personality is so much superior to that of Jesus that Christ’s departure in order to make possible the coming of that glaring sun is a very great advantage to humanity.
These descriptions do not fit the Holy Spirit, for he is an angel carrying the divine revelation to the prophets. He used to come to prophets during their divine appointment inspiring them with heavenly messages and verses and his coming down did not depend on Christ’s departure. Furthermore, the existence of the Holy Spirit is no more beneficial to humanity than that of Jesus and his going away is more beneficial.
In the “Presentation of Truth”, there is a quotation made from the “Quintessence of Histories” written by a Christian. It says: At the time of Muhammad, both Jews and Christians were awaiting the promised messenger. This favorable background was of great advantage to Muhammad to claim that
he is the promised messenger.”(1)
Of course the declaration of the prophet of Islam was thoroughly based on facts, for the signs given both in Torah and the Gospels describing the last of prophets, Muhammad, completely fitted him and hence a large number of fair and truth-seeking Jews and Christians come to profess faith in Muhammad.
Nejashi, the Abyssinian King, upon receiving the letter of the prophet of Islam, said: “By God, he is the same prophet whom the followers of the Book are awaiting.”
All of what have been noted so far is based upon the Persian version of the Gospel, but studying the various Gospel translations and comparing them with the Hebrew version of the Bible make the fact clear that the Persian and the Arabic versions of the Gospel were not translated from the original text. The Hebrew version of Elz Evir Gospel had been translated from the Latin version belonging to 1624 AD, wherein it had used Pericles meaning Ahmad - the Illustrious or Praiseworthy instead of Paraclete which means the comforter. The Christian priests and holy fathers made alterations in the Greek version and changed Pericles into Paraclete, which in turn has been translated as the Comforter in the Arabic and Persian versions, 50 that the people would not find out that this promise is about the great prophet of Islam.
But truth shall always prevail at the end, and it would eventually become known that the one who, was promised by Jesus, to come, was Ahmad - the most praiseworthy -that is, the prophet of Islam. The Holy Qur’an says: “And then Jesus, son of Mary, said: O Children of Israel, surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of Torah and giving good news of a messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad.” (The Holy Qur’an 61:6)
The Gospel of John says: “I have got many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come.” (John 16:12-13)
The “Spirit of Truth” is an epithet given to him, which indicates to the Comforter, who, as we have already come to know, is the prophet of Islam, Muhammad.
Another point learnt from the quoted section, is the incompleteness of the religion of Jesus, for he says:
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you to all truth...”
This show that Jesus had not brought all the truth and had left the task to the Prophet, who would succeed him and whose Holy Religion is complete and all laws therein conform to the requirements of mankind.
“Hereafter I will not talk much with you, for the prince of this world cometh, and has nothing in me.” (John 14:30)
The Prince of the world is the prophet who comes after Jesus, for the humanity is religiously and spiritually led by great divine prophets, who are God’s appointed guardians and representatives upon earth. Moreover, the prince of the world is not Lord himself, for in the afore-mentioned quotation Jesus prophesies that the prince of the world will come later.
Priest Fender, a German clergyman, who has failed to identify the term “Prince of the World” with the Holy Spirit or even Christ himself, has succumbed to idle talk saying:
“The Gospel commentators (that is, those who have altered the original Gospel) unanimously say that the Prince of the world is the Devil, who is the Prince of the Sinners and the Misguided.”
One does not need to think long to conclude that this very justified is the work of Satan himself who through the narrow - mindedness of the Gospel commentators has called himself the prince of the world and made the pretence of being the Periclete promised by the Gospel. The fact is that the Prince of the world is a divine agent. The verse 8, chapter 16 of the Gospel according to John has called him a divine agent who would force the world towards righteousness and judgment.
From what has been said so far we would clearly understand that the prophecies of the Bible deal with a Prophet whose status is higher than that of Christ and who would complete his religious law, hold the spiritual and eternal leadership over humanity and would bring majesty and greatness to Christ. That person is none other than Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), the Prophet of Islam.
A youth who is in touch with Christians and constantly reads their missionary books, has made some points on Christianity, some of which you have already read in Chapter 5. Now, here are the rest of his observations:
“It is convenient here to point out to the abhorrent acts of a group of holy fathers who have toyed with the destiny of many scientists, so that all those who have never had the opportunity to read about the details of those crimes, may know what sort of crimes these holy fathers have committed in the name of Jesus Christ, the innocent prophet of God.”
“Yes! It was these holy fathers who killed Ramus the Philosopher. It was the holy fathers who first cut off the tongue of the Italian philosopher, Vanini, then choked him to death and later burned his body at the stake.”(1)
“Were the perpetrators of these inhuman tragic crimes other than the holy fathers, these shepherds and sheep of God? It was they who sold forgiveness in order to squeeze money out of people, who in return for money would forgive all the sins of a person and give him, a signed deed of ownership over a section of paradise. In your opinion, what could these acts be termed except demagogy?”
“Even if someone raised his voice in protest, he would immediately be executed. Even those who way of thinking was in opposition to this ominous method were tortured under Inquisition and after making confessions were sentenced to severest punishments. It is impossible for me to understand why these churchmen who have committed such crimes still insist on introducing themselves as patrons of science and humanitarians.
“In ‘Two Faiths’ written by Marcel Cauchon we read:
During this period, five million people were either hanged or kept in dark and damp dungeons because of freethinking and violation of Papal order. Only between 1481 and 1499, i.e. a period of 18 years, 10220 people were burned at the stake; 6810 were slaughtered and 97023 died under torture upon the orders of the Inquisition.”
“Were these the result of Jesus Christ’s teachings or the whim of the holy fathers who under the disguise of faith and in order to achieve both power and wealth had committed all these murders, and who nonetheless are offering sympathy towards or shedding crocodile tears for the people in Africa and Asia?”
“The clergy and holy fathers prescribe celibacy, and apparently practice it themselves. But they are unaware that this is not right and that it would have grave consequences. The facts show the tragic effects of their shameful sexual relations.”
“A typical description of these practices is to be found in Boccaccio’s’ “Decameron” or in Jean Jacques Rousseau’s “Confessions”. Nothing is wrong with satisfying sexual desires in a natural and legitimate way enjoined by Islam. Then what has made these people deviate from it and commit these obscene Epicurean sexual acts?”
The young man continued: “Let us leave this subject and return to the subject “God” presented by the clergy. Well, is it not ridiculous in the space - age and the epoch of science and knowledge that their transformed Bible should declare that God is composed of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that God sent ‘His only Son’ to live among us? In the Gospel of John we read: “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God... And the word was made Flesh, and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Fathers! (John 1:1 - 14). ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son...’ (John 3:16).”
“These holy fathers,” continued the young man, “have gone so far as to make everyday new revisions in the Gospels to suit their own desires or the expediencies of the time. Nevertheless, through Western governments, they charge people with ‘Church tax’ to translate and print these Gospels into every language without pausing for a moment to think about the consequences thereof or at least make a revision in the concept of the Trinity.”
“I have recently read in a periodical that new manuscripts have been discovered which somewhat differ from the existing texts of the Bible, but that the holy fathers have ignored them.”
“According to a London Times report from Tel Aviv: “Researchers at Hebrew University in Jerusalem have asked for a new scientific review and reassessment to be carried out concerning the advent of Christianity in. the light of new written scrolls, belonging to a Christian sect, dating from 1500 years ago. This sect believed that they were the successors of the very Disciples of Christ. These scrolls show the life - style of the early Christians who lived in Jerusalem, who considered Jesus the messenger (and not the Son) of God and who were strict in observing the injunctions of Torah…”
“These manuscripts have inconsistencies with the New Testament and according to Times’ report, they would seriously confirm that Judas of Iscariot may have carefully selected someone to be crucified in place of Jesus.’(1)
The young man also said: “It is not clear why the Christian authorities did not act in accordance with the advice of Hebrew University and refused to carry out a review of the Christian teachings in the light of these newly - discovered manuscripts.”
“However, whether or not the Christian authorities and holy fathers accept to scrutinize the newly - discovered manuscripts, one thing has become clear for
the researches: the teachings of Jesus Christ have been altered by his followers and we could never be confident of the authenticity of the present Bible and the teachings thereof, since the numerous Bible versions available along with the inconsistencies therein prevent us from gaining any such confidence at all.”
In conclusion the youth added: “O great Lord! Guide the misguided wherever and whoever they are. Show them the correct and right path, so that they, too, may find salvation.”
All divine religions and faiths try to prevent their followers from committing sins. But unfortunately, the religious teachings and books of the Christians, which are the inventions of the Church, unlike those of other religions, draw people towards committing sins.
The reason for the departure of Christianity from the rest of the divine religions in this respect is that Christian bishops and cardinals, though apparently associated with Jesus Christ, in effect bear no such relationship whatsoever, and are not aware of his behavior and deeds, having thus miscomprehended his real goal. Christ had but One God; his so-called followers have “created” three gods to worship. Jesus forbade people from evil deeds; these persons encourage people to commit them through their letters of forgiveness and forgive committed sins in exchange for money!(1)
Judging from history it becomes obvious that the root of all these deviations and fallacies could be traced back to a certain man called “Paul.”
Formerly a Jew, Paul was instrumental in altering the truth of the original Gospel revealed to Jesus by God, replacing it by the superstition and delusions of the Roman and Greek polytheists.
