Backpack for Life: an Interpretation of Eighty Prophetic

Book Id

Major: Teimuri, Ganbari, 1355 -

Title and Creator: Backpack of Life: An Impression of Eighty Prophetic Hadiths / Qanbar Ali Timurid.

Publication details: Mashhad: Islamic Research Foundation, 2006.

Appearance: 110 p. ; 11 x 19 ppm;

ISBN: 8000 Rials: 964-971-016-7; 8000 Rials: Second Edition 9789649711225; 8000 Rials: Third Edition9789649711836; 9000 Rials (Fourth Edition); 20000 Rials (8th Edition)

Cataloging status: FAPA

Note: Second and Third Edition: 1386.

Note: Fourth edition: 1387.

Note: Eighth Edition: 1392.

Note: Bibliography: p. 109-110.

Subject: Muhammad (peace be upon you), Prophet Muhammad, 53 before the migration - 11 AD - Apostolic words

Subject: Muhammad (peace be upon you), Prophet Muhammad, 53 before the migration - 11 AD - A perspective on the way of life

Subject: The Way of Life (Islam) - Hadith

Added ID: Islamic Research Foundation

Congressional Classification: BP143 / 5 / T 9K 9 1385

Dewey classification: 297/218

National Bibliographic Number: M85-20836


تیموری، قنبرعلی، 1355 - .

Taymuri, Qanbar Ali

[کوله پشتی زندگی: برداشتی از هشتاد حدیث نبوی]

Backpack for Life: an Interpretation of Eighty Prophetic

Traditions / Qanbar Ali Taymuri; translated by: Mubina Virjee, Vahida Shekofti; Islamic Research Foundation, Mashhad, 1387 / 2008.

93ص.شابک ISBN 978-964-971-210-9

کتابنامه: ص 110-109.

1. محمّد(ص)، پیامبر اسلام، 53 قبل از هجرت - 11ق. - کلمات قصار. 2. محمّد(ص)، پیامبر اسلام، 53 قبل از هجرت - 11ق. - نظریه درباره راه و رسم زندگی. 3. راه و رسم زندگی - احادیث. الف. ویرجی، مبینا Virjee, Mobina مترجم. ب. شکفتی، وحیده Shekofti, Vahida مترجم. ج. بنیاد پژوهشهای اسلامی. د. عنوان.

91387ک 9 ت / 5 / 143 BP218/297

کتابخانه ملّی ایران1174754


Backpack for Life:

an Interpretation of Eighty Prophetic Traditions

Author: Qanbar `Ali Taymr

Translator: Vahida Shekofti, Mubina Virjee

Editor: Ahmad Rezwani

First Edition: 2008/1387

Circulation: 2000

Price: 8000 Rls

Book Binding: The A.Q.R. Printing Publishing Institute

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Qanbar ‘Alī Taymūrī

Translated by:

Vahida Shekofti - Mubina Virjee




.......................................................... 7

1. DO NOT BE HOPELESS .............................................. 9

2. A SMILE ................................................................... 10

3. WELL SPOKEN ......................................................... 11

4. ONE STEP TO GOD ................................................... 12

5. THE PLACE OF JOY ................................................... 13

6. BELIEVERS’ FRIENDSHIP ........................................... 14

7. I LIKE YOU, MY FRIEND ............................................ 15

8. PLACE OF GOD ........................................................ 16

9. HASTE ..................................................................... 17

10. SELF CONCEIT ......................................................... 18

11. ONLY FOR TEACHER ............................................... 19

12. RECOGNIZING THE HARM ....................................... 20

13. AN OPPORTUNITY CALLED LIFESPAN ....................... 21

14. ACCEPTING APOLOGY ............................................. 22

15. USE OF PERFUME ..................................................... 23

16. SOOTHING .............................................................. 24

17. GOOD MONEY ......................................................... 25

18. THE PLACE OF ANGELS ............................................ 26

19. 1 = 6 ....................................................................... 27

20. FRIENDSHIP WITH ALLAH ........................................ 28

21. THE COMPANION IN LONELINESS ............................ 29

22. ALMS ....................................................................... 30

23. MITIGATION ............................................................ 31

24. FORBIDDEN CAUSE OF LAUGHTER ........................... 32

25. MEETING WITH GOD .............................................. 33

26. AN ACT WITH SINCERITY ......................................... 34

27. THE BEST OF PEOPLE ............................................... 35

28. GIFT ....................................................................... 36

29. APPRECIATION ........................................................ 37

30. PURE HEART ............................................................ 38

31. WALL TO WALL ....................................................... 39

32. GOOD ENDING ........................................................ 40

33. THE EFFECTIVE HELPFUL PERSON ............................ 41

34. USELESS CURSES ...................................................... 42

35. THE PROPHET (S.A.W.)’S FRIEND ............................... 43

36. GENEROSITY ........................................................... 44

37. TO BECOME FAMILIAR ............................................. 45

38. REPENTANCE ........................................................... 46


39. CONTINUATION OF FRIENDSHIP .............................. 47

40. I LOVE HIM FROM MY HEART ................................... 48


42. THE BIGGEST FAULT ................................................ 50

43. MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY ............................................... 51

44. YOU ARE BLESSED .................................................... 52

45. THE DISEASE OF SIN ................................................ 53

46. HOW FAR COMPASSION ........................................... 54

47. THE EMBASSY OF HEART .......................................... 55

48. CONTROL ................................................................ 56

49. REALIZING OPPORTUNITIES ..................................... 57

50. HELPING AT HOME .................................................. 58

51. THE SECRET TO SUCCESS ......................................... 59

52. LOOK ...................................................................... 60

53. TO TELL FORTUNE ................................................... 61

54. 2 – 2 = 4 ................................................................... 62


ALLAH (S.W.T) ............................................................... 63

56. CIVILITY .................................................................. 64

57. RESPECTING PARENTS ............................................. 65

58. NOT LOSING CONTROL OF YOUR TEMPER ................ 66

59. CONFLICT ............................................................... 67

60. PURE LOVE .............................................................. 68

61. IMMIGRATION ......................................................... 69

62. EATING TOGETHER ................................................. 70

63. SHAKING HANDS ..................................................... 71


OF POWER ................... 72

65. TO DO OUR BEST...................................................... 73

66. PLANNING ............................................................... 74

67. DOGS OF HELL ........................................................ 75

68. EVEN THE PROPHET (S.A.W.) .................................... 76

69. MANLINESS IN TRIP ................................................. 77

70. UNION BY MARRIAGE .............................................. 78

71. BASELESS PROMISES ................................................. 79

72. PRIVATE TALKS ........................................................ 80

73. LETTER WRITING ..................................................... 81

74. KING OF THIEVES .................................................... 82

75. INTERCHANGE OF VISITS ......................................... 83

76. HELPING YOUR SPOUSE ........................................... 84

77. DISTRUST IN ALLAH (S.W.T.)’S DECREE ...................... 85

78. FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT ..................................... 86

79. IN MEMORY OF WINTER ........................................... 87

80. THE SECRET OF CHARMING PEOPLE ......................... 88

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................. 91


“We Muslims are bound to follow the example of that Great Prophet as it is stated in the Holy Qur’ān (لقد کان فی رسول الله اسوة حسنة(1)). We should follow and take example from the Holy Prophet, not only in a couple of rak‘at of prayers, but also in our behavior, words, social relationships and in our deals. Therefore, we should know him.”(2)

The Supreme Leader

“We can not avoid this regret about ourselves, that we are the nation of the Last Prophet, about whom, if we are asked to mention a few words (we do not even know the literal words, let alone their meaning and interpretation), we are not able to say even a few words about the Prophet’s behavior and way of life.(3)

Shahīd Muṭahharī


1- Al-Aḥzāb, 21.
2- Khāmenei’, Syed ‘Ali, Sīmāye Ma’sūmīn dar Āyine Nigāhe Rāhbari, Page 9.
3- 3-Muṭahhari, Murtaḍa, Sayrī dar Sīra-yi Nabawī, Page 46.



It has been narrated that a bird with some water in its beak was rushing to save Prophet Ibrāhīm (A.S.) from the fire of Namrūd, when an angel asked: ‘With this little water in your beak, how can you set off this thick and flaming fire?’ The bird sighed and said: ‘This is the best of my ability and Ibrāhīm knows that I cannot do more than this!’

I state to that amazing fragrance of existence; Great Prophet, Muḥammad Muṣtafā (S.A.W.), in the year that is by your name, to introduce your personality and your great instructions, I had no more capability than this book and my insignificant ability is unable to understand the ocean of your instructtions.


فَلَمَّا دَخَلُواْ عَلَیْهِ قَالُواْ یَا أَیُّهَا الْعَزِیزُ مَسَّنَا وَأَهْلَنَا الضُّرُّ وَجِئْنَا بِبِضَاعَةٍ مُّزْجَاةٍ فَأَوْفِ لَنَا الْکَیْلَ وَتَصَدَّقْ عَلَیْنَا إِنَّ اللّهَ یَجْزِی الْمُتَصَدِّقِین

So when they came in to him, they said: O chief! Distress has afflicted us and our family and we have brought scanty money, so give us full measure and be charitable to us; surely Allah rewards the charitable.(1)

I would like to thank and appreciate all the people involved from Āstān Quds Raḍawī Islamic Research Foundation for their tremendous efforts.

I give this book as a gift to Hājjiah Fāṭimah Khuddāmī, who gave spirituality to my life.

Qanbar ‘Alī Taymūerī

Mashhad Muqaddas 1385/2006


1- Yūsuf, 21.


Hope is the main key to victory in life.

Hopeful people are one step closer to prosperity. Hopeless people, although look alive and breathe, but they have been dead for years while they have been unaware of it.

Why hopelessness? Why despair?

Is hope not the secret to movement and the elixir of endeavor and despair the spell of retreat? So why should we be hopeless?!

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“A hopeful sinner is closer to the mercy of Allah than a hopeless worshipper.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Volume 10, page 5046, tradition 7109.


It was a family gathering. Everyone was there, and the Holy Prophet’s presence enlightened the gathering and with a smile and a glance, he said to all:

"You do not have that much wealth to please everyone, so try to please people by your cheerfulness."(1)

A smile, a warm greeting or even a nodding would tame the running hearts and create acquaintance with the strange looks, why not do it?


1- Wasā’il al-Shī‘a, Vol. 2, P. 222.


Some people enjoy using foul language, and always speak sarcastically as though this sarcastic speech is their mother tongue. And some people are well-spoken, they even say bitter facts in a sweet way and express shortages with style, in such a way that nobody gets hurt.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"I swear to God that my life is in His Hands, people can not give any better charity, more lovable than saying good words."(1)

Sometimes an encouraging word and saying well done can do a lot, however sometime a sarcastic comment can create a graveyard.

Which one is better?


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3044, T. 10401.


Why are we sometimes far from God?

And we do not feel His Presence? And we live in our own darkness for some duration?

So, what is the way to get closer to God? And how can we feel His Kindness and Anger and get luminous from His Light?

The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) states:

"Great God states: ‘O son of Adam! To come towards Me, stand up and I will come to you. Come one step towards Me and I will run towards you."(1)

Only ONE step, that is all!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 10, P. 4860, T. 16644.


No matter how joyful the pleasures of this world are, they are transient and are also intertwined with troubles and inconveniences. However, the joys in Heaven are eternal and without trouble.

So, where are the joys of the Other World? What is the way to enter?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) has stated:

"In heaven there is a place called ‘the place of joy’, and only the people who could bring a smile to an orphans face, would get to enter this place."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2450, T. 8460.


Some peoples’ friendship is only for carnal desires.

A few other peoples’ friendship is for gaining profit,

Some other peoples’ friendship is nothing but a cold greeting.