Paul’s writings are available today under the name “The Epistles of Paul the Apostle” and are considered one of the religious books of the Christians. Paul has written in his Epistles: “Jesus is the Son of God and has inherited the Divinity from His Father! And the Son was ordered by His Father to come upon the earth to live among people and know the human condition. But later the Jewish servants rose against the Son of God and crucified him in the worst manner. The Lord, because of the hardship and sufferings inflicted upon and occurred to His Son, showed mercy and forgave the sins of all His servants and abolished all the obligations of His servants, and people were only obliged to have faith in Jesus, the Son of God, and love him, for whoever loveth Jesus with his whole heart would have all his sins forgiven.” (1)
Where did the thoughts of Paul originate from? The idea that a person could wash away the guilt’s of his people through his death or by his blood is an ancient belief existing since the time immemorial. The peoples of Egypt, Asia Minor and Greece believed for a long time in gods such as Osiris, Athena and Dionysos, who came in human shape down to the earth to save humanity and who died in order to have the sins of people forgiven.(2)
A group of Buddhists believe the same thing about Buddha. In their opinion, God descended upon the earth for the ninth time and took the guise of Buddha to save mankind from errors and sins.(3)
Adopting the ideas of Roman and Greek polytheists, Paul transformed the monotheism of Jesus and Moses into polytheism and introduced God as the Father, and Jesus, who was simply a Prophet of God, as the one borne out of the Essence of God. The people of that time, who were already familiar with polytheistic ideas, accepted these superstitious concepts and really came to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and as the one who had been crucified in order to absolve the sins of people.
In fact one should say that following the Crucifixion of God’s only begotten Son, there is no need to observe the Divine precepts mentioned in Torah, for a Christian is absolved of all responsibilities since the blood of Christ is the ransom paid for the sins of Christians!
All of us, however, know that God never had a son, for having a son is confined to those who are finite and possess physical bodies, so that a part of their bodies may be detached from them to grow into a child. On the other hand, the infinite Lord, who is free and pure from any restriction and incarnation, could never be imagined to have a son. Thus the Holy Qur’an considers God a truth not born and not likely to bear a child: “He begets none, nor is He begotten”.
Christians and their followers had never given a moment of thought that if God had wanted to forgive His servants, He would not have needed to resort to such an absurd act of putting an immaculate person into trouble or on the Cross for a few days as a sacrificial ransom for recompensing the human sins.
Instead, out of His boundless mercy, He would have ignored the wrong-doings of some evil4oers and forgiven them, and would, owing to an act of justice, have punished others since their sins would afflict their very own selves.(1)
The Buying and selling of Paradise and the Letters of Forgiveness
The paying of ransom for crimes committed, while being a relevantly simple and straightforward issue during Paul’s time, later on gained a new aspect under the Church authorities and Holy Fathers.
In Paul’s creed, only the Father and the Son were recognized. The Holy Fathers, however, added yet another god -Holy Spirit- and thus made them three. Also according to Paul, with Jesus being crucified, all sins of mankind were automatically forgiven, but the Holy Fathers fabricated new rules governing the absolution from sins. According to these rules, it was necessary for a sinner to first confess to his sins to the priest, then offer some cash or credit to His Holiness the Pope so as to have his sins forgiven. It was thought that when the priest utters the words: “I forgive thee”, God will have no alternative but forgive and absolve.(2)
Some church authorities have not insisted on penance, confession and supplication and left the purchaser free to interpret the letter of forgiveness as the certificate of exemption from anything -penance, confession, forgiveness and paying ransom for sins- and let them consider it related merely to the amount of money he pays.
About 1450, the Dean of Oxford University, Thomas Gascagne complained: “Today the sinners say: ‘I have no fear of God on the account of sins and misdeeds I commit, for I would be absolved of all guilt’s and sins when confessing and asking forgiveness from the priest and buying papal letter of forgiveness’…”(1)
We read in the book “Exposition of Christian Teachings”: “Only the Catholic Church has the power to forgive sins and no outside means of absolution from sins could be found beyond this power.” It adds: “It is necessary for us sinners to confess to all our sins before the priest, for one who withholds even one Sin from the priest will not be cleared from other sins, because he has also committed a great sin of hypocrisy. It is also incumbent upon us to confess to the number of sins committed and say, for instance, that we have committed such and such a sin ten times.”(2)
By fabricating such superstitions, Christianity has prevented many people from achieving moral perfection and spiritual virtues and caused them to plunge into crimes and backwardness. However, based upon nature, the Holy Qur’an forbids mankind from committing evil deeds and calls them towards spiritual perfection. Without resorting to superstition, it encourages the wrongdoers to repent, and thus gives them the hope that whoever “does evil or wrongs his soul, and then asks forgiveness of Allah, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful” (Holy Qur’an, 5:110).
The Qur’an considers the forgiveness of sins the sole right of the Almighty Lord: “To Allah belongs the kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth. He forgives whom He pleases and cherishes whom He pleases. And Allah is forgiving and merciful.” (Holy Qur’an 48:17
Everyday you are confronted with various reports and hear various news. But among them, you only find one that is reliable and noteworthy, one, which has been said by a reliable and virtuous person. For, if the announcer or the writer is not correct and truthful, his words will not be convincing and trustworthy. Thus whenever we ask for correct news, we must call on truthful speakers or authors to inform us of the real conducts and attitudes of people who have lived before us.
In order to find out about the attitude and pleasing words of Jesus Christ, who lived many centuries before us, any interested person is inevitably forced to consider the reliability of the authors of the New Testament, in order to see whether or not they were qualified for such a thing, for one cannot blindly accept anything written or said as being the attitude and words of Christ himself.
Unfortunately when we embark on a sound, scientific investigation to know the writers of the Scriptures, we discover that they were either unknown or unbelieving, deviant and sinful elements, who could not generally be trusted. For more explanation and in order to see what has just been stated is an irrefutable truth, let us quote a few words about the writers of the New Testament from their very own writings which are currently available.
The New Testament is made up of twenty-seven books by eight writers: Peter, John, Matthew, Judas (who were apostles of Christ), Mark, Luke, Jacob and Paul.
He is the author of two books in the New Testament, who furnishes a source for the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. According to the Bible Dictionary, it is highly suspected that in writing his own Gospel, Mark has relied on information furnished by Peter. Matthew and Luke have referred to Gospel of Mark and some other texts as their information source.(1)
Peter is the same person to whom Jesus had expressed his dislike. As we read in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 16, when Jesus was prophesying his own death to his disciples, Peter, taking hold of him, began to reproach him, saying:
“Be it far from thee, lord. This shall not be unto thee.” Turning to Peter, Jesus said: “Get thee behind me, Satan. Thou art an offence unto me. For thou
savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” (Matt. 16:21-23).
Thus is it possible to say that Peter has deserved to be followed by Matthew, Mark and Luke and that his words should constitute an information source for these writers?
The evening on which Jesus was succumbing to exceeding sorrow, and was betrayed to his enemies, he told his disciples:
“Tarry ye here, and watch with me.” But the disciples, instead of taking care of Christ in such a time, abandoned him and went to bed. When Jesus saw them sleeping, he admonished them and said to Peter: “What, could you not watch with me one hour?” He went the second time and prayed, saying unto the disciples to be with him. But again he found them in sleep, obviously having placed their own comfort above obeying his command. (Extracts from Matt. 26, and Mark 14).
Would the people who did not attach any importance to Jesus’ simple request in those critical hours, have respected and valued his injunctions in other times? As a result, how could one rely and trust the Gospel, Revelations, books of John or other writings belonging to Peter or to others influenced by him?
The night on which Jesus was to be captured by his enemies, he told his disciples: “All of you shall be offended because of me this night.” All his disciples expressed their dislikes of this offence and Peter said: “Although all shall be offended, yet will not I.” Suddenly Judas, one of the twelve ones, appeared and with him a great multitude carrying swords and sticks. They had been sent by chief Jewish priests and elders. Coming forward they put hands on Jesus and took him away. It was then that all his disciples forsook him and fled.(1) What saddened Jesus more than their escape was the arrival of Peter among the enemies! As Miller, the famous Christian missionary, writes: “How distressed and sad Jesus must have been upon looking at the crowd, seeing Peter warming himself beside fire with other people! Such a negligence and lapse on the part of his most outstanding disciple must have been upsetting.(2)
Were such irresolute persons firm in face of the bitter events of the early Christian era and the whim of the Roman emperors?
Although during his lifetime Jesus had told his disciples that he would “… be
killed, and be raised again the third day”,(1) whoever told the disciples on that day that ‘Jesus has risen’, they would not believe him, until Jesus himself appeared to them and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart.”(2) When the disciples of Jesus act like this, what is to be expected from the writers who had followed them?
Mark was Barnabas’ cousin(3) and was a friend to Paul, Barnabas and Peter. Quite possibly he had been taught Christian beliefs by Peter; for Peter addresses him as his son. His association with and devotion to Paul and Peter who were both dishonest is a living witness that he was misled; for in order to know people, the best means is to know their masters and friends. Furthermore, Floyd Philson writes:
“Peter imagined that Mark was not firm in serving Jesus.”(4) Hence it becomes clear that Mark was not even trusted by Peter.
He is an unknown man who was in the same footing with misled and misguided Paul. The Persian Bible Dictionary writes: “His personal history, before and after meeting Paul, is either unknown or based upon ambiguous unidentifiable stories.”
He was the same person who in response to the people’s inclination hatched a conspiracy aimed at instilling the necessity of rejecting the Mosaic Law and openly declared: “…My sentence is that we should trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God.” By this statement, he trampled all but few of the Torah’s injunctions. Although Jesus had said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am not come to destroy but fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heavens and earth pass, one jot or one tottle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matt. 5:17-18)
There is no evidence available for knowing him except the writings of his friend and colleague, Mark.