However, a believer’s friendship is that ‘to look at him with respect, to love him, to benefit him from one’s wealth, not to backbite, visit him when he is sick and when he dies, to attend his funeral procession and after his death not to say anything bad about him.’(1)


1- Man Lā Yaḥḍaru al-Faqīḥ, Vol. 4, P. 398.


They try to cause the other person to believe that "I hate you", or "I dislike you", and they have a flourishing talent in this act and if they can not see the person, they ask others to inform him of their hatred!! How about loving? Have you tried telling your friends you like them?!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) has stated:

"When anyone of you likes your friend, express you feelings."(1)

I like you my friend!!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 1, P. 72, T. 201.


Where do you think God really is? Far away, in the far away sky? Or somewhere near here?

During the Prophet’s (S.A.W.) time, somebody was looking for God. He came to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and said: "Messenger of Allah, where is God?"

The Prophet (S.A.W.) replied:

"God is with the broken hearts”(1)

Blessed are you in whose heart God is a guest.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 3, P. 1156, T. 3820.


This is the characteristic of many of us who want to accomplish a hundred year path in one night!

We always get involved in repetition and doing things again. We have not only wasted energy but also opportunities and we fail to reach desirable results.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) has said:

"Whoever acts with caution will reach whatever he seeks or get close to it, and whoever works with haste will go on the wrong way or close to it."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3484, T. 11927.


The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"One day, Mūsā was sitting when Satan entered wearing a colorful hat. Mūsā asked: What is this hat? Satan said that it is with this hat that I deceive Ādam’s children. Mūsā said: "I have a question, what is this sin that someone commits it, you will rule over him?"

Satan said: (self-conceit) "When a person becomes egotistical and considers a little good deed as huge and his sins as insignificant."(1)

I seek refuge in Allah!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3456, T. 11846.


Learning has a path which is, ‘humility’ and ‘polite speech’.

Humility softens hearts and attracts attention, and being soft-spoken improves ones’ destiny. How do you speak to your teachers and professors?!

Like someone pressing for payment of debt and with harshness or with humility and kindness?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Jealousy and flattery are indecent except for learning knowledge."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 8, P. 3978, T. 13898.


The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"The calamity of smartness is self-admiration, the calamity of bravery is transgression, the calamity of forgiveness is to hold yourself indebted from the person you forgave, the calamity of beauty is pride, the calamity of servitude is laziness, the calamity of speaking is lying, the calamity of knowledge is forgetfulness, the calamity of patience is rashness, the calamity of family honor is pride, and the calamity of generosity is lavishness."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 1, P. 150, T. 512.


Our lifetime is a chance for a competition, a competition called servitude and life is the field for this competition. From the minute of birth, the reverse counting starts and every minute that passes by, our opportunities decrease.

Many people before finishing this opportunity reach the final point which is servitude and many others get so involved in this world that before reaching the final point, they are eternal losers.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"The lifetime is limited, and no one stays alive more than his own lifetime, so before reaching the end of time, one must make the most of it."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 8, P. 4034, T. 14193.


Even if he apologizes a thousand times, I have made up my mind, considering this apology as useless and presuming that he must be having another plan in his mind.

Some people say these words and no matter how much the other person begs him and apologizes, they still say the same things and they insist that the hen has only one leg, (i.e. the change of the person apologizing is improbable). May God have mercy on you that you never get involved with such people!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"The person who does not accept people’s apologies either acceptable or unacceptable, will not be with us by the Fountain of Kawthar."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 1, P. 3534, T. 12117.


Some men never put on perfume to make themselves pleasant-smelling or are uninterested in good fragrances. On the contrary, some women put various sprays and perfumes on the streets! Really, it is the end of the world and by God, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) advised men ‘to use perfume’ and when someone gave an excuse that he can not, he emphasized at least perfume on Fridays and also said;

"It is a woman’s duty to use the best perfume and dress up with clothes and wear the best jewelry and show herself morning and night to her husband."(1)


1- Wasā’il al-Shī‘a, Vol. 20, P. 157; also see: Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3339, T. 11334.


Happy and nimble, jumping up and down, here and there, embracing your dream love. After a few days, depressed and sad, devastated and grim-faced sitting on the side-lines, like the ship of your dreams is drowning, really, what is the solution? What should we do not to be (happy) arrogant and sad or depressed?!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Remember death because the remembrance of death gives you tranquility from other sufferings."(1)


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 83, T. 443.


Money can also be a blessing, the money spent on charity like helping the poor, building hospitals, establishing schools or even oil for the old lady’s light etc.

Some wealth is without blessing, money spent on living in pleasure, debauchery or in short, in useless ways. In your opinion money spent on family is included in which type of spending?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"The best money is the money spent on one’s family and wife."(1)

So, the smile on your wife’s face is not that cheap after all!

God Bless ….


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 76, T. 399.


Some people have closed their doors to angels and they like themselves only. Does that surprise you? How can you close your doors to angels? Do angels come to homes, that it is possible to close our doors for them?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"A house that does not have guests, angels do not enter that house."(1)

So, O’Allah! O’Allah! Don’t you want guests?


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3272, T. 11105.

19. 1 = 6

God protect us from some people! God Forbid that you have to invite one of them, and you mention on the card that the invitation is for one person, he will read it as six people. Nowadays the trend has become 1 = 6! They probably presume that going to a party with their children is their definite right.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"When one of you is invited to a feast, you should not take your child without the hosts’ permission, and if you do so, then it is ḥarām (unlawful) and you have entered the hosts’ house with disobedience to God."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3279, T. 11134.


People have different capacities; some people abandon the friendship with Allah for small excuses. Some people like the Friendship with Allah probably because of the colorful Heaven. However, with little difficulty and problem, they leave the Friendship halfway.

Some people are like Abūdhar; they become God’s Friend bravely and they do not abandon that Friendship under any circumstance until the end.

Abūdhar: "The Prophet (S.A.W.) said to me: In God’s way, do not be afraid of blame from blamers."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1580, T. 5264.


Who is your companion in loneliness? What is the name of the person who calms you down during your moments of anxiety?

When you get lonely, which Qibla do you face?

Who do you confide in about your big and little dreams?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"If you have any need – even if it is just a shoelace – raise your hand to Allah, because if He does not make it easy for you, you can not get it with ease."(1)

Good for you who have found the Place of Refuge!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1652, T. 5568.

22. ALMS

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"It is the duty of every Muslim to give alms."

He was asked, who has the ability to do this?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Smiling is a way of giving alms, giving directions is alms, visiting the sick is alms, answering a greeting is alms, enjoining the good and forbidding the evil (amr bil ma’rūf and nahi ‘anil munkar) is giving alms, putting away a stone or moving a thorn from people’s path is a way of giving alms, giving water to people is alms and maybe hundred other things and stated every good deed is alms."

So we can all give alms everyday. (1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3040, T. 10374.


What do you do with your tongue? You spark off a fight and then watch from a distance?

You make fun of your friends and enjoy from the laughter of others?

Do you cool your own heart by breaking other peoples’ hearts?

Some of us are like this.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"The best alms is the charity of the tongue." And what is the charity of the tongue, people asked.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Mitigation that causes the freedom of a slave, prevents unlawful bloodshed, repels unpleasant circumstances and benefits a Muslim."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3044, T. 10397.


Making people laugh at what price? Some people are willing to do anything to make others laugh even though it is against the Islamic Law. Making faces, making fun of others or even lying, and they do not worry at what expense they are carrying out all these acts.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Woe betide him, who lies to make others laugh…Woe upon him!"(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3228, T. 11002.


Suppose that you have an appointment with Allah! And you want to meet Allah!

How many times would you remind yourself of this sweet memory and each time you would talk about this meeting passionately.

I am not joking, you can really be a guest of Allah and you do not believe?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Whoever goes to meet his brother, Allah (S.W.T.) states: ‘You are My guest and visitor, and I have to undertake hosting you and in return for your love for your brother, I must put you in Heaven."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2276, T. 7928.


Once upon a time, in the olden days, a prostitute saw a dog that was moaning with extreme thirst and was close to death. The woman thought for a while and then she tied her shoe to her handkerchief and pulled out some water from the well and gave it to the dog.

This was one side of the coin; and The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"God forgave all her sins for that one deed."(1)

And that is the other side of the coin.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 3, P. 1346, T. 4532.


It is the dream of many people to be the wealthiest person and one day reside in a villa in the capital city.

So many others want to be famous, want to sign autographs for people and find their picture in chewing gum packs and have people shout ‘Hurrah’ for them.

And you too want to be the best person, do you know how?

Someone asked the Prophet (S.A.W.), "I would like to be better than everyone!"

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"The person who benefits others is the best person."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1609, T. 5407.

28. GIFT

Sometimes one piece of advice can remove hatred and bring back happiness.

Sometimes with an elderly person’s mediation, the two sides feel ashamed of their not being kind towards each other and the love returns.

And sometimes with a gift, smiles can replace displeasure and the love comes back without leading to mediation.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Give gifts to each other to strengthen your bond of love. Since gifts increase love and remove displeasure."(1)

You can try!


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 238, T. 1189.


They are always expecting from people, and they do not consider the good acts of others and consider it very little for themselves.

Sometimes they expect peoples’ favors and say in return to peoples’ love and kindness, ‘They have not done anything important, what have they done? It was their duty.’

They think that the road of beneficence is a one-way road.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Whoever does something good to you and is kind to you, give him something in return and if you cannot, then pray for him."(1)

So, Ya ‘Alī! Start up right now.


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 611, T. 2992.


Some people with the excuse of having a ‘pure heart’, do not oblige themselves to Islamic appearances and belittle God’s Orders, because they claim that appearances are not important, what is important is to have a pure heart.

They are negligent of the fact that nothing comes out of a sack except what is in it.

Is it possible to get sweet water from salty land?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"When a person’s heart is pure, his appearance also gets pure and when a person’s heart is impure, his appearance also becomes impure."(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 10, P. 4978, T. 16908.


"Neighbor, neighbor, his need, his face, his peace, and again neighbor. God said and I heard, so much so that I thought a neighbor would be able to inherit from the neighbor."(1)

But nowadays, some of us living in one building not only do not socialize with our neighbors, but do not even know them by their names.

And God’s Cry: "Neighbor, Neighbor!!"


1- Biḥār al-Anwār, Vol. 73, P. 168.


They want to start, but they never do probably because they don’t dare……

Some other people have a good start, they are disciplined and determined and initially they say beautiful words and describe and praise their work for hours but then they abandon it halfway, maybe due to laziness, aimlessness or infirm intentions….

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

‘God likes you to finish the job you have started.’ (1)

So: A Good Start + Perseverance and Good Result = A God-Pleasing Act.


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 151, T. 746.


How do you look at your responsibility: Fame and social status, as a source of income, chairmanship, or an opportunity to help people?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“When God wants blessings for his servant, he puts people’s needs in his hand?” (1)

Now what do you want to be? Do you want to be a boss or someone who helps people to fulfill their needs?!


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 26, T. 144.



You grit your teeth strongly and suddenly scream: "May God humiliate you", and if you are very upset you say "I hope you get run over by a train or I hope to hear news of your death…!"

Poor him! It is enough if only one of these curses from your heart be answered, then you have to prepare for his funeral procession and his seventh day after his death program and say "God bless him!" But the next day that you look around to see his death announcements some where on the wall and you see him instead of his picture! And you freak out…

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“I have asked God not to make true a friend’s curse for another friend.”(1)

Now do you know why he is still alive!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1678, T. 5707.


He found a good opportunity, only the Prophet (S.A.W.) and Anas were in the mosque and no one else, with some wavering he asked: “How can I be a friend to you?”

His heart started beating too fast,

The Prophet (S.A.W.) looked at him and stated:

“Be kind to children and respect elderly in order to be my friend.” (1)

He concludd that:

Kindness to Children + Respecting Elderly = Friendship with the Prophet (S.A.W.)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1997, T. 6976.