Moreover, he has committed certain acts each of which is enough by itself as an adequate proof and concrete evidence of his deviations, such as the conspiracy he staged for abolishing the need of observing the Torah; for Paul
was one of the supporters of such action and a member of that Cabal.
What has been said so far clearly demonstrates that should we ignore the events that had taken place in the early Christian era, we still cannot be optimistic about the New Testament and consider it as being reliable, for the authors thereof had not been qualified and trustworthy. More startling is the fact that despite their contradictory and superstitious statements, the Christians introduce these authors as inspired by the divine revelation and the Holy Spirit, even though they have no proof supporting this idea except the assertions of these pretty unknown or notorious authors themselves.
Let us hope for the day when the Christian intellectuals would turn back against all these superstitious beliefs, and become unanimous with us so that together, and under the prospering standard of Islam, we would achieve real truths. Amen!
Fighting for its very own survival, and since it lacks correct and encompassing teachings that would attract intellectuals, Christianity tries to keep for itself, through “False” rituals, the gullible and fanatic people, whose number, unfortunately, is not few. The thought and deeds which the holy fathers teach for this purpose are generally unsubstantiated and the product of their own delusions. Unconscious of this fact, the church followers do not ask for proof and blindly follow the fathers. Now the holy fathers discuss the concept of The Trinity, then they stage a Eucharist ceremony, imagining that thus they create a thrill of excitement in the hearts of Christians. They are unaware that these rites would deliver yet another blow to the foundations of Christianity.
They (the holy fathers) say that it would be good to kill two birds with one stone, by mixing fun and revelry, with a so-called religious action.
Presently we would explain the fact behind this “holy deed” to you, dear reader:
On Christmas Eve, the Christians make the following ceremony in the churches:
The Archbishop orders his acolytes to make dough from good flour, bake a loaf of unlived bread and bring it to him. Then the Holy Father takes the loaf of bread and wine to the church and after tolling the bell, prepares the Christians for performing the great ceremony. They all file in one rank and the priest pours the wine into a silver bowl and wraps the bread in a beautiful kerchief. Then he passes the rank of Christians and faces the East, reciting incantations and prayers while holding the loaf of bread. Following the supplication, he prostrates before the bread, then all those present would do the same for they believe that after the supplication, the dough of the bread transforms into the flesh of Jesus.(1)
The Holy Father then holds the cup of wine and addresses the congregation saying: “Our (lord and savior) Jesus, before death took the Grail of wine and gave it to his disciples saying: “this is my blood.” (Mark 14:24) Having said this, the priest himself bows before the cup and those in attendance must also follow suit.
Then, while saying prayers, he breaks the bread and holds it in his hand, while another priest brings the Grail of wine. Then one by one, those present
come forward; and the holy father still reciting prayers places in their mouths a piece of that bread which they swallow immediately without biting into it, for if they bite into it the flesh of Jesus would be harmed. One must ask why the flesh of Jesus, i.e. the unlived bread, is not harmed when they tear it to pieces.
Then all take a sip of wine, and by eating bread and drinking wine, all of them become the Father and the Son. And all their sins are forgiven. Whoever wants to repent must do this, and this is currently the standard practice in all Roman Catholic Churches.
This is but a sample of the ideas and deeds of Christianity, a faith whose practitioners believe that beatitude solely lies in the light of its teachings.
Moreover, as a part of the ceremony, all unanimously call Jesus the Lord, the only Son of God and begotten by The Father; and confess that he is not a creature but sharing the same essence with the Father.
Now in order to better explain this decadent idea and this act, take note of the following:
1) How then Jesus, who according to these gentlemen had been crucified about two millennia ago, can be turn to pieces in thousands of churches, and up in the bellies of millions of Christians and thereby make them all Gods?
What sort of scientific discipline proves that this bread and this wine are transformed into the flesh and blood of Jesus and what sort of connection exists between Christ and this physical food?
2) If each of those pieces of bread that a Christian eats were a whole Jesus, then it would be necessary for the Lord to create each year several million Jesus in the form of unlivened bread so as to feed the Christians. Moreover, during his lifetime, each Christian, depending upon his age must have eaten 50, 60, 80 or even 100 whole Jesus... Is such a statement believable?
And if they say that they tear Jesus to pieces and eat him, no doubt the crime of the holy fathers would be no less severe than that of Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus to the Jews, for they tear Jesus to pieces every year.
By saying the unlivened bread is digested, the Christians have made a great insult to Jesus, for they are forced to say that it goes through the same stages as other foods, but if they say that it is not digested and absorbed then one must say that every Christian, who has lived for hundred years, must harbor hundred Jesus in his stomach. Truly how much space is there in one’s stomach to take in hundred Jesus with earthly bodies?
The superstitious nature of The Eucharist became such a widely spoken topic among Europeans and other people, that in 1551 AD the Roman Catholic Church was forced to make a revision in it but still it could not thoroughly
abandon the Eucharist superstitions.
By what stated so far, the superstitious nature of The Eucharist comes into light, for it does not conform to any laws of natural or rational sciences; rather it directly opposes them. In this ritual, drinking of wine, which by the assertion of medical scientists and The Holy Bible itself, is a dangerous fluid that disrupts both mind and body, has been incorporated into the Christian faith as a sacred act by which the Christians become both the Father and the Son.
More specifically, if it is said that unlivened bread is not digested and remains in body forever, this foolish statement make not only the natural scientist, but also even any child, to laugh at it.
Furthermore, the present gospels do not approve this act. John Alder, a Christian scholar writes:
“Protestants dispute with Catholics about two subjects:
I-That the Eucharist and other sacred rites have been taught by Jesus, for there are many arguments against it, but none to support it.
II-That these holy rituals are means and modes of salvation,
Whereas the New Testament strongly emphasizes that we are saved through faith “and not by performing rituals. (Therefore there is no salvation in the acts, rites and ceremonies of the Eucharist). May God guide all of us to the right path?”
“And no bearer of burden can bear the burden of another...” (The Holy Qur’an 17:15)
One thing that is becoming increasingly dear with the rapid progress of science is the need to observe divine precepts. Although man has greatly benefited from the thoughts of scientists and wise men in the past, he acknowledges that he cannot fully unveil the mysteries of creation with the help of his finite mind and offer and express comprehensive, useful and unchangeable considerations regarding the problems of life.
He realizes that many laws and theories that are postulated around the globe would, after a time, display their flaws, so that the legislators and theorists are forced to abandon them.
Fortunately, some scientists have confessed that divine laws originating from the Creator of the universe, i.e. the Omniscient God, form the only program that can lead humanity towards absolute prosperity and perfection. Therefore, prophets have tried to introduce people to this progressive program and have always seriously fought with the belief that another person will be punished or sacrificed instead of the guilty party, and have openly declared that everyone is responsible for his own deeds.
In the Book of Ezekiel one can still read: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him” (Ezek. 18:20).
Belief in suffering punishment and paying ransom instead of somebody else would have made a great number of people refuse abiding by divine precepts, for, in their opinion, another person would receive punishment in their stead. Thus apart from being prevented to develop themselves towards perfection, they would have also dealt an irreparable blow to the interest of the society.
Jesus Christ, as soon as he received his divine mission, followed the same rule and drove people towards religious obligations and stressed: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heavens and earth pass, one jot or one brittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
“Whoever, therefore, shall break one of these last commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 5:17-19)
But in the tide of the events, and harmful publicity launched by the Roman emperors in the early days of Christianity, the Christians, like Buddhists and Hindus, following the example of St. Paul, said: “The only Son of God, or the Lord Himself descended upon earth to expunge people from sin by dying on
The Cross.” They stated: “Jesus Christ was put on the Cross in order to shoulder the burden of our sins. He thus took the curse, so as to deliver us from the curse of the canon and the holy laws that we deserve.”
In his epistle to Galatians, Paul writes: “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of law, being made a curse for us; for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).
Furthermore, in the same chapter he adds: “Before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith, which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:23 - 26).
In brief, they had thus fulfilled their last wish and said: “Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances” (Ephesians 2:15)
Obviously, they had nothing else in their minds than achieving their evil desires and irresponsibility!
Sometimes, in order to avoid any scandal, Christians base their arguments on parts of unreliable old books. For instance, they say: “When they put Christ on The Cross, he drank vinegar, just as David had foretold in Psalms, 69. So it is clear that the story of the putting Christ on The Cross in order to redeem us from our sins is based on reality.” Studying David’s Psalms, Chapter 69, we notice that the verses therein do not deal with Jesus Christ at all, but with David himself. The verses are: “God save me... Thou hast known my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonor. Mine adversaries are all before thee. Reproach hath broken my heart and I am full of heaviness; and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink.”
You will notice that the above passage has nothing to do with Christ’s Crucifixion to save the Christians from the restraints imposed by the canon. But since there is a mention of vinegar, and since in their belief, Christ, too, had drunken vinegar in the last hours of his life, Christians have taken them as forecasting Crucifixion and atonement. Truly, are such inferences not ridiculous?
From what has been said so far, it becomes evident that observance of divine commandments is among the most important and necessary issues; belief in shouldering someone else’s sins is the greatest superstition and it is never correct to accept it just because it has been mentioned m the New Testament. Rather, one must say that the New Testament is not compatible with the Old Testament and the conduct of the prophets and Jesus Christ. This incompatibility is yet another proof of its erroneousness.
As a German author, named Ernest Die Bunsen writes:
“The Crucifixion and atonement for sins are but mere fabrications made by St. Paul and his disciples who had never seen Jesus Christ with their own eyes. Therefore one cannot maintain them as the fundaments of true Christianity.”
Furthermore, Barnabas flatly denies The Crucifixion of Jesus in his Gospel and states: “Judas of Iscariot, mistakenly taken for Christ, was crucified.”
* * *
Now if you ask: “How could one discover the comprehensive divine laws that could guide human beings to happiness and prosperity?” our answer is: “by studying The Holy Qur’an, along with the words of the Holy Prophet of Islam and the impeccable leaders who succeeded him. These words and maxims are available in authoritative Shi’ite books.
The Qur’an is the only book that has addressed the basic issues and problems of life, so that it never grows out-dated and obsolete and fulfills the needs of its followers thereof. In this respect, The Qur’an is unlike the present Old and New Testaments which, apart from being distorted and containing many mistakes and superstitious passages, are short of providing precepts and would never be able to fulfill all the needs of human beings and be considered the sources of guidance and rule for life.
Briefly, what has been mentioned so far makes it clear that the subject of Christ’s atonement and suffering for our sins would prevent man from his individual and social development. Inasmuch as man moves forward, he would become aware of the superstitious nature of this belief.
Every year when the Christian New Year begins, Christians hold a celebration which is called Christmas. On Christmas, they go to nightclubs and spend a night of debauchery.
The motive behind this celebration is plausibly to mark the anniversary of the birth of Christ and to glorify that great divine man, but in reality the Christians hold the celebration in order to quench their sensual thirsts. Thus they take to actions which Christ himself detests very much.
On the Christmas evening, the Christians spare no pleasure and avoid no obscene actions including dancing, singing, drinking, sex etc. Obviously these actions have nothing to do with the glorification of the memory of Christ, the divine man. Now we can see what is Christmas Day and how it is celebrated.
After the death of Christ, his divine system became subject to alterations by profit-making Church officials who hid the real face of Jesus Christ behind the veil of obscurantism myths and superstition such as the concept of “The Father and The Son” and Christ’s “Divinity”. Certain traditions were established by the Holy Fathers, which resulted in nothing but shame for the Christians. Christmas, too, is one of these artificial traditions carried out in such a way.
* * *
All prophets of God, including Jesus Christ himself have banned drunkenness, debaucheries and orgies. Even in the altered Bibles there are phrases which ban such obscene actions.
The book of Isaiah, 5:11-12, says: “Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! And the harp, and the viol, the tablet, and pipe, and wine are in their feasts.” But, unfortunately, with such an explicit ban, the Christians bring wine and music into their religious services, consecrating Christ in such a way.
Although we have faced some facts in above lines and realized a truth, we do not intend to prevent the Christians from evil acts and disillusion them. The intellectual Christians themselves have long abandoned the superstitious aspect of their religion and discarded it. Their leaders, however, have not stopped their desperate efforts...
Now it should be asked what name we are going to give to these acts. Is such a vain feast held in order to gain a national honor? Is it a step made towards social progress? The answers to these questions will undoubtedly be negative. These extravaganzas at the end of the Christian year are a submission to frivolities and wantonness and a confession to a kind of defeat by unjust sensual desires. These are reactionary and incorrect imitations, the repetition of which is painful and shameful in the eyes of the far-sighted Muslims. In other words,
these actions are the most vulgar “Western-orientedness” with grave consequences, exposing all our religious authorities and tradition to utter destruction and permanent extermination.
It is worthwhile explaining about the nature of Western-mindedness or Western-intoxication. It is something like being afflicted with a malady, which rots the Organism from within. You can imagine a butterfly whose shell and wings have remained intact but whose interior body is worn away.
Yes, Western-mindedness or Western-orientation is a dangerous disease the grave consequence of which is deadlier than cholera. One must attempt to avoid it because it has unfortunately spread among many people. Under the banner of Westernization, we are succumbed to estrangement from our traditional clothes, houses, foods, and literature, press and, more dangerously of all, from our culture. We bring up Western-minded people, think Western-mindedly and look for a solution for our problems in a Westernized manner.
So every far-sighted Muslim, who has preserved his Islamic personality and mind, knows well that his participation in such feasts only results in disaster for the Muslim community.
Do our Islamic conscience and sentiment and our brotherly love allow us to cooperate with a Christianity which for centuries has been the great enemy of the Muslims, killed millions of our brothers and still continues to do so? Should we still take part in their luxurious feasts?
Finally we ask our Muslim brothers and sisters to avoid holding Christmas celebrations and any actions which are dominated by Western-mindedness and superstition and preserve their Islamic personality and purify themselves from the shameful Western- intoxication.
Imam Ali, peace is upon him, said: “He, who prevails over his sensual desires, will have preserved his real personality.”
Scientific discoveries explicitly show the countless harm of alcoholic drinks. Before these discoveries, however, the divine religions, inspired with the eternal source of knowledge, that is, God the Omnipotent and the Omniscient, warned their followers against alcoholic drinks and enumerated their evils and harms.
Unfortunately, during long period of time, the Christian Holy Fathers, for various unspecified reasons (!), not only have actually prescribed the use of alcoholic drinks, but have also, by altering some passages of the Bible, fabricated verses concerning the drinking of the old prophets, which makes ashamed every wise and faithful person.
Regretfully, winemaking and wine drinking are already not only allowed and practiced among the Christians, but also have entered their rituals and religious services. As described in Chapter 11, The Eucharist (Holy Communion), being a religious and sacred service to the church authorities, is celebrated with the taking of bread and wine and the world Christians drink in their greatest religious service millions of liters of wine for the love of Jesus, the innocent prophet of God.
Worst of all, the Christians’ Holy Bible considers winemaking the first miracle of Christ. The Gospel according to John, chapter 2, verses 1-11, says: “And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:
And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.
And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.
His mother saith unto the servants, whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
And there were sent there six water pots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.
Jesus saith unto them; fill the water pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.
And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear into the governor of the feast. And they bare it.
When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants, which drew the water, knew ;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,
And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse; but thou hast kept the good wine until now.
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”
We read in the Old Testament, Genesis, and the following lines about Noah: “And Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
And he drank of the wine and was drunk; and he was uncovered within his tent.
And Ham the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.”
Again the Old Testament says about Lot whom his two daughters made drink wine. When he was drunk, he lay down with his daughters and conceived them who bore him two sons.
This is the way the Bible of the Christians introduce the divine prophets who, in reality, were the guiding lights of humanity and thus had to be pure of any corruption and evil.
Of course we do not expect more than this from these fabricated books, but what is surprising is that in these very books we come across phrases which forbid the drinking of wine. In Leviticus, Chapter 10, verses 8 and 9, we read: “And the Lord spoke into Aaron, saying: Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, or the sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest thee die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations.” The book of Isaiah, chapter 5, verse 11, says: “Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue till night, till wine inflames them!” In the same book, chapter 28, verses 7 and 8, we also read: “But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. Tables become full of vomit and filthiness; so that no place will be left clean.”
With these explicit sentences being written in the Old Testament, forbidding alcoholic drinks, it is not clear why the Gospels represent the Prophets of God as wine-makers and wine drinkers.
Now the world prostrates itself before the Holy Qur’an, for this Divine Book
has forbidden the alcoholic drinks and devoted a special campaign against them: “O ye who believe! Strong drink and games of chance and idols and diving arrows are only an infamy of Satan’s handiwork. Leave it aside in order that ye may succeed. Satan seeketh only to cast among you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink and games of chance, and to turn you from remembrance of Allah and from His worship. Will ye then have done?(1)”
Now it is worthwhile giving a summary of the medical theories of the twentieth century on the dangers of alcoholic drinks and then examining world religions to see which of them guarantees the happiness of mankind. Is it a religion which prohibits alcoholic drinks or a religion the precepts of which have undergone many alterations and in which winemaking is considered one of its miracles and even a religious ritual; According to the reports made by medical and health centers and the experiences of the researchers especially the physiological and biological experts, when the alcohol enters the body, only a small portion of it dissolves and disappears and the bulk of it enters the blood circulation which sends it to all organs. Since alcohol is a poisonous substance and, unlike nutritious elements, is extraneous to the body, it harms every body organ and attacks them in various harmful ways. Because of its evil effects especially because it coagulates albuminoid substances, it reduces perceptibly the sensitivity and activities of the cells and tissues of the body organs, corrupting as a whole the kidneys, the stomach, the liver the mouth, the gullet and the intestines. The digestive canal and its mucous membrane are most damaged. Alcohol deprives the user’s offspring from good health. It has also bad effects on respiratory organs and blood circulation, especially on the heart and the veins. It indiscriminately results in arterio-sclerosis (which is the main cause of heart attacks and brain damages) and hardens and spoils the liver tissues. The stomach pain and intestinal pain occur in alcoholics (even those who drink beer much more than in non-alcoholic people. The nerve center, being most sensitive to alcohol, is worst damaged.
In brief, alcohol and all kinds of liquor are effective narcotic drugs, which cause nervous insensibility, destroy health, and kill the sense of honor and galantry. As a result, a person addicted to alcohol gives in to every state of humiliation and is ready to do every evil act and ends in wretchedness and misery.
It is quite right to say that the alcoholic drink is one of the major causes which have annihilated the independence, freedom, natural wealth and resources of the nations, because it diminishes the mental power and the sense of understanding of the addicted people who are led to sell their precious resources and their national and spiritual wealth and honor to a cup of wine.
There is abundant evidence to this fact, which cannot be mentioned in this book because of limited space.
It was this deadly poison, which brought to an end the glory of the Spanish Muslim community.
Since man is liable to forgetfulness and error, his statements are not free of contradictions and thus now and then he says and writes something which contradicts his previous statements.
There are many subjects which he discusses with plausible precision, but after a time he makes suggestions opposing his previous ones.