Which tribe are you from? From the tribe of benevolence? Or from a generous family? Or God forbid, I can not even say it….

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"People are from four groups:




Ignoble and base

Generous: He eats from people’s food and feed others.

Noble: He doesn’t eat from other’s food, however feed others.

Stingy: He eats from other people food but don’t give food to others.

Ignoble: He neither eats from other people’s food nor gives food to others.”(1)

I am sure you are from the generous and noble group.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 1, P. 446, T. 1609.


Some people become familiar with people fast, they become friendly and as people say they have strong communication skills, many times you feel they are closer to you than any body else, however their behavior is the same with everyone.

Some people are very disciplined and formal, the word sentiment doesn’t exist in their vocabulary, and it is difficult to get friendly with them.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“The best believer is the one whom people get friendly with. However, the person whom people can not get friendly with and he himself does not try to get friendly with people, there is no blessing in him.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 1, P. 170, T. 655.


There is dead end to some alleys, there is no way out, some diseases are so hard to cure and some times there is no way to cure them.

However, at the end of each sin there is a way to return and a way to cure: “Repentance”!!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Good for the person who on the Day of Judgment has the word of astaghfirullāh after every sin that he has committed in his report paper.”(1)

Repentance is the last ray of hope in peoples’ dead end of their sins.


1- Wasā’il al-Shī‘a, Vol. 11, P. 355.


For a few minutes he became angry, turned his face and went away in a state of anger. I was so nervous. What a pity! He was a good friend.

In my heart: Forget it, you have to cut your relationship, he was a useless person.

My intellect says: What are the criteria for continuation of friendship?

Why do you have to cut off?

Why don’t you have to cut off?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“When you find the three characteristics of prudence, trusteeship and honesty in your friend, have hope in him, otherwise don’t have hope in him.”(1)


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 39, T. 205.


“I wish I could see my brothers!”

This was Prophet (S.A.W.)’s word.

“Are we not your friends?”

This was prophet’s companion’s word.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“You are my companions; however, my brothers are the people who will come in the future. Although they have not seen me, they believe in me, love me, help me and confirm with me; I wish I could see my brothers!”(1)

Why are we not doing any thing?

ما مصطفی ندیدم مهرش به جان خر یدم

صل علی محمد صلوات بر محمد

We haven’t seen Muṣṭafā but we love him from our heart,

Peace be on Muhammad and blessings be on Muhammad!

Wish to God that we are also each others’ helpers.

Faith + Love + Help = The Prophet (S.A.W.)'s brothers.


1- Mufīd, Amālī, P. 63.


There are women who are with their husbands until their lives gratify their wishes and if trouble and incidents strike their lives, start nagging and finally it leads to trouble.

There are also women who along with their husbands make their lives happy and shoulder to shoulder with their husband accompany them in their education, challenges, worshipping so that they will be awarded the same as Prophet

Ayyūb’s wife.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Any woman who helped her husband in the work of Hajj, Jihad, learning knowledge, God will give her the same reward as He gave to Prophet

Ayyūb’s wife.”(1)

Which group are you from?!


1- Makārim al-Akhlāq, P. 201.


So many fights start with “faultfinding” and they destroy the respect of people.

Some people find fault with others’ in the name of ‘criticism’, unjustly and rudely, and some people in the name of ‘advising’, while they also have the same fault.

They are ignorant of the fact that criticizing has a special way and giving advice also has rules.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“In proving a person’s fault it suffices that he sees faults in others that he himself possesses and he is blind to his own faults, or he blames others for things that he is unable to abandon himself.”(1)


1- Amālī, Mufīd, P. 67.


Good for the people who were living during the Prophet (S.A.W.) time. They could be his companion, adherent and companion in conversation.

They could make him happy; bring a smile on his face. Alas! We are far away from him for years and we do not have this opportunity.

However, the Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Whoever makes a believer happy has made me happy and whoever makes me happy has made God happy.”

How kind! He has given you and me the opportunity to make him happy.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2450, T. 8465.


We consider him happy and blessed who has a beach house in the North, the latest car, or a very good job…

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Happy and blessed is he who has good morals, good qualities, pure heart, pleasant appearance and give charity from his excess wealth, he avoids additional talking, and treats people justly."(1)


1- Usūl al-Kāfī, Vol. 2, P. 144.


A friend said that my father has not had salt for years. I asked why?

He said: "He has heart disease and the doctor has advised him to reduce salt intake, but my father does not have salt at all."

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“I am amazed at who avoids food in fear of disease; however they are not concerned about their sins in fear of hell.”(1)


1- Makārim al-Akhlāq, P. 147.


Swords and lances were everywhere, dust, sand and mayhem ensued. On one side was the companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and on the on the other the enemies of the Prophet (S.A.W.), everyone was tired of the conflict and war.

One side fought with the thought of guidance and the other side in persistence of infidelity.

He turned his tired look to one side. His face was full of blood and his tooth was broken: “Oh Lord! Don’t punish my people because they are ignorant and gullible."(1)


1- Biḥār al-Anwār, Vol. 20, P. 117.


It was Islam's embassy. Yemenis were waiting. What is the priority in an embassy’s programs?

Maybe it was the first time that they saw an ambassador or even an embassy! They were confused; what is the embassy’s job?! "Teaching the Qur’ān and learning ethics.(1) As the people nowadays say “propagating ethics and promoting culture” was the most important job of Islam’s embassy in Yemen.

What is the priority of our hearts’ embassy, then?!


1- Tuḥfal al-‘Uqūl, P. 25.


Although ‘taqwā’ (abstinence) is the best tool to control a human being, he sometimes becomes vicious and he is not servant of any one not even God!!

Are all human beings virtuous?! Don’t virtuous people make mistakes and slip from the Right Path?!

Then what is the way to control a human being and halter his rebellious nature?! And how can a human being be balanced?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“If three things were not present in human beings, they would never give in: disease, poverty, death. Although they suffer from these three, they still rebel.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 2, P. 576, T. 1939.