This failure is limited to mankind as a creature who cannot avoid forgetfulness and it is utterly impossible to attribute such a failure to the creator of the universe, the Almighty God, who is omniscient and omnipotent.
A Book sent by God to guide humanity is, therefore, bound to be entirely free from contradictions and errors. A perfect example of such books is the Holy Qur’an, throughout which a single contradiction and reasoning is not found. Therefore, we can consider this fact a sign of the heavenliness of this great Book, for, logically speaking, it is impossible for an ordinary man who has not been educated to read and write, but has been busy leading a sweeping movement and facing countless difficulties, to compose such a book without being in association with God.
Unfortunately, Christian religious Scripture, unlike the Qur’an, includes numerous contradictions and we wonder how the Holy Fathers ascribe the so-called Holy Bible to God.
As we all know, contradictory statements are two propositions on a singe point which disagree with each other and those who speak in the language in which these statements are made cannot justify both of them. If, for example, we say: “Man has traveled to the moon” and then we say:
“Man has not traveled to the moon”; these are two contradictory statements. Wherever you come across such opposing sentences, you should realize that you are faced with contradictions. Now, let us make a brief study of the Four Gospels to see whether or not they contain contradictory statements.
The Gospel according to Matthew describes the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ as follows: “Then were two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.... The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth.” (Matt. 27:38-44). As you see, according to the Gospel of Matthew, the two thieves, being crucified, abused Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to Luke, on the other hand, writes: “And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him,
saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Doth not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.” (Luke, 23:39-41).
It is true that Matthew and Luke both want to mention the crucifixion of two thieves with Jesus, but the formers statement, “Both of the thieves abused” is contrary to the latter’s statement: “One of the wrong doers abused Jesus, the other rebuked him”. So these two statements are considered contradictory.
Recounting Christ’s advice to his disciples, Mark writes: “And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits; And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse: But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats.” (Mark, 6:7-9). Take note that Mark quotes the advice concerning taking a staff and wearing shoes and does not disapprove of taking them. But the Gospel of Matthew frankly forbids this, saying: “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, (saying to them :). Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.” (Matt, 10:1-10). It is obvious that the two above statements do not correspond each other.
Having narrated the story of Peter’s escape, the Gospel of Matthew says: When Peter went among the enemies of Christ, he was suspected by them, who asked him three times whether or not he had been with Christ. He persistently denied this. The Gospel of Matthew states that the first and the second times he was questioned by two maids. But the Gospel of Mark, contrary to Matthew’s statement, says that only one maid (not two maids) asked him such a question for the first two times. Mark writes that “as Peter was beneath in the palace, there came one of the maids of the high priest. And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him and said, and thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. But he denied saying I know not, neither understands I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch, and the cock crew. And a maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, this is one of them, and he denied it again…”
Moreover, the contradictions between these two Gospels and the Gospel of Luke is even more remarkable, because if these two Gospels are in disagreement with each other on the subject of the investigation made by one or
two maids, they correspond in the fact that the investigators have been women not men. But the Gospel of Luke suggests that the second time a man, not a man, has questioned Peter. (Luke, 22:55-59). It should be born in mind that Peter, as prophesied by Jesus, did not deny Jesus more than three times. So this contradiction cannot be justified by saying that different people posed this question to Peter, who denied Jesus once in each answer to each person and that at the second time a number of people questioned him and he made a single denial in the presence of all of them, because judging from the statement, after the second question has been made, that “the maid began to say to them that stood by”, we understand no one besides the maid knew the matter, but other people became aware of the fact only after the question was made for the second time. It is true that the three Gospels intend to point out that Peter denied Christ before the cock crew, but they contradict each other in the details.
The Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John specify the rime when Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, came to his grave as follows: “They arrived at dawn, when it was still dark.” But unlike these Gospels, the Gospel of Mark says: “Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother and Jacob ... came to the burial place of Jesus Christ at sunrise”. It goes without saying that the dawn when it is still dark is perceptibly different from the sunrise when it is already bright and therefore they cannot be the same.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, Christ said that like Jonas, who remained three days and three nights in the Whale’s belly, he, too, would remain three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (St Matthew; 12, 40).
Whereas, Mark states that Jesus stayed in the grave for two nights and one day, adding that he was buried on Friday evening, the day before the sabbath, and when Mary Magdalene came to his sepulchre at the rising of the sun on Sunday, she saw that Christ had already risen from the grave. (Mark; 15:42 and 16:1-5). At this stance, besides the contradiction between the narratives of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, we are confronted with the attribution of a lie to Jesus Christ, who said that he would stay three days and three nights in the grave!
At any rate, these contradictions and mistakes in the Gospels are enough to convince us that the Christian’s present religious literature cannot have drawn its inspirations from divine revelations; otherwise, these differences and contradictions would never have occurred.
Accordingly, the authors of these writings cannot be considered divinely inspired, since they would have been expected to be in agreement in their statements and such misrepresentations would have never occurred, had they been in contact with the Omniscient God. For this valid reason, we affirm that the Christians’ existing Bible is (edited) interpolated without any shadow of doubt. It is a fake and far from proving a heavenly book.
A malicious charge made against Islam by Christian preachers is that; “Islam has spread by the sword”. They also claim that “it was the Muslims’ sword which converted African and Asian peoples one by one into Islam.”
It is impossible for us in this short treatise to demonstrate the actual reality as clear as possible by referring to historical events and by making a complete study of the sacred verses of the Holy Qur’an and the Bible. But we may briefly point out that the Christian preachers, without having studied the Quranic verses, he made this accusation and have not noticed that in what context Islam orders the Jihad (holy war) and what it means by making it.
In principle, war in Islam is not waged for the purpose of expansionism, conquests and blood shed. It is, however, designed to save oppressed and helpless people who have been denied their legitimate rights and are being burned in the fire of oppression, corruption, paganism, dictatorship and civil deprivations.
God says in the Qur’an: “And how should you not fight for the cause of Allah, and for the helpless old men, women and the children who say: ‘Deliver us, Lord, from this city of wrongdoers; send forth to us a guardian from Your presence; send to Us one that will help us’?” (Sura “Women” verses 75).
War in Islam is also waged in order to remove wickedness and establish social justice and general peace. How gloriously are the words of God saying: “And fight against them [the unbelievers] as long as no wickedness will- remain and the religion will be for God . . .” (Sura “Spoils of War”, verse 39). It is evident that the Holy Qur’an prescribes a war effort for the sake of God and for the salvation of deprived masses and abolition of malignity’s.
Islam is not a forced religion. The Jews and Christians can adhere to their own religions, but they have to observe conditions necessary for mutual peace and coexistence.
In Islamic warfare, poisoning, killing of women, children and old men are forbidden and even cutting down of trees and destroying of buildings are disapproved under Islamic law.
The question is whether or not it is a good deed to fight in order to end wickedness, liberate deprived masses and establish social justice. Is it, then, correct to say that in Islam the sword has been used to impose a certain belief on other people?
The answer to these questions are negative and the Christian preachers who make accusations against Islam should know that the spread of Islam is due to its simplicity, practicability sand comprehensiveness and because of these characteristics it continues to advance without possessing propaganda means
and possibilities.
God sent His Messenger, the Prophet of Islam, as an act of benevolence, to the whole people of the world. As He vividly says in the Holy Qur’an: “We sent you only to be a favor to the worlds.” Invitation to Islam was not made from the beginning by force and the sword, as claim the holy fathers. On the contrary, it was made by the aid of reasoning, argument, philosophy and preaching. As God says: “Invite to the path of thy Lord God through philosophy and benevolent preaching.” (Sura “The Bee” verse 125). If the Christian preachers had studied the Torah and the whole Bible, they would not have made such irrelevant assertions. In Dueteronomy we read: “Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. And the Lord our God delivered him before us; and we smote him, and his sons, and all his people. And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain” (Deuteronomy, 2:32-34).
Is the murder of women and children a justifiable action? Has this war been waged in favor of humanity and justice? Is such a war policy comparable with the war policy of Islam? Is such cruelty not based on the religion of the sword? There is no doubt that the murder of women and children is inconsistent with the principles of co-existence and humanitarianism.
Such a brief comparison makes it clear that by Jihad for God, Islam does not aim to make bloodbath, revenge and imposition of faith, but, unlike Crusaders who waged wars solely to make conquests and colonize other lands, the Muslims have sought peace, stability and welfare for the deprived people all over the world.
People embraced Islam and continue to do so because Islam fulfills their innermost needs and inherent inclinations. However, with all these freedoms offered to non-Muslim people in different countries and despite the fact that there are currently no propagating organization in Islam, the religion of Islam advances continuously in Asia and Africa, especially at a time when there have been increasing perceptible signs of decline in religious faith in recent years.
Today, it is impossible to claim that the conquerors’ swords are paving the way for the spread of Islam. As a matter of fact, in the regions, which were once ruled by Islam and are now governed by non-Islamic rulers, powerful non-Islamic propagating institutions have been operating for long years among Muslim inhabitants. Nevertheless, these institutions shave not been able to detach Islam from the social and individual life of those people.
What miraculous force does underlie this religion? What inherent force of persuasion has been mingled with this religion so that thoughtful and freethinking people embrace it with great enthusiasm?
Those who say: “Islam has advanced by the sword” have no intention except malice and vindictiveness and historical facts and current events disprove such a wicked assertion.
Once in a while, God gives a certain proof to the people in order to leave them without any excuse. To this effect, He has risen up prophets and confirmed their missions through miracles.
The prophets before they passed away assigned certain tasks to people to carry out thereafter and prophesied the coming of a next prophet, specifying his identity. They also advised people to follow the next prophet so that the people might believe in him and take the right path.
According to this very principle, our Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, who would not be succeeded by any prophet to the end of the world, introduced Imam Ali, peace be upon him, as his successor and announced that the mission of divine prophecy had come to an end. He said to Imam Ali: “Your relationship to me is just like the relationship of Aaron to Moses, except for the fact that there will be no prophet after me.”
In the heavenly Books, which God sent as revelations to prophets before Muhammad, He prophesied the coming of a final Prophet so that intelligent people might expect his coming.(1) Moses, an authoritative prophet who has the divine Book of Torah, has prophesied in it the divine mission of the revered Prophet of Islam and has given signs describing him. The existing Bibles, although subject to alterations, still contain passages suggesting the same allusions. In this treatise, we are going to give a summary quotation of them.
The Bible’s book of Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verses 15-22, quote Moses as saying: “Jahova, thy Lord, will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken. According to all that thou desirest of the Lord thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not. And the Lord said unto me, they have well spoken that which they have spoken. I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words, which he shall speak in my name; I will require it of him. But the Prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word, which the Lord hath not spoken?
When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord; if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
In these phrases, Moses prophesies to the children of Israel the advent of a great prophet who has the following specifications:
1-He is among Moses’ brothers and Israeli nation.
2-His position is like that of Moses himself.
3-He utters words of God.
4-He conveys whatever God commands him.
5-Whoever does not listen to his divinely inspired words, will be called to account by God.
6-He does not speak on his own behalf.
7-The proof of the truth of his words is his prophecies, which come true.
8-It is dangerous to oppose him. However, one should not be afraid of opposing a prophet who makes false assertions.
All these characteristics are contained in the above passage and all entirely correspond with those of the Prophet of Islam. Now we shall briefly explain each specification:
1-He is among Moses’ brothers and Israeli nation. The Holy Qur’an, the Bible and the history testify that Abraham had two sons named Samuel, and Isaac. Isaac, too, had a son called Jacob who was also called Israel. Jacob had twelve sons who are the forefathers of the children of Israel. Samuel had several children with whom he stayed in Arabian Peninsula and formed one of the important Arab tribes. Ismaelites are considered the brethren of the children of Israel, because their common ancestor was Abraham who is one of the greatest men in history and equally respected by the Jews, Christians and Muslims. The two tribes in question have descended from his two sons, Samuel and Isaac.
The glorious prophet of Islam is a descendant of Samuel and thus considered among the brothers of Israeli tribe.
2-His position is like that of Moses himself.
Like Moses, the respected Prophet of Islam had a divine Book and had worked miracles. He experienced stages in life similar to those of Moses: he rebelled by the sword, fought against the unbelievers and finally defeated them.
3-He utters words of God.
The greatest miracle of our Messenger of God is the Holy Qur’an, which is called “the everlasting miracle.” No one has been and will be able to offer a book equal to it. Although this Book is in Arabic and in Arabic alphabet and the Book itself invites all humanity to produce a book equal to it in eloquence, nobody has been able to do that and the opponents who, for centuries, have fought Islam by waging tremendous wars and spending large amounts of money, have never been able to produce something as valuable as the Qur’an. It
is because the Holy Qur’an is the word of God and not human beings. As a result, a human being is unable to make something like it.
4-He conveys whatever God commands him. The Prophet of Islam conveyed to mankind whatever he heard from God. He showed to humanity all good and evil paths about which he was informed through revelations. The Prophet delivered a sermon during the Welfare Pilgrimage saying: “O people! I enjoined you to do whatever drives you nearer to Heaven and whatever takes you away from the fire of Hell, and prevented you from doing anything which drives you towards Hell and away from Heaven.”
The Holy Qur’an says: “The Messenger has no duty except conveying the message clearly.”
The Prophet of Islam faced numerous difficulties and frustrations in preaching divine precepts and commandments and since his mission was a divine mission he feared nothing and resisted the tortures inflicted on him by Quraish (his own tribe) and finally decided to migrate from Mecca, his native town, to Medina.
5-Whoever does not listen to his divinely - inspired words, will be called to account by God.
A divine religion requires that a wrongdoer should be punished. The religious law of the Prophet of Islam has appointed hard punishments for sinners and ordained that everybody should be rewarded or punished for what he has done. The Qur’an says: “He who doeth wrong will have the recompense thereof, and will not find against Allah any protecting friend or helper. And who so doeth good works, whether of male or female, and he (or she) is a believer, such will enter paradise.” (Sura “Women” verses 123-124). It also says: “And whosoever sins against God and His Messenger, he will be a prey to the fire of Hell in which he will stay permanently.” (Sura “Jinn” verses 23).
6-He does not speak on his own behalf.
The Prophet of Islam never spoke words expressing his own opinion and when a question was asked from him, he waited until a revelation came to him and he received the correct answer from God. The Qur’an says: “He does not speak out of self-interest anything except it has been a revelation” (Sura “Star”, verses 3-4)
7-the proof of the truth of his words is his prophecies, which come true.
The respected Messenger of Islam made during 23 years of his divine mission numerous prophecies, which came true. The Qur’an, Sura “Rome”, says: “Rome, situated in the remotest part [of the world], after being defeated, will defer [the enemy].” Indeed, this prediction came true.
8-It is dangerous to oppose him.
When the Prophet of Islam made known his divine mission, he was faced with powerful opponents each of whom tried to stop his influence and progress. But he continued his invitation resolutely and feared nothing and God the
Almighty brought contempt and disaster to his enemies. In the Battle of Badr alone, the first Islamic war, seventy senior people of the Quraish tribe, who had long been hostile to the Prophet, was killed. In the subsequent battles, too, the real advance was made by the Prophet who at last conquered Mecca and Islam continued to flourish.
These explanations make it clear that the Prophet of Islam possessed all the characteristics mentioned in Moses’ Words. So it is certain that Muhammad was the same prophet whose advent had been promised in the Old Testament, for after Moses no prophet possessing all these characteristics has come except Muhammad, the Son of Abdullah.
Some of Jewish theologists have thought that this prophecy is about Joshua, but the fact is that all these characteristics do not correspond with those of that prophet. For example, he is not among the brethren of the Israelites, but is among himself. Furthermore, Joshua is not like Moses in position, because at the end of Deuteronomy (10:34), after the allusion to his divine mission, we read: “No prophet like Moses has ever risen in Israel whom God has known face to face.”
Christian’s claim that the prophet named in the Old Testament is no one else but Jesus Christ. This assertion, too, is baseless, because not all the specifications of the promised messenger recorded in the Old Testament exist in Jesus Christ. For instance:
1-Jesus rose from among the Israelites and not from among their brethren.
2-Jesus did not fight against the enemies and did not make an armed uprising as did Moses.
3-In the existing Gospels we read that Jesus said: “And I have so many other things to tell you, but at present you cannot bear hearing them” (John, 16:12). Thus how can we say that he conveyed to people whatever was revealed to him?
4-The predictions recorded in the present Four Gospels do not correspond with one another, for the Gospel of Matthew (12:40) says that Christ predicted that he would stay for three days and nights in the heart of the earth (his grave). But the Gospel of Mark (the end of the chapter 15 and the beginning of the chapter 16) states that Jesus remained in the grave less than this period of time. This Gospel says that Jesus was buried the evening before Saturday and on Sunday at sunrise his sepulchre was found empty.
From these points we conclude that the promised messenger mentioned in the Old Testament is somebody other than Jesus Christ.
In Deuteronomy we read: “And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death. And he said, The
Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran” (33:1-2).
Here Moses mentions his advent and his divine mission on mount Sinai, the advent of another prophet from the mount Seir and a third prophet from the mount Paran. The mount Sinai is the place where Moses talked with God. Seir is situated in Judea where Jesus Christ received his divine mission and the mount Paran is in Mecca. In Genesis (21:21) we read that Samuel “dwelt in Paran desert”, and we know for certain that Samuel did come to live in Mecca. It is obvious, too, that the mount Paran is equivalent to the mount Hara where the Prophet of Islam worshipped God. It is in that place where for the first time the divine revelation was sent down to him in the form of the first verses of the Sura “The Clot” and thus he received his divine mission as the messenger of God.
Isaiah the Prophet recounts his dream, in which, “...he saw a couple of riders, one on a donkey, the other on a camel” (Isaiah, 21:7). This is a prophecy about “one on a donkey” and “the other on a camel” which Isaiah saw in his dream.
The analysis of the passage: As noted by the Gospel and judging from the history of Christianity, the sacredness of the shoe of Jesus’ donkey, the Ahafer Church Building, and literature and the arts, we realize that Jesus Christ used to ride on an ass. We also know that the Prophet of Islam usually rode on a camel, because there are a lot of camels in the Arabian desert, and horses and donkeys cannot be used to cross the dry and barren deserts of that territory. As a result, “One on a donkey”, and “the other on a camel”, seen by Isaiah the Prophet, correspond respectively with Jesus Christ and the Prophet of Islam.
In another part of the Old Testament we read: “God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of praise” (Hab, 3:3).
As The Bible Dictionary puts it, “Teman” means “the Southern Desert” Obviously the Arabian Peninsula is situated to the north of Jerusalem. We previously made it clear that Paran is Mecca. Therefore, this prophecy indicates to the advent of the Prophet of Islam.
Now we are going to explain the alterations made in these prophecies by the people of Scriptures (Jews and Christians) and uncover the truth in accordance with available documents. These alterations have been made in order to prevent
the Muslims from proving the fact that Muhammad is a true Prophet by referring to the prophecies included in the Old Testament. The Christians and the Jews saw that the Muslims used these prophecies to their own advantage. Therefore, instead of giving a clear answer to the Muslims -if they had such an answer at all- they began to make alterations in the Bible.