Opportunities are limited and chances to do well are transient.

Many a time an opportunity arises and we get a chance to conduct a service to someone, which might be the last time!!

If we do not take advantage of this opportunity, whose fault is this?

Who guarantees that we get this opportunity again?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"If a door of blessing opens to anyone, the person should rush to utilize this opportunity since he doesn’t know when this door will be closed”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1607, T. 5385.


Some people don’t have time to help their families, and some people see house chores as below their dignity and some others consider house chores as women’s duty.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) "helped in household chores, would sew his shirt, patched his shoes or did not even request others to give him his tooth brush and avoided ordering people to do or not to do things.”(1)


1- Makārim al-Akhlāq, P. 10.


Some people consider resources the secret to success unaware of the fact that there have been many people who had abundant resources but they did not achieve any thing and did not become successful people. Many a time there have been people, who with least facilities, have reached highest stages of development and progress and are tremendously successful.

Then what is the secret to success?!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

"Success and achievement can be indebted to strong will power and foresight.”(1)

So; Strong Will Power + Long-term Planning = Success

Even if there are few resources.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3354, T. 11352.


Some looks are poisonous and some show servitude.

You know the poisonous looks: "Looking at nā mahram (person who is not your close relative), angry look at others, ridiculing look, sly look etc."

The looks that are considered as servitude are: “Looking at a scholar’s face, looking at a just leader, kind look at your mother and father’s face and looking at someone whom you like to please God.”(1)

And many other looks.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3418, T. 11641.


No, don’t go, leave it; it is not a good omen.The crow’s croaking made even the sky deaf! Some people blame the crow for their ignorance, the thoughtlessness of others, or even their obsession and the crow is declared as guilty. Other times they give other excuses like: sneezing, seeing someone or whoever they can put the blame on him.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Don’t pay attention to this superstitious foretelling.”(1)

So, whose fault is it?


1- Tuḥfal al-‘Uqūl, P. 50.

54. 2 – 2 = 4

Indeed God’s equations are different from those of ours. For example, all over the world two plus two is equal four! However in God’s calculation two minus two makes four or even more!

Giving zakāt, khums, charity, all of these in our calculation, mean “minus” from our wealth; however, in God’s math it is equivalent to addition or multiplication of wealth,

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“When you want God to increase your wealth, give zakāt.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2184, T. 7566.


You have come from a far away place, with love and impatience, your backpack is full of pure knowledge and a broken heart.

When your eyes hit the dome and minaret you start saying:

السلام علیک یا علی بن موسی الرضا

(Salutations to you O Alī ibn Mūsā al-Riḍā)

You step inside the Shrine and become Allah’s companion and you start talking to Imam, and finally when your heart is washed away, you step out of the Shrine.

Dear pilgrim! Wish for your pilgrimage to be accepted by God, congratulate you on your gift that Prophet (S.A.W.) sent to you years ago.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Soon a part of me will be buried in Khurāsān, no believer would do his pilgrimage unless God makes heaven a must for him and his body is made forbidden to the fire of hell.”(1)

So, try to take care of this divine gift.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2288, T. 7974.


You could hear his heart beat and his hands were trembling. It was his first time meeting with the greatest man of the world. He was muttering and his face was covered with sweat! Someone’s hand rested on his shoulder, be calm: “I am not a king; rather I am the child of a mother who was like your mothers.”(1) Hours passed by and he was still talking to prophet (S.A.W.). His arrival was hard; however his leaving was harder; I wish my meeting was never over.


1- Biḥār al-Anwār, Vol. 16, P. 229; Makārim al-Akhlāq, P. 16.


“Welcome, have a seat here, on my cloak, no, no you must sit here!”

Shīmā, Ḥalīma’s daughter, was humbled by so much kindness. After a few minutes her brother arrived, but the Prophet (S.A.W.) treated him normally and not as warmly as his sister and neither did he pay him specific respect. Every one was surprised and,

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Because this lady respected her parents more.”(1)


1- Wasā’il al-Shī‘a, Vol. 21, P. 488.


He is very late; there has been no news of him from morning until now. He is finished, he should be beaten badly so that he does not dare to come late again and finally he arrived.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“If I was not afraid of God’s retaliation, I would hit you painfully.”(1)

Only this!!


1- Jama‘ al-Jawāmi‘, Vol.6, P. 116.


They swim against the current. They want to oppose every thing and prove themselves without any logic in any way possible. However, others don’t accept illogical remarks and every thing is ready to cause friction. A conflict starts and after few minutes integrities are destroyed and someone’s reputation is ruined and both sides feel remorse.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Avoid clashes with people, because that leads to revealing defects and burying virtues.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3510, T. 12039.


The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Love of me and my progeny would help you in seven horrific places:

At the time of death

In grave

At the time of Resurrection

At the time of receiving your book of accounts

At the time of Accounting for your deeds

At the time of judging our deed

While passing the Ṣirāṭ (the bridge over Hell leading to paradise).”(1)

You deserve it. Enjoy it.


1- Ṣadūq, Amālī, P. 18.


Many times you have heard that swallows’ spring migration has started and they go to a new place with open wings in togetherness and with the same mind-set. Some other times, you have heard about a tribe’s migration to summer-quarters, with all their attachment to their place, they leave their previous place and move towards the new destination.

The dream of immigration has tempted many but they don’t know from where? To where?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“A migrant is someone who migrates from vice and leaves the sins.”(1)

From ugliness to beauty; then Ya ‘Alī!


1- Usūl al-Kāfī, Vol. 2, P. 235.


Sometimes, a family’s schedule is set in such a way that they don’t have time to eat together at all. And sometimes they are all together, however they are so engaged in watching TV that they don’t realize what they are eating. Good for the people in olden days, they used to sit together at the dining place; grandfathers, grandmothers etc. all and all along with naughty children.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Eat together, don’t be scattered as bles-sing is with group.”(1)

What good days when people enjoyed the blessing of togetherness, talking together and asking about each other’s condition.