Deuteronomy (18:15-22) says: “Jahova, thy Lord, will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken”. In the verse 18 of the same chapter God is quoted as saying: “I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee...” In the verse 15 there appears the words “midst of thee”. In the repetition of this statement in the verse 18, this phrase is omitted. The phrase “From the midst of thee” together with the words “of thy brethren” make the reader notice that an alteration has been made in these phrases, especially because other Hebrew versions of the Old Testament (the sources of our translation) are full of errors persisting to this day through centuries. In the footnotes added to the Hebrew Bible some of these errors are indicated. The picture of a page from the Hebrew version of the Bible is printed here in which there are ten mistakes and are corrected in the footnotes. Significantly, each page of the Hebrew Bible contains several enormous errors.
It seems that the original phrase must have been “from the midst of their brethren”,(1) that is, in the form appearing in the verse 18, or “from the midst of thy relatives, thy brethren”(2).
In the Latin version of the Bible, translated by St. Jerome in the fourth Century from the Hebrew and Greek texts, the phrase “from the midst of thy nation” is used instead of “from the midst of thee.” In the English translation made by Knox from Latin the passage is as follows. “The Lord thy God will raise up for thee a prophet like myself, of thy own race, a brother of thy own. It is to him thou must listen.” This English translation which is made from the Latin version of St. Jerome substitutes the phrase “from the midst of thee” with “of thy own race”, followed by the explanatory phrase “a brother of thy own”, which suits the sentence quite beautifully and confirms our guess about the Hebrew phrase. As it is seen, this translation omits “from the midst.” This shows that the phrase “from the midst” was not recorded in the Hebrew and Greek versions of the time of St. Jerome in the Christian fourth Century. Only in the unauthorized versions of that time this phrase could be seen. We can
realize the fact that the prophecy appearing in Deuteronomy, chapter 18, does not apply to Jesus Christ as we refer to the phrase in Gospel of John, Chapter 1:19-22, and the foot-note annexed to it. There, three persons have been named: Christ, Elias and “the Prophet.” The footnote indicates that “that Prophet” is the same Prophet whose advent has been predicted by Moses in Deuteronomy (18:15-19). Thus it becomes clear that the Prophet referred to in Deuteronomy is not Jesus Christ.
In the section dealing with the “Third Prophecy”, we quoted from the dream of Isaiah the Prophet the following sentence: “He saw ... a couple of riders, one on a donkey, and the other on a camel.” As we said, by the “one on a donkey” it is meant Jesus who rode on an ass, and by the “other on a camel” it is meant the Prophet of Islam who rode on a camel, as the Arabian Desert life required it. However, in various Bible versions, this sentence has been altered into:
“…He saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels.”
In the translation of Walim Glen, which is known as Fazel Khani version, the phrase is “An ass load and a camel load.”
Those who know Hebrew notice that these are wrong translations and the true translation is the one noted before. The early versions of the Bible are, of course, free from this error. For example an Arabic version published in Rome in 1671 has rendered it as “one riding on an ass, one riding on a camel.” Another Arabic version of the Old Testament, published in Mosul in 1875 is free from such an alteration. This translation, too, has it as “One riding on an ass, one riding on a camel.”
The Latin version of St. Jerome has rendered the phrases correctly: “A chariot he saw, with two out-riders, one that rode on an ass, and one that rode on a camel; looked long at them, watching them eagerly.”
As for the motive behind these alterations, the fact is that for years, Muslim theologists have been referring to this dream as one of the proofs of Muhammad being raised up as a Prophet of God. Late at the second century of Hejira Imam Reza, peace be upon him, argued for the first time in favor of this prophecy in a debate attended by Ma’amoun, the Abbasid Caliph, who had arranged it for the Imam to discuss with various religious sects. At any rate, since this phrase of Old Testament has more than one thousand years been referred to by the Muslims, and since the Hebrew version has been repeatedly published for many years, the people of the Scriptures are unable to do anything at the moment except make hypocritical changes in current translations.
It is up to our dear reader to make his own judgment. If these translators believe that the book of Isaiah is a divine book, then why do they not fear God when they translate it incorrectly? Not only in this case, but also in hundreds of other cases, they have been sticking, in respect of their own “Holy Bible”, to an
unfounded prejudice, the discussion about which would take a long chapter. Are the errors in the original texts not enough to prevent them from making further alterations in their translations?
There is an inherent need in human nature, which drives him towards theology. Such a need and natural inclination existing in human beings and other creatures are, in themselves, the clearest proof to the fact of the existence of a perfect and peerless God who has to be free from any deficiency and need. Otherwise, it is essential that God, too, should be in need of and dependant on another God and is considered among the creatures. For this reason, the theologists declare God free from any property, which introduces Him as a dependent being. For instance, they say that God is not a compound being, because every compound matter such as sun-light, which is composed of heat, light and chemical process, is dependent on its ingredients and on a factor which has mixed these ingredients in certain proportions and this is in disagreement with the real meaning of God who has to be independent of everything.(1)
They also say that God has to be only one, because if we imagine two or three Gods, this makes it essential to believe in “composition” as regards the divine being, because each God needs a different thing to be mixed with Him in order to be distinguished from another God, and composition, as we have just said, is in disagreement with needlessness. Therefore, God is absolute and principally thinking in terms of polytheism and the worship of three beings (The Trinity) do not agree with belief in real God, the Creator of the universe.(2)
Despite this, unfortunately before the birth of Christ, a group of people began to believe in the concept of the trinity and polytheism. Because of their narrow-mindedness and because of a series of manifestations of the power of God, these beliefs found adherents in India, Rome, Egypt and other regions.
Jesus, the son of Mary, like other prophets persistently prohibited the people from believing in polytheism and atheism and warned: “O children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Lo! Whose ascribeth partners unto Allah hath been forbidden paradise. His abode is the fire. For evildoers there will be no helpers.” (The Holy Qur’an, verse72). When the Christ’s lifetime came to an end, there followed a series of bitter events in the early centuries of Christianity. As a result many of the pagan beliefs and traditions found their way into the Christian religion. Many followers of Christianity came to believe them as an integral part of their religion.
Dr. Gustave Le Bon, the well-known French sociologist, writes: “During the first five hundred years of its life, Christianity continued to evolve, assimilating the philosophical and religious aspects of Greek and Oriental culture, and became a mixture of Oriental beliefs especially Egyptian and Persian beliefs which had spread about the first Christian century in the former pagan regions of Europe ... The people substituted the new concept of the Trinity (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) for the old system of the trinity (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva) and continued their traditional rituals. The Christian saints replaced the old minor gods.”
William James Durant, the author of “The Story of Civilization”, after describing John, his book of Revelations and the Gospel of John, writes: “Christianity has not abolished Polytheism, but has adopted it. The moribund Hellenic spirit was revived by the traditions and theological principles of the Church… The doctrines of God’s trinity... and the survival of the individual to be rewarded or punished came from Egypt. Christianity has been the last great creation of the ancient pagan world.” The followers of the Trinity constantly change their reasoning according to time and place in order not to be defeated by other doctrines. Sometimes they say: “By the Trinity we do not mean that three different Gods exist, which contradicts with monotheism. But we mean that God, like the ray of sun which is composed of heat, light and chemical process, is composed of three essences: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” The people with such a concept, however, do not realize that, with this way of thinking and reasoning, they categorize God among material mixtures such as plant and animal genera which are always dependant on their components and extraneous factors. Sometimes they admit that God is absolute, indivisible and not composite, but when the question of the Trinity is raised, they keep silent, because they see that if they say that there exist three Gods they will contradict monotheism and if they say that there is only one God, this contradicts their own view that God is composed of three elements. Instead, they say: “This is a mystery which no one can understand by his human intelligence. In other words, this is a Church secret and nobody can understand it in near future...”
They have heard that human beings, with their imperfect minds, cannot discover the truth of divine nature, but they have not wanted to realize that everybody knows that the proposition “A is at one composite and not composite, and is at one solitary and not solitary” is contradictory in itself and one part of it negates the other part.
Recently, however, when the Christians have happened to debate face to face with some young intellectual Muslims they have often denied the idea of the Trinity and said:
“The statements ‘Jesus is God’ and ‘Jesus is the Son of God’ should not be taken at their face-values. These sentences only serve to respect and glorify the superb, heavenly personality of Jesus Christ. The fact is that He is only a great
creature of God.” By saying that, they reject on the surface the resolution of the Council of Nicea, which introduces Jesus Christ as an uncreated being. They also pretend not to have heard of such a resolution.
* * *
In any case, the Trinity is a superstitious belief, which Christianity has had to abandon in the course of several centuries. A day will come when Christianity will accept what the Holy Qur’an says on this subject: “They indeed have disbelieved who say: Lo! Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. Say: Who then can do aught against Allah, if He had willed to destroy the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother and everyone on earth? Allah’s is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. He createth what He will. And Allah is able to do all things” (Sura: “The Table spread”, verse 17).
“The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) had passed away before him. And his mother was a saintly woman. And they both used to eat (earthly) food.” (Sura “The Table spread”, verse 75).
Then how is it possible for a human being that, like other ordinary people, needs food and other requisites of everyday life, to be God? The Holy Qur’an addresses the Christians as follows: “O people of the Scriptures! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word, which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not “Three” -Cease! (It is) better for you!- Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from His Transcendent Majesty that He should have a son His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth...” (Sura “Women”, verse 171).
From what we have said in this section it becomes quite clear that the idea of God being composed of three elements (the Trinity) has no heavenly basis and does not consort with the belief in real One God. This concept is among the fabrications of the “holy Fathers.”