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 461, T. 2180.


One easy way, you may not have even thought about it. Do you want to keep your friendship?! Do you want to prolong your friendship? Do you want to furbish hatred?

Then try this very simple way.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Shake hands since shaking hand will rub off any hatred and displeasure.”(1)

As simple as that.


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3076, T. 10503.


To make people miserable, plunder people’s wealth, frightening women, and perhaps bloodshed were in some people’s mind on the day of Mecca conquest.

Little softer, executing main criminals, making people to pay for the damages, exiling unsound minded were thought up by some other people.

But the Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Today (the day of Mecca conquest) is the day of kindness, forgiveness, every one is safe.”(1)

And this is forgiveness of all those bitterness and sufferings at the peak of power.

Let us also practice the same.


1- Al-Mabsūṭ Li al-Sarakhsī, Vol. 10, P. 39.


Some people don’t forgive, according to a famous saying; they don’t give up until they let things out of their chest. Some people finally forgive people with holding them indebted for their favor and too much nagging and always reminding them of the royal favor they have bestowed.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Our manliness is to forgive the cruelty of people towards us and to be generous toward people who deprive us.”(1)


1- Safīnat al-Biḥār, Vol. 2, P. 207.


What do you do after your daily work? Have you set aside some time for yourself?

Some people, after their daily work, lose the opportunities or they do not know how to take advantage of these opportunities; for instance they can meditate and sit in private with God and have fun with their family for some time!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“A wise person should allocate some time for himself: some time for fervent prayer, sometime for examining his soul, sometime in pondering about God’s blessing given to him and sometime to enjoy ḥalāl (legitimate) entertainment, because having some entertainment helps you throughout the day and brings peace and eliminates fatigue.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2122, T. 7424.


It’s a big punishment and of course the sin is also big and the duty of Islamic society bigger. Why some people are willing to pay such a high price for doing this sin?

Maybe they are not aware of the expense?!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Do not socialize with someone who drinks alcohol and if he gets sick, don’t go to visit him, do not escort a funeral for him, do not pray on his body because the people who drink are the dogs of hell as Allah (S.W.T.) has mentioned: “Get lost in fire and don’t talk to me.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 4, P. 1548, T. 5150.


He dragged along his afflicted and faint body to the mosque; he sat on the pulpit step and said: “People! Whoever has a right over me, come and get his right.”

The crowd looked in bewilderment, will anyone say something?

An old man stood up and said: “Messenger of Allah! I have a right over you; you hit me with the cane which you were planning to hit the camel. Now I want to retaliate!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) pulled his shirt up and the old man stepped forward with the cane in his hand and after a moment he started kissing the Prophet’s body. He said I wanted to kiss your chest and the prophet prayed for him.”(1)

What kind of people are we? Don’t we think that we have some right over us or owe something?

Why are you waiting?! Ya Ali!


1- Biḥār al-Anwār, Vol. 22, P. 509.


Do you travel a lot? In your opinion what kind of fellow-traveler were you for others? Were you very formal, serious and stingy? Or were like a person of generous disposition, who is ready to do any thing to have a great trip?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Manliness in trip is to give the fellow traveler from one's provisions for the journey, have a nice temper and be humorous, of course under the condition not to sin.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2490, T. 8622.


People give excuses; they say "we will not marry unless we can provide a house, car, and a luxurious lifestyle for our future wife."

They say: "Why should we get married? We do not want to make someone's daughter miserable at our empty table."

Or they say until they have not finished their education, they will not marry.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Get your sons married so that God will make their behavior nice and increases their daily bread (wealth) and increase their manliness.”(1)

Don’t you think it’s worth it?!!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2250, T. 7814.


Some fathers are used to give baseless promises to their children.

Some mothers have learnt to get rid of their children by giving them promises that they will not keep.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Love your children. Be kind to them and if you give them a promise, keep it because children perceive you as their provider of daily food.” (1)


1- Makārim al-Akhlāq, P. 219.


Many talks are not private and maybe they are so insignificant, that even if every one knows about them it does not matter.

Some talks are important, but if others know about them, nothing happens. However some words are personal and according to people “eavesdropping is prohibited.”

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“When two people are talking privately, do not interrupt their privacy.”(1)

Maybe those two people are you!


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 44, T. 230.


Writing letters is difficult for some people. After reading a whole lot on the importance of letter-writing, still, when they take the pen to write they do not know what to write.

For some people replying to a letter is difficult, many times they postpone it for later in the day or for the next day, or they accept the whim in their mind that they can not reply to the letter.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Replying to a letter is like answering to a salām (salutation)”(1)

It means that it is necessary.


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 177, T. 880.


Do you know who the worst of thieves is?

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“The worst of thieves is someone who steals from his prayers; meaning he does not perform the obligations of his prayers completely.”(1)

It is possible that we also…..


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 3136, T. 10715.


Prolonging ones’ life is the dream of many people especially if life is going well and every thing is in accordance with the persons’ wishes. Some times we hear in the news, according to the research done by health doctors, having many friends prolong the life expectancy; while the scientists are planning to discover the secret to the cells' staying young!

And they are continuously expecting to increase their 70 years old to seventy and few more days.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“Socializing with relatives extends the life expectancy.”(1)


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 7, P. 2017, T. 7049.


Some people think that eating robustly and sleeping like a king and doing nothing will give them high status. If someone helps his wife, he will be accused of being hen-pecked and the sarcastic remarks begin. Recently, I have heard of the existence of a “committee of hen-pecked men!” I seek refuge to Allah!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“No one would help his wife except the honest, martyr or any man for whom God wants blessings in this world and the hereafter.”(1)

Then, come what it may! They can say whatever they want to say!


1- Mīzān al-Ḥikma, Vol. 5, P. 2264, T. 7881.


I intended to write Him a letter or open my heart to Him and only to Him. Only God Himself, but with what courage? With what reputation? He is the God of good people, the people who perform night prayers and I am sinful.

Allah’s favorite people are not from my race neither was I from their race, and I am still angry with Allah after all these years.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“The worst of the Major Sins is having distrust in Allah’s Decree.” (1)

So why anger? Maybe you also become Allah’s favorite! Who knows?


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 82, T. 439.


Work, work and work is the motto of many people, they even sacrifice their rest and refuse to be with the family so that, according to them, they are able to manage their work.

Children of this kind of family spend each Friday and holiday in hope of one day of fun. Some other people in order to relieve themselves put the blame on religion:

“A believer and fun?! A Muslim and playing?! These games are not for us!!”

On the other hand, there are people who are always engrossed in play and know nothing about work.

The Prophet (S.A.W.) gave this advice:

“Have fun and play games because I don’t want people to see absence of life and harshness in your religion.”(1)


1- Nahj al-Faṣāḥa, P. 105, T. 531.


“I told you don’t do it, is it good now, what happened is the consequence of not listening!! Why have you come now?”

“When you were having good times were you thinking of these days?!”

Some people solve people’s problem in this way!

“None of my business, we have nothing to do with this. Go and ask for help some where else”

Some people are like this!

The Prophet (S.A.W.) stated:

“A Muslim who hears another Muslim’s request for help and does nothing is not a Muslim.”(1)


1- Wasā’il al-Shī‘a, Vol. 11, P. 559.


It is better that the secret of charming people be told by other people.

(Mathnawi, I, 136)

"He was associated with sorrow, he always meditated, he was not at ease even for a minute. He was quiet most of the time and did not talk unless necessary. His speech was brief. He had a nice disposition and never humiliated anyone. He valued Divine Blessings even if they were insignificant. He did not get upset over the upheavals of life; however, if people's right were trampled, he got so angry that no one could recognize him and he was not scared of doing any thing to administer justice."

Imam Ḥasan (A.S.) described his grandfathers’ attributes as this.


"He socialized with people and did not drive people away from himself. He respected tribes' dignitaries. He spoke affably to his companions and asked about their situation. He admired and encouraged any good deeds and despised any bad deeds. He was moderate in all his affairs. He had no shortcomings in respecting people's right nor did he ever violate them.

While sitting and standing he always remembered God. He didn't have special place in gatherings and when he entered a gathering, he sat in any unoccupied space. Whoever asked him for a favor he either fulfilled it or his kindly manner made the person content.

His gathering was a gathering of serenity, modesty and honesty and people's respect was not violated. If someone did some thing wrong in his gathering, it was not told any where else. He had a great disposition and a smiling face. He wasn't harsh and verbally abusive. He never found fault with people and never praised people to a great extent. He kept himself away from three things: Quarrel, talkativeness, saying useless words.


He also avoided three things toward people: "Never taunted any one and never found fault with them.", "He didn't talk unless in a place with the hope of reward from God.", "Never interrupted any one's word unless the person was crossing the legitimate limit in that case he either prohibited them or stood up to leave ."(1)

Imam Hussein (A.S.) heard his grandfather’s description from his father as such.


1- Sunan al-Nabī, P. 11-19.


1. Ibn

Shu‘ba Ḥarranī, Abī Muḥammad al-Ḥassan b. ‘Alī b. al-Ḥusayn, Tuḥf al-Uqūl, ed. ‘Alī Akbar Qafārī.

2. Pāyanda, Abul

Qāsim, Nahj al-Faṣāḥa (a collection of the holy Prophet – S.A.W. – 's maxims), Jāvidān Publications, 15th Edition

3. Al-Sarakhsī, Shams al-Dīn, Al-Mabsūṭ , Dār al-Ma‘rifa li al-Ṭibā‘a wa al-Nash Publication, Beirut, Lebanon.

4. Sīmā-yi Ma‘sūmīn (A.S.) dar Āyīna-yi Nigāh-i Maqām Mu‘ẓẓam-i Rahbarī (Glorious Aspects of the infallible Imams (A.S.) in view of the Supreme Leader), Qadr-i Wilāyat Publication, First Edition 1380.


5. Sīyūtī, Jalāl al-Dīn, Jam‘ al-Jawāmi‘, Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut,


6. Ṣadūq, Muḥammed b. ‘Alī, Man Lā Yaḥḍar al-Faqīh, Jāmi‘a-yi Mudarrisīn Publication.

7. Ṭabāṭabā'ī, Muḥammed Ḥusayn, Sunan al-Nabī, trans. And researched by Hādī faqīhī, Islāmiyya Bookshop, 1382.

8. Ṭabarsī, Ḥasan b. Faḍl, Makārim al-Akhlāq, Mu‘assisat al-A‘lamī li al-Maṭbū‘āt.

9. Ṭūsī, Muḥammed b. al-Ḥasan, Tahdhīb al-Aḥkām, Dār al-kutub al-Islāmiyya, Tehran, 1365.

10. ‘Āmilī, Sheikh Ḥurr, Wasā'il al-Shī‘a, Dār Iḥyā' al-Turāth al-‘Arabī.

11. Kulainī

Rāzī, Abī Ja‘far Muḥammed b. Y‘qūb, Uṣūl-i Kāfī, trans. And commentary by Sayyid jawād Muṣṭafawī, ‘Ilmiyya Islāmī Publication.

12. Majlisī, Muḥammed

Bāqir, Biḥār al-Anwār al-Jāmi‘at li Durar al-Akhbār al-A'immat al-Aṭhār, Al-Wafā Publication, 1403 AH.

13. Muḥammadī

Rayshahrī, Muḥammed, Mīzān al-Ḥikma, trans. Ḥamīd Riḍā

Shaykhī, Dār al-Ḥadīth Publication, 1377.


14. Muṭahharī, Murtaḍā, Sayrī da Sīra-yi Nabawī (A Search into the Prophet's Lifestyle), Ṣadrā Publication, 26th Edition, 1382.

15. Mufīd,

Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad b. Nu‘mān, Al-Amālī, Jāmi‘a-yi Mudarrisīn Publication.


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