We pray to Almighty God to guide all the Christians to the path of truth seeking and honesty.
The human soul, which is a divine gift, constantly craves for perfection and understanding of the mysteries of the Creation. To achieve these supreme and sacred goals, there is no other way except follow divine men and godly saints, for one can move along the path of God only under His guidance which lies in the promulgation, guidance and education offered by the Prophet and their successors.
For this reason, the wisdom requires human beings to follow the prophets and obey devoutly their commands and advice in order to educate their own personalities. Of course, just as the words of the divine prophets are authenticated and guarantee the happiness of mankind, so it is right and fruitful to study their acts and imitate them. Therefore, acquiring information about the biography of God’s chosen people and perfect human beings, not only increases man’s eagerness to move along the way to perfection, but also can teach him the secret of good conduct and right behavior, provided that the man who seeks to follow this course is sober in mind and heart, so that he may take lessons from the study of life of the great people.
Clearly, it is because of this instructive effects that the divine Scriptures are full of stories about the lives of the prophets, which remind the reader of the adventures and behaviors of God’s chosen people and His pious servants. It is concerning this fact that God says in the Holy Qur’an: “Verily, there is a lesson in their stories to be taken by the wise people.” (Sura “Joseph” verses 111).
The lives of the old prophets have been narrated in detail in the Old and New Testaments. But since these books have been subject to many alterations and omissions, paying devoted attention to the stories of the Old Testament is not advisable, because, as a result of the changes made in it by the tyrants and others, facts and fictions, realities and fallacies are intermingled in that book. Thus, at the moment, the Old Testament contains accounts of the Holy Prophets, which are inconsistent with their highly praised and exalted positions. It is really strange, unreasonable, incredible and unacceptable to common sense that even honorable and wise people who are not among the prophets and apostles should be so much tainted with such evil acts and lives such corrupt life. According to the existing old Testament stories, wicked characteristics and evil acts inconsistent with human nature and the thought and behavior of an average human being were prevalent among the early prophets and saints, who most of all, in accordance with these narratives, used to drink wine and lead a wicked life.
The Genesis, 19:30-38, relates in the story of Lot: “And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. And the first-born said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth: Come, let us make our father dank wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father, And they made their father dank wine that night: And the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down and when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: Let us make him dank wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father dank wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. And the firstborn bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day. And the younger, she also bares a son, and called his name Benammi: the same is the father of children of Ammon unto this day.”
In accordance with the present Old Testament versions, the prophet of God drank wine so excessively that lost his sense momentarily and committed adultery with his two daughters for two successive nights, without even being aware of this notorious act. How scandalous it is if a Messenger of God, who has been chosen by God to guide people to the right path and knowledge, should be so much seized by sensual desires and ignorance and succumbs to drunkenness that he loses his soberity and commits such shameful deeds. Is he who is to such an extent engulfed in lust and physical desires endowed with any wisdom to be in a position to guide other people? How is it possible for God to raise him up as a prophet and assign him with the difficult task of educating people? The reality is not so, of course, and what exists in the present versions of the Old Testament concerning such matter is an alteration which has unfortunately been made by ignorant writers who have dishonored a great prophet.
Besides the story just quoted, another myth has been fabricated about Jacob: “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said I would not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be no more Jacob, but
Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked him, and said, tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved” (Genssis, 32:24 - 30). This passage shows that the God pictured by the Old Testament is a humble and powerless being. God who has to be pure from any weaknesses has taken the form of a man and has performed a game of wrestling. Most surprisingly, this incarnated God has failed to defeat his own creature servant and after nighttime of constant wrestling has bestowed the title of “Israel” on him.
It is astonishing and regrettable that such nonsense and meaningless sentences should be fabricated and be boldly offered, instead of reasonable contents of the real Bible, to the people of the world and such foolish words should be uttered about Almighty God and Jacob, His highly respected prophet.
* * *
Thus, every impartial sensible man would conclude that the true narration of the lives of the prophets are much preferable to incredible and loosely - woven myths fabricated by the imaginations of foolish people, for the narratives of the fools and ignorant people teach ignorance and misbehavior, but the accounts related by God teaches honesty, righteousness and morality. The stories told in the Qur’an are the accounts of monotheism, justice, bravery and righteousness.
We advise all people to read the Quranic stories, which are thoroughly based on realities.
Will man, who looks, most of all, for his own happiness, find it in other things except religion? We are going to discuss this question in the present chapter.
In our opinion, a real religion has a comprehensive program for the fulfillment of this human desire, that is, happiness and aims to make human beings achieve perfect happiness.
Unlike people of the olden times when human beings followed blindly every religion because of prejudice or ignorance, the people of modern times adopt a religion which, instead of numerous useless strict rituals, offers a comprehensive program for all the aspects of their life and gives them material and spiritual benefits, enabling them to solve all problems of their life in the light of its practical and positive precepts.
Unfortunately, except Islam, all current religions which are the altered and distorted remnants of the divine religions or moral philosophies of several thousand years ago, not only are not equipped with a comprehensive and all-
embracing programs, but also do not claim such a quality.
The precepts of Buddha, Zoroaster, Confucius, Judaism and Christianity, although imposed on many people throughout the world, even if they have any significance, at best do not teach more than a series of advice and counsels which, neither solves any social, economic and political problems, nor removes any difficulty from among the growing difficulties of the modern world.
It is unsuitable for us who are living in such a time and amid such ever-increasing difficulties, seeing on the one hand scientific advances of modern man, and, on the other, the superstition of the world's famous religions, to choose a religion blindly and ignorantly, without paying attention to our spiritual and material needs.
Our wisdom does not let us do so and reason and logic require us to seek a religion sent down to fulfill all our material and spiritual needs and to insure human bliss, a religion which has the ability to realize them all. We distinguish such comprehensiveness only in Islam and therefore choose Islam.
We embrace Islam, because we have found the qualities of a correct and rightful religion -which our wisdom and every impartial man’s wisdom confirm them- in Islam.
* * *
We embrace Islam … because its law provides a comprehensive program for achieving a happy, ideal life and is based on the “aim of ensuring human happiness” and, for this reason, has comprehensive and regular programs in all aspects ranging from the most important social problems of human life (including the guarantee of liberties, social justice and quality) to individual and private precepts (such as health, education, preventive medicine and regulations for travel, traffic, and even washing).
We embrace Islam ... because Islam is a rational religion based on logic and wisdom -not only on emotions- and is designed for every human being and comprehensible to all people. Islam provides arguments and narratives consistent with all the people’s power of understanding and does not resort, like Christianity, to excuses such as “secret” and “mystery” in debating with scholars who seek logic and reasoning. It does not avoid reasoning.
God, the Creator of the universe, unlike in Christianity and other obsolete religions, is not at the mercy of every bishop and priest. In principal, theological statements in Islam, unlike in Christianity, do not oppose wisdom and logic, but are solely based on wisdom and logical reasoning.
Yes, we embrace Islam, because we find it in harmony with human natural inclinations rooted in nature. For this reason, Islam is perfect, simple and
comprehensive and does not hinder the progress in life. Islam lacks laziness and pessimism. It is a positive and dynamic religion and has nothing to do with inactivity and stagnation. The most important issue in Islam is “work” and “inventiveness”, which it has always encouraged, and considered the world without them “an impossible world.”
We embrace Islam, because it is an enemy of superstition and does not try, like today’s Christianity, to impose on people, under the name of religion, superstitious beliefs such as the Trinity or senseless rituals such as baptism, the Holy Communion, and “the purchase sins.”
We embrace Islam, because, unlike Christianity and some other religions, it does not fight against science and physical laws. Islam has always glorified science and scientists whom it has introduced as superior to common people and has not allowed the inventors and discoverers to be tried and executed by being burned or hanged, on the charges of discovering physical laws.
We embrace Islam, because we find the glorification of the human personality solely in this religion. Islam is the only religion, which tolerates people with different opinions: “There is no obligation in religion.” It neither forces anybody to follow it, nor establishes an Inquisition, but permits other people to spend their life, under the protection of the Islamic rule, in security and welfare, and enjoy social rights and advantages.
We embrace Islam, because we find it the “supporter of basic human rights.” Islam, in every detail of its precepts, defends human rights and efforts made to achieve them and fights against oppression and exploitation. It is, therefore, the only religion which has made “politics”, in the real sense of the word, an integral part of itself, to supervise the policies of the nation’s social affairs according to humanitarian regulations and not to leave these things to corrupt and hypocritical rulers.
We adhere Islam. Because Islamic laws, as confirmed by existing evidence and lawyers' admission, are superior to the national and international progressive laws.
Islam is the only religion which has paid special attention to major world problems including economic problems (the equal distribution of wealth, encouragement of labor and production, campaign against unemployment, social insurance, etc.,) political problems, peace, world security, morality, science, individual social and private issues, spiritual and physical education and intellectual growth. It has also offered practicable solutions to these problems.
We believe in the Holy Qur’an, because, unlike other divine Scriptures, it is free from contradictions and alterations and the more the fallacies of the sacred Jewish and Christian scriptures become clear by the researches of the scholars, the more we believe in the divinity of the Holy Qur’an.
Today, modern intellectual human beings will approve Islam and admire it, if
they judge it impartially and scientifically and throw away their prejudices and narrow-minded-ness. It is in such a way that we realize that Islam is a perfect, natural religion which has been sent down in order to fulfill human spiritual and material needs in all times, and places, and so, unlike old religions, Islam is an immortal religion.
It is because of all these advantages, that we embrace Islam and we invite all our dear readers, if they are not Muslims, to make more researches about the truth of Islam in order to find the path of God.
We pray to Almighty God to guide us to the right path